
  • 网络vocational adaptation;vocational adjustment;vocation adjustment;occupational adjustment;vocational accommodation
  1. 大学毕业生职业适应中的心理冲突及其应对策略

    The Psychological Conflict of the University Graduate Who Just in the Period of Vocational Adjustment and the Coping Strategies

  2. 心理素质对毕业生的择业目标、择业过程和职业适应都有直接影响。

    The psychological quality of graduates has direct effect on the targets , process of their job selection , and vocational adjustment ;

  3. 青年员工职业适应压力源探析

    The Analysis of Occupational Adaptation Stress ors of Young Employees

  4. 卫生事业管理专业人才职业适应能力培养

    The training on vocational adaptability of health service management professionals

  5. 小学初任教师职业适应困扰个案研究

    A Case Study about Beginning Teachers ' Difficulties of Occupational Adaptation in Primary School

  6. 高校旅游专业学生职业适应能力研究

    Study of careers adaptability for tourism professional students

  7. 由此看来,对教师职业适应的研究就显得十分必要。

    Seen in this light , it is very necessary adaptation of the teaching profession .

  8. 城市青年的职业适应:独生子女与非独生子女的比较研究

    Occupation Adaptation of City Youth : comparison between only child and non - only child

  9. 而事实上,员工个体的职业适应能力与职业专注水平对其离职意愿有重要的影响。

    In fact , the individual adaptability and professional level have important effect on turnover intention .

  10. 职业适应期青年生活质量的现状与提升

    The Status Quo and Improvement of the Quality of Life of Youth in the Occupational Adaptation Stage

  11. 第二部分:培养方向的异同&从培养目标、专业口径、职业适应面进行重点突出的叙述和比较;

    The second part , the differentiation between education methods-comparing from the objective , specialty , professional adaptation ;

  12. 第二,不同人口特征变量的职业适应期大学生员工的情绪智力及其各个维度存在差异。

    Secondly , different demographic variables of occupational adaptation period students staff and their various dimensions of El are different .

  13. 职业适应能力成为员工获得生存的必备能力之一,其理念已得到众多学者的认可。

    Career adaptability becomes the essential important ability of each employee and its concept has been accepted by many scholars .

  14. 结论认为,人格特质与心理健康相关,据此可预测职业适应情况。

    Conclusion : personal characteristics are correlated with psychological health , from which it is possible to predict occupational adaptability .

  15. 这些差异主要表现在男性干部的职业适应能力、自我能力、组织适应能力、计划工作能力要强于女干部;男性干部行政领导的满意绩效要高于女性干部;

    The differences are often reflected as adaptation , self-control , planning abilities of male cadres are stronger than female cadres .

  16. 培训内容对职业适应总体水平、能力适应水平有显著影响。

    Training to adapt to the overall level of career , the ability to adapt to the level of a significant effect .

  17. 刚走上工作岗位的大学毕业生的职业适应状况,将深刻影响其整个职业生涯的发展。

    The vocational adjustment condition of the university graduate who just left to work , will profoundly affect their entire professional career development .

  18. 职业适应期则强调制定切实可行的策略、不断反省和修正职业生涯目标等。

    During the period of vocational adjustment , they should focus on the practicable strategies , constantly reflect on and revise their career goals .

  19. 得出以下结论:(1)本研究初任小学美术教师的综合职业适应水平较高。

    The followings are the conclusions : ( 1 ) Comprehensive occupational adaptation levels of the novice art teachers in primary school are high .

  20. 对浙江省某市20家企业146名青年员工的职业适应压力现状进行调查。

    This study was designed to explore the occupational adaptation stress of young employees . 146 employees of 20 different enterprises participated in the research .

  21. 精神生存状态处于中等水平;年轻教师处在职业适应期,普通教师职业生存依然比较艰难。

    Young teachers try to adapt themselves to their job , ordinary teachers teach in hard vocational conditions , whereas influence of political status is everywhere .

  22. 职前培养因素与职业适应总体水平呈低度显著相关,对职业适应总体水平无显著影响。

    The pre-culture factors to the overall level was low significantly associated with vocational adjustment , no significant effect on the overall level of occupational adaptation .

  23. IT高职院校课程设置应坚持以就业为导向,把学生的职业适应能力和应变能力作为课程目标的基本要素;

    The curriculum setup of IT higher vocational schools should be employment-oriented , and take vocational adaptability and responsive ability as basic factors of curriculum objective .

  24. 其中报酬感知因子对农民工的职业适应水平表现出十分明显的直接作用,而内部潜能因子对职业综合适应水平的影响主要通过报酬感知因子的间接效应而实现。

    The factor named sensibility of reward affect the vocational adaptation level quite directly , while the factor named internal potentials affect the vocational adaptation level indirectly .

  25. 笔者在大量的企业调研和现实观察中发现:高校毕业生在刚工作时,都存在着一个职业适应期。

    Through large numbers of corporation investigation and practical observation , the author discovered that there exists an occupation adaptation period when college graduates start their career .

  26. 不同性别、学历、婚姻状况和企业类型的青年员工在职业适应压力的一些维度上差异显著;

    In certain dimensions , there were significant differences in occupational adaptation stress among people of different genders , education levels , marital status and enterprise types .

  27. 通过实证研究发现:提高职业适应期高校毕业生工作满意度有助于提高其工作嵌入度,降低离职倾向。

    The empirical study found that the enhancement of graduates ' job satisfaction in the adaptive stage would benefit their job embeddedness and lower their turnover intention .

  28. 与青年职业适应状况密切相关的因素主要有青年参加工作时间的长短、青年与同事关系的好坏、青年文化程度的高低以及部分职业类型的性质,而是否独生子女则与青年职业适应的状况无关。

    And the main influencing factors to occupation adaptation are the length of service , the relationship with fellow worker , years of schooling and some kind of occupation .

  29. 在预研究阶段,用问卷的方式实地调查了企业青年员工职业适应现状,其目的是为了正式研究阶段的论证分析更有针对性。

    At the pre-study stage , it investigated the present situation of young employees ' occupational adaptation in order to make the analyses of the formal stage more targeted .

  30. 影响其综合职业适应水平的因素有家庭支持程度、生活关怀、社会尊重程度、工龄和工资满意程度等。

    As regards the factors affecting their adaptive level in profession , these include : the support of the family , solicitude for life , the respect of the society , satisfaction with wages , etc.