
  1. 鱼类的一个目,属于包含鲶鱼的软鳍亚目。

    An order of fish belonging to the superorder Malacopterygii including catfishes .

  2. 软鳍的主要是淡水的鱼,特征是生有无牙的咽喉和圆盘状的鱼鳞。

    Soft-finned mainly freshwater fishes typically having toothless jaws and cycloid scales .

  3. 北部海洋浅水中的多种鲱科软鳍食用鱼。

    Any of numerous soft-finned schooling food fishes of shallow waters of northern seas .

  4. 硬骨鱼纲有软鳍的鱼。

    A soft-finned fish of the order Cypriniformes .