
  • 网络Self evaluation
  1. 基于KBE的冲压件自评价工艺方案设计

    Self-evaluation process plan design of stamping part based on KBE

  2. 提出了应用于项目风险评估的基于偏好锥DEA模型的交叉效率评价方法,体现了自评价和他评价之间的交叉评价机制。

    It presents a cross-efficiency evaluation method based on DEA model with preference cone using in project risk assessment , reflects cross-evaluation mechanism between self-evaluation and peer-evaluation .

  3. 建立环境影响自评价机制持续改进炼化企业环境表现

    Set up Self-Evaluation System of Environment Effect to Sustainedly Improve Environment Behavior of Refining and Chemical Enterprise

  4. 目的对项目省沙门菌监测系统的自评价问卷、现场评价和沙门菌监测数据进行综合评价,为改进监测系统提供依据。

    Objective To improve the surveillance system quality and efficiency though a comprehensive evaluation to Salmonella surveillance data and the results of self-evaluation questionnaire and field evaluation to project provinces .

  5. 激励战略控制的执行主体,以调动其自控置与自评价的积极性,以保证企业战略实施的切实有效。本人长期在烟草多元化企业工作,对烟草多元化企业有较深的认识。

    Encourage the main body for the implementation of the control strategy , to mobilize their self-controlled and self-evaluated enthusiasm , to ensure the implementation of the strategy effective . I have been working in tobacco diversification companies for a long time and have deep understanding on them .

  6. 他不但是位吝啬鬼,也是位喜欢自作评价者。

    He is not only a penny-pincher , but also a very judgmental person .

  7. 看了结果后我将自作评价。

    I shall make my own judgment on the matter when I see the results .

  8. 干燥条件下高强混凝土的自收缩及其评价

    Autogenously Shrinkage of High Strength Concrete Under Drying at Early Ages and Its Evaluation

  9. 而且,外部群体对标准照(由研究员拍摄)评价比自拍照的评价要高。

    Also , all of the researcher-taken photos were rated higher than the selfie photos .

  10. 而5名受试不仅要进行自评(评价自己),还要同时评价其他4名受试。

    The 5 subjects evaluated themselves with a self-evaluation scale and at the same time evaluated the other four .

  11. 该方法首先应用自组织网络评价模型得出最小量化误差,作为轴承性能退化评价指标。

    Firstly , the minimum quantization error is calculated by self-organizing map network model for performance degradation assessment of bearing .

  12. 方法:随机抽取101名保险业务员人作为研究对象。用以音乐为背景的语言诱导方法,对业务员进行集体心理治疗,治疗前后用抑郁自评问卷评价结果。

    METHODS : Totally 101 insurance sellers selected randomly , received the psycho therapy of language induction based on background music , and were measured with the self rating depression scale ( SDS ) before and after treatment .

  13. 自环境影响评价制度作为一项基本制度在世界各国的环境法中确立以来,由于其本身具有的科学技术性、前瞻预测性和内容综合性等优点,已经成为环境行政决策的主要依据。

    Since the Environmental Impact Assessment System has been established as a basic system of environmental law in the world , because of the advantages of technological capabilities 、 predict function and comprehensive content , it has become the main reference of the environmental administrative decision .

  14. 基于Agent网的知识网自重构的需求评价模型

    Requirement evaluation model in the self - reconfiguration of the knowledge mesh based on the agent mesh

  15. 教师自评是教学评价制度现代化的标志&兼论教师专业发展的新路径

    Teachers ' Self-evaluation Is A Symble of Modernization for Teaching Evaluation System

  16. 微米铜在润滑脂中自修复性能的评价

    Evaluation of Self - repair of Micron Copper in Greases

  17. 分形供应链的自相似性与其评价模型

    The Similarity and Measuring Model of Fractal Supply Chain

  18. 症状自评量表评价新入伍飞行学员心理健康状况

    Evaluation of mental health of new military flight cadets by Symptom Checklist 90

  19. 结构方程模型在中国居民自报健康状况评价中的应用

    Application of structural equation model in measurement of self-reported health status in Chinese residents

  20. 2004年国内6种图书情报学核心期刊的自引分析与评价

    Self-citation Analysis and Evaluation of the 6 Core Journals of Library and Information Science in China in 2004

  21. 分析了箱梁的自振特性,评价了其动力性能,得出了预应力与自振频率的关系。

    The dynamic properties of the girder are evaluated from the analysis of its free vibration , and the relation between the prestress and free vibration is discovered .

  22. 目的:采用自拟躯体症状量表和评价心理卫生状况的90项症状自评量表评价推拿疗法对亚健康人群心身的调理作用。

    AIM : To assess the role of manipulative therapy in nursing the psychosomatic symptoms of sub-health population by using self-designed body symptom scale and symptom checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ) .

  23. 近年来的教学改革实践表明:采取学生分组、分类指导、学生自评和教师评价相结合的方法可以有效地提高课程论文的教学效果。

    The teaching practice made by the author recently shows that following method can be effectively used to improve the qualities of curriculum papers by dividing students into groups , instructing them differently , evaluating their papers by both teachers and students themselves .

  24. 高校的自评在英国高等教育质量评价过程中占非常重要的位置,高等教育质量保障署(QAA)作为英国最重要的高等教育质量保证机构之一,也将自评报告置于评价过程的核心地位。

    Self-evaluation weighs significantly in British teaching quality assessment for higher education . QAA , one of the most important guarantor institution for higher education quality , places self-evaluation in the core of assessment .