
  • 网络Self shaping;self-fashioning;self-portrait;self-formation
  1. 一是自我塑造,二是他塑。

    First , self-fashioning , his plastic .

  2. 自我塑造不是仅仅指个体塑造着他们自己,更是意味着文艺复兴文化如何塑造它本身。

    The implication of self-fashioning is not just individuals fashioning themselves but of how Renaissance culture fashioned itself .

  3. 于是我决定为青春期的自我塑造做一组作品&《维他命Z》。

    That 's when I decided to do the series on youth re-fashioning of the self –" Vitamin Z " .

  4. 人只是自我塑造的产物。

    Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself .

  5. 它还引出了如何自我塑造的问题。

    It also raises the question of how a self is made .

  6. 论图书馆服务的泛在化与学科馆员自我塑造

    On the Pan-subjects of Library Services and Self & education of Subject Librarian

  7. 它由自我塑造,自我反思、自我实现和自我反思组成。

    It consists of four parts in self-shaping , self-reflection , self-fulfillment and self-control .

  8. 他不得不自我塑造,简直是从头干起。

    He had to invent himself almost completely .

  9. 网络为人们提供了新的合作交流及自我塑造的空间。

    Network provides a new space of cooperation and exchange and self-shaped for people .

  10. 有利于自我塑造和培养创新型国家建设所需要的人才。

    Is advantageous talented person who needs in the self-mold and the raise innovation national construction .

  11. 文章着重从大学生自我塑造及学校教育等方面论述了大学生积极自我概念的培养。

    It focuses on how to develop a positive self-concept by means of self-shaping and schooling .

  12. 论述了现代图书馆走品牌化之路的途径和现代图书馆品牌形象的自我塑造的要素。

    This paper discusses elements and ways of shaping the trademark and image of modern library .

  13. 教师理想道德人格的塑造包括社会塑造和自我塑造两个方面。

    The cultivation of a teacher 's ideal moral personality consists of social cultivation and self-cultivation .

  14. 第四部分提出了教师人格自我塑造的机制、途径与方法。

    The fourth part talks about the system , methods and ways to self-shape teachers ' personality .

  15. 你得自我塑造,不管你父亲是不是什么大人物。

    You 've got to do your own growing , no matter how tall your father was .

  16. 它基于马克思主义的人学基础,以人的本质论、自我塑造论和自由全面发展论为其理论基础。

    It is based on the Marxist human theory , the human essence theory 、 self-shaping theory and the full and free development theory .

  17. 该软件还为图片提供一个线性描述,例如帅的新定义,神秘和自我塑造之人。

    The software also provides you with a one liner describing the picture in question , such as # HandsomeRedefined , # Mysterious and # SelfMadeMan .

  18. 该软件还为图片提供一个线性描述,例如#帅的新定义,#神秘和#自我塑造之人。

    The software also provides you with a one liner describing the picture in question , such as \# HandsomeRedefined , \# Mysterious and \# SelfMadeMan .

  19. 新型教师的自我塑造就是要让自己成长为综合型教师、学习型教师、研究型教师、合作型教师和创新型教师。

    Becoming synthesis type teachers who are good at learning , research cooperation , and innovation is aimed by the self-sculpture and development of new pattern teachers .

  20. 表演型人格障碍的发生发展,主要与父母的养育方式不当和患者的自我塑造有关。唯美主义的浪荡子&解析王尔德的矛盾性与自我塑造

    Such disorder 's formation is due to the parents'inadequate breeding and the sufferer 's self-perpetuating . An aesthetic dandy : An approach to Oscar Wilde 's paradoxical features and self-fashioning

  21. 教师专业化背景下新型教师的自我塑造论教师职业生涯规划&从新手型教师发展到专家型教师

    The self-sculpture and development of new pattern teachers under the background of teachers specialization ; On the Planning of the Career as a Teacher & From the novice teacher to the expert teacher

  22. 本章指出从新历史主义的观点出发,《秀拉》中的黑人进行了自我塑造,黑人群体的主体性也在文本中得以展示。

    It is pointed that Sula is the history that is fashioned by the black from the perspective of New Historicism . The subjectivity of the black is truly presented in the text .

  23. 在当前,要提高人的素质,我们必须从优生优育、制度建设、发展教育、环境建设、自我塑造等五个方面着手。

    At the present , to improve man 's quality , we must undertake it from five aspects , ie , excellently bearing amd cultivating , constructing system , developing education , constructing environment and self-moulding .

  24. 本文认为,教师的人格塑造不同于学生的人格塑造,它具有良好的思想品德和心理行为基础,主要依靠自我塑造。

    In the thesis , the author thinks that the way to shape teachers ' personality is different from that of students ' the former has good basis on morality and psychological behaviors and relies on self-shape .

  25. 美国梦,在多元文化融合的纽约,为人们带来的是希望也是失望,是自我塑造的无限可能,也是迷失与幻灭的无底深渊。

    The American Dream , as both its promises and disappointments are experienced by generations in a multicultural New York , teeming with possibilities for self-invention , as well as with unfathomable abyss for becoming lost or disillusioned .

  26. 详细地提出了进行精神世界建构的途径,优化经济环境、促进经济发展,促进政治建设、优化社会环境,加强文化建设、促进精神文明,加强自我塑造、提高自身修养,实现精神世界建构。

    In the spiritual world construction we stick to four main ways of optimizing the economic environment , promoting economic development , promoting political , optimizing social environment , strengthening cultural construction , the promotion of spiritual civilization , strengthening the self-build , strengthening our self-realization .

  27. 匿名的身份往往使教师更乐于敞开心扉,倾诉真实的自我,塑造积极向上的教育文化。

    The anonymous appearance makes them happy to open wide their minds , tell a real self , and create a positive educational culture .

  28. 余华就是这样一位在新时期文坛上孜孜不倦、不断超越自我地塑造着父亲形象的代表作家之一。

    Yu Hua is one of such a tireless wither in the new era of literary circles , continuing to better ourselves to shape the image of " father " .

  29. 通过个体书写,人们将自己的观念、理解和认同,一起包含入自己所书写的故事中,并借助叙述自己的故事实现了对自我的塑造。

    By the individual writing , people put their ideas , understanding and identity into their writing stories and with the narrative of their stories people can achieve the self shaping .

  30. 休闲独特的社会场景为个体自我认同的塑造与表现提供了特别的机会。

    The unique social scene of leisure offers particular chance for molding and representing individual self-identity .