
  • 网络sbc;soft budget constraint
  1. 我国软预算约束的治理:理论与政策

    The Cure of SBC in China : theories and Policies

  2. 道德风险、沉淀成本效应与软预算约束

    Moral Hazard , Sunk Cost Effect and Soft Budget Constraints

  3. 商业银行软预算约束与行为研究

    A Study on Soft Budget Constraint and Behavior of Commercial Banks

  4. 转轨经济、软预算约束与财政分权

    Transition Economy , Soft Budget Constraint and Fiscal Decentralization

  5. 转型期国有商业银行的软预算约束

    The Soft Budget Constraint of State-owned Commercial Banks in the Process of Transition

  6. 软预算约束与国企改革:从要素投入的视角分析

    Soft Budget Constraints and Transformation of the State-Owned Enterprise : Factor Input Analysis

  7. 中国银行业改革中的软预算约束

    Soft Budget Constrain of the Reform of Chinese Bank

  8. 软预算约束理论概述

    A Survey of Soft Budget Bound Theory

  9. 国有金融体制的软预算约束也应承担很大责任。

    The state-owened financial system with soft-budget constraints is also responsible for the local debt crisis .

  10. 软预算约束制度成因研究的现状与逻辑

    On the Institutional Genesis of the Soft Budget Constraint : a Critical Review on the Research Logic

  11. 我国正处在经济转轨时期,软预算约束问题仍然存在。

    China is in the period of economic transition , the soft budget constraint issue still exists .

  12. 本文认为企业不能满足该约束条件是导致软预算约束的根本原因。

    We argue that failing to meet the condition is an important cause for soft budget constraint .

  13. 信贷集中与扩张、软预算约束竞争和银行系统性风险

    Credit Concentration and Expanding , the Competition of Soft Budget Constraint and Systematic Risk of Bank 's Credit

  14. 假设2:政府依存度越高,软预算约束发生的可能性越大。

    In suppose two , the higher degree of governmental dependence is , the more possibility soft budget constraint happened .

  15. 本文将通过模型来分析国有企业在软预算约束下会采取的策略性行为及其后果。

    This paper analyzes the strategic behaviors of state-owned enterprises under soft budget constraint during economy transition and the market results .

  16. 本文从软预算约束角度出发,研究我国经济转轨路径的优化问题。

    The author focuses on the optimization of economic transition in China from the view of soft budget constraint ( SBC ) .

  17. 第三章,从理论和案例两个层面研究银行软预算约束的形成机理和经济后果;

    The third chapter discusses the formation mechanism and result of soft budget constraint with some typical cases at home and abroad .

  18. 本文是循着软预算约束下强弱对比的制度安排这一线索来组织主要结构的。

    In this thesis , we mainly follow the framework of the comparing the strong and weak system under the soft budget constraint .

  19. 文章尝试借助合作博弈的方法,分析软预算约束的作用机理,并且对政府、银行和企业之间的软预算约束链条进行剖析。

    This paper tries using the cooperate game theory to analyze the chain of the soft budget constraint among government , bank and enterprise .

  20. 大量文献集中研究了软预算约束的起源以及政策性负担和银行不良资产。

    A lot of literatures study the origin of soft budget constraint , policy burden and bad assets in state-owned banks ( SOB ) .

  21. 论文运用动态模型对软预算约束的形成路径进行了理论研究,并对中国国有企业改革的路径选择进行实证研究。

    The paper studies the formation path of soft constraint by dynamic optimization and the process of State-owned enterprises ( SOEs ) transformation in China .

  22. 首先介绍了生产要素价格,价格扭曲以及软预算约束的相关概念。

    In this part , this article introduces the prices of production factors , the distortions of price and the conception of soft budget constraints firstly .

  23. 本文利用不完全信息动态博弈模型,探讨了金融危机、监管者的软预算约束与银行道德风险之间的关系。

    Using a dynamic game model of incomplete information , this paper discusses the relations among financial crisis , regulators soft budget constraints and bankers moral hazard .

  24. 已有的关于软预算约束的研究大多集中在政企之间,且多以非合作博弈方法对之进行分析。

    Then , the importance and the restriction of each agent are considered to obtain an order of simple scheduling problems based on the cooperation game theory .

  25. 高校所承担的政策性负担造成了高校软预算约束和超量贷款。

    Since information asymmetry and incentive are incompatible , policy burdens will lead to the adverse selection of university presidents , and hence the excessive loans and low efficiency .

  26. 文中提出财政分权不必然导致软预算约束,而是由于相关配套体制不健全,才会给地方政府提供机会主义的条件。

    It proposes that soft budget constraint results not directly from fiscal decentralization institution itself but from imperfect supporting system leading to the emergence of opportunism for local governments .

  27. 本文将以转型经济中两类重要的可信承诺问题软预算约束问题和棘轮效应问题的有关模型研究来说明我们的观点。

    The article presents view points through analyzing the models related to two important issues of credible commitments in a transitional economy , soft budget constraints and ratchet effects .

  28. 我国国有银行在转型过程中依然保持着软预算约束,并没有建立消除大量不良贷款产生的机制。

    The state-owned commercial banks maintain the soft budget constraint ( SBC ) and do not establish the mechanisms to remove the unhealthy loan in the process of transition .

  29. 本文认为原因分内外部因素两个方面:外部因素有软预算约束、地方政府投融资和存贷利差水平,内部因素有激励机制和监督机制。

    This paper argues that causes have internal and external factors : external factors are soft budget constraint , local government investment and financing and the level of deposit-loan spread .

  30. 银行软预算约束的存在使银行业风险监管的有效性受到了很大的影响,仅通过最低资本规定无法有效实现金融体系的安全性和稳定性目标。

    Soft budget constraint greatly reduced the effect of banking risk supervision , so it 's not easy to realize the safety and stability of financial system only with minimum capital requirement .