
  1. 软化水处理系统存在问题及对策

    Problems in the Softened Water Treatment System and the Countermeasures

  2. 造粒法在软化水处理中的应用

    The Application in Water Softening by Means of Pellet Reactor

  3. 锅炉软化水处理设备微机控制系统的研制

    Development of a Microcomputer Control System for Softening Water Equipment of Boilers

  4. 软化水处理过程微机监测系统

    Microcomputer monitoring system for intenerating process of water

  5. 面向软化水处理的纳滤膜分离技术

    Application of nanofiltration membrane to water softening

  6. 聚合硫酸铁用作石灰软化水处理混凝剂的研究

    Study on Polymerized Ferric Sulfate Used as the Coagulating Age in water Softening Treatment by Lime

  7. 叙述了用单片计算机控制锅炉软化水处理设备的工作过程。

    This paper discusses the working principle of boiler water processing based on a single chip computer system .

  8. 介绍了铵离子交换除碱软化水处理方法的原理、工作过程和控制方法及应用中注意事项。

    Introduced the principle , operation proceeding , control method of the NH 4 + exchange and dealkalization method for water-soften ing .

  9. 本文介绍了东北轻合金有限责任公司锅炉用软化水处理工艺及钠离子交换树脂中毒类型和解决的办法。

    This paper introduced on solving method of boiler applied soft wator treated technology and sodium ion exchange resin " poisoning " problem and solving method in Northeast Light Alloy Co.

  10. 高炉炉体密闭循环系统软化水水处理技术

    Treatment technique of softened water in closed cycle system for blast

  11. 进口自动软化过滤器在水处理应用中的问题

    Problems Existing in the Imported Automatic Softening and Filtration Apparatus in Water Treatment Operation

  12. 自动软化器技术在水处理领域的应用

    Application of automatic softener technique in the field of water treatment

  13. 环境友好的软化水质循环冷却水处理方案

    Environmentally Friendly Soft Cooling Water Treatment

  14. 改造后,原钠床软化+反渗透水处理系统优化设计成为反渗透+一级复床除盐水处理系统;

    After reconstruction and optimization design , the primary " sodium bed soften + reverse osmosis " water process system became " reverse osmosis + first level compound bed desalting " water treatment system .