
  • 网络timber price
  1. 影响南平市木材价格主要因子的分析研究

    Research of the Main Factors of Affection Timber Price in Nanping

  2. 木材价格对于森工系统利润的影响很大;

    Timber price has great impact on benefits of forest industry .

  3. 同时,依据三次指数平滑模型和灰色系统理论GM(1,1)模型,分析了杉木小径材木材价格变动趋势。

    Meanwhile , it also analyzes the price trend according to grey-system theory GM ( 1,1 ) and smooth model SM2 .

  4. 木材价格是林地价格的集中反映。

    Local timber price can have big influence over local land price .

  5. 木材价格的变化也会对森林碳汇的供给产生影响。

    Timber price changes will impact the supply of forest carbon sinks .

  6. 木材价格理论及其计算模型的探讨

    Discussion the theory of timber price and its calculated model

  7. 南方集体林区木材价格研究

    A Study on Timber Price in the Collective Owned Forest Regions of Southern China

  8. 木材价格上涨,新建房屋的价格势必随着上涨。

    Lumberprices go up , and higher prices for new houses are bound to result .

  9. 网络连接模块实现对木材价格表、经济指标等数据的在线更新工作。

    Network connectivity realized prices for wood tables , economic indicators , such as online updating of the data .

  10. 数据维护模块实现了对木材价格表、生长预测方程、经济指标等数据的管理;

    The data maintenance module had realized the management of the timber price list , growth predicting equation , economic index and so on .

  11. 尽管结论是相对简单明了的,但国内学界却没有木材价格波动率对木材产量影响的检验。

    Although the conclusion is simple and straightforward , the domestic scholars have no inspection of the timber price volatility on the impact of timber production .

  12. 结果表明,人工林作业主要的成本为抚育作业成本,主要的不确定性为木材价格的变动。

    The research findings suggest that the main cost of plantation operation is tending operation cost , while the main uncertainty is the timber price changes .

  13. 研究了木材价格的变化为一自相关过程时用材林采伐的随机决策分析问题,分析了用材林经营决策中的不确定性因素及其对经营决策的影响;

    This study is about a timber harvest decision problem , in which the timber prices are varied as a self correlation stochastic process . The uncertain factors in timber management and their effects are analyzed .

  14. 本研究遵循资料易于获取的原则,从统计年鉴中选取可能影响木材价格的因素,采用主成分分析法和逐步回归分析法进行分析。

    This research follows the principle that data apt to obtains , from statistics yearbook win election the possibility that take factors of affection timber price , adopting the principle component analysis method and the gradually regression analysis method to analysis .

  15. 现存的木材市场价格信号失真。

    The existing timber market indicators lack fidelity .

  16. 并且当市场价格水平、无风险利率越高,木材市场价格波动率越大,企业拥有原料基地的战略价值越大;

    The higher price of wood material , capital cost and price fluctuation , the more valuation ;

  17. 用调整后的杉木木材影子价格计算木材收入;采用贴现法进行经济分析,并用净现值最大确定经济成熟。

    By means of discounted measure , economic analysis was analysed and economic maturity was determined by the maximum net present value .

  18. 对新古典红木家具的需求,已将某些木材的价格推高至每立方米数万美元,并在湄公河流域的森林引发非法伐木者与护林员之间的流血冲突。

    Demand for neoclassical redwood furniture has raised prices for some forms of timber to tens of thousands of dollars per cubic metre and sparked deadly clashes between tree poachers and rangers in Mekong region forests .

  19. 然而,据说随着原油以及劳动力成本的提升,北美木材的价格从今年四月到五月以300-400美元的增长率提升。

    However , it 's said that , with the rise of crude oil price and labor cost , the costs of North American wood further increased , with the growth rate of US $ 300-400 / stuffing in April and May of this year .

  20. 由于市场木材过剩、价格回落,家具生产商的订单增加了。

    Orders of furnishings manufactures increased as prices fell because of the ~ timber on the market .

  21. 与传统漂白剂H2O2相比,新型木材漂白剂的价格更低,漂白效果更好,操作更方便。

    Compared with H2O2 , a traditional wood bleaching agent , the new bleaching agent has lower cost and better result with the operation being more convenient .

  22. 第二,环保认证后的木材会比普通木材价格昂过,因为木材公司必须向认证机构支付审核费用才能得到相关的认证。

    Second , ecocertified wood will be more expensive than uncertified wood because in order to earn ecocertification , a wood company must pay to have its business examined by a certification agency .

  23. 同时,俄罗斯议会为了最大力度阻止木材出口,降低国内市场木材价格,所颁布的新行业法规也是导致此趋势的重要原因之一。

    This is also caused by the new laws adopted by DUMA in hope of mainly blocking the log export and reducing the prices from the national market .