
  • 网络anion exchange membrane;aems;AAEM;AAEMs
  1. HCl和FeCl2在阴离子交换膜中扩散速度的测定

    Determination of the diffusion velocity of HCl and FeCl 2 in anion exchange membrane

  2. SPE阴离子交换膜技术电解制备FeO4~(2-)及其降解脱色性能的研究

    Electro-generated FeO_4 ~ ( 2 - ) using SPE Anion Exchange Membrane Technique and Studies of its Decolorization and Degradation Properties

  3. 通过氯甲基化、胺化、水解等反应,制得了OH型季胺化酚酞型聚醚砜阴离子交换膜。

    Through chloromethylated , aminate and hydrolytic reaction , OH-form quaternized PES-C membranes were synthesized .

  4. 基于固定化染料吸收光谱的原理,本文研究了将染料指示剂固定于阴离子交换膜上而制成的光导纤维pH传感器。

    A series of pH optic sensors based on absorption spectra is prepared by immobilizing six dyes on anion exchange membranes and attaching the membranes to the end of a bifurcated fiber-optic bundle .

  5. 本文依据Fick扩散定律提出了测定HCl和FeCl2在阴离子交换膜中扩散速度的方法。

    On the basis of Fick diffusion law , a method of determining diffusion velocity of HCl and FeCl 2 in the anion exchange membrane was offered in this study .

  6. 近来,随着阴离子交换膜的发展,碱性DMFCs被广泛的研究。

    Recently , with the development of anion exchange membrance , increasing attention has been paid to the search for alkaline DMFCs .

  7. 阴离子交换膜燃料电池(AnionExchangeMembraneFuelCell,AEMFC)结合了质子交换膜燃料电池结构简单,碱性燃料电池氧化速度快以及直接甲醇燃料电池高能量密度等一系列优点,具有很大的发展空间。

    Anion exchange membrane fuel cells ( AEMFC ) have great development prospects due to its combination of advantages for the simple structure for proton exchange membrane fuel cell , fast oxidation for traditional alkaline fuel cell and high energy density for direct methanol fuel cells .

  8. 阴离子交换膜直接甲醇燃料电池(AEM-DMFC)采用阴离子交换膜作为电解质。

    Anion exchange membrane direct methanol fuel cell ( AEM-DMFC ) uses anion exchange membrane as polyelectrolyte .

  9. 醇/水混合物在磺化聚乙烯中空纤维阴离子交换膜中的渗透汽化

    Pervaporation of Alcohol-Water Mixtures Through Sulfonated Polyethylene Hollow Fiber Anion-Exchange Membrane

  10. 均质阴离子交换膜在电解提纯金中的应用

    An Application of Homogeneous Anion Exchange Membrane to Gold Refining by Electrolysis

  11. 阴离子交换膜电解处理硫酸酸洗废液

    Electrolytic treatment of waste sulfuric acid pickling solution with anion exchange membrane

  12. 季铵化聚醚砜酮阴离子交换膜材料的研制

    Preparation of quaternary-ammonium poly ( phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone ) anion-exchange membrane

  13. 有机&无机杂化阴离子交换膜的制备、表征和应用

    Preparation , Characterizations and Application of Organic-inorganic Hybrid Anion-exchange Membranes

  14. 燃料电池用阴离子交换膜的制备与性能研究

    Preparation and Characterization of Anion Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cells

  15. 利用浸渍法成功制备了QAPSA/PTFE复合阴离子交换膜。

    QAPSA / PTFE composite anion exchange membrane was successfully prepared using dipping method .

  16. 采用具有选择透过性的均质阴离子交换膜进行金电解。

    A homogeneous anion exchange membrane with selective permeability was been applied to gold electrolysis .

  17. 阴离子交换膜固相化学发光法测定痕量金

    Determination of Trace Amount of Gold by the Solid Surface Chemiluminescence Technique with Anion Exchange Membrane

  18. 负载螯合剂阴离子交换膜光度法Ⅱ.锌试剂负载膜作微量铜的测定

    Chelating agent-loaded anion exchange membranes spectrophotometry ⅱ . Determination trace copper with ■ exchange ■ brane

  19. 聚砜强碱性阴离子交换膜

    Strongly basic polysulfone anion exchange memebrane

  20. 阴离子交换膜扩散渗析技术已被成功地应用于钢铁废酸的回收处理工程。

    Diffusion dialysis using anion exchange membrane has been successfully used in separating waste steel pickle liquor .

  21. IM&2型强碱性阴离子交换膜的制备及其在苦咸水脱盐中的应用

    Preparation of IM-2 Homogeneous Strongly Basic Anion Exchange Membrane and Its Application In Desalination of Brackish Water

  22. 全钒液流电池用季铵化杂萘联苯聚醚酮阴离子交换膜的研究

    Preparation of Quaternized Poly ( Phthalazinone Ether Ketone ) Anion-exchange Membranes for All Vanadium Flow Redox Battery

  23. 阴离子交换膜在金电解造液过程中的技术指标,其优于素烧坩埚金电解造液技术指标。

    The indexes were compared with those ones in gold electrolyte preparation with bisque firing crucible process .

  24. 过量有机溶剂的使用不仅对人体健康有害,同时也提高了阴离子交换膜的生产成本。

    This excess use of toxic organic solvents should not only harm human health but also raise costs of the AEMs .

  25. 尤其近年来新能源领域发展迅速,碱性燃料电池用阴离子交换膜也同样需要在高温条件下(100-120℃)运行,需要耐碱、耐高温和高离子电导率。

    Recently , anion exchange membrane as a electrolyte membrane in fuel cell also requires alkaline resistance , high temperature tolerance and high conductivity .

  26. 在此基础上揭示阳离子交换膜、阴离子交换膜对离子的不同吸附特性,以及膜面电阻对电解质溶液浓度依存特性。

    The measured results revealed the various adsorption behaviors of cation and anion exchange membranes , and showed membrane area resistance dependence upon electrolyte solution concentration .

  27. 根据恒流电解原理和阴离子交换膜能防止阳离子透过的特性,建立了用电解法溶解锡样品的方法。

    Based on the constant current electrolytic dissolution principle and the characteristics of an anion exchange membrane which hinders cation passage , a procedure for dissolving tin is described .

  28. 阴离子交换膜是一种对阴离子选择性透过的膜,目前在分离、提纯领域主要使用的是聚苯乙烯基阴离子交换膜。

    An anion exchange membrane is a kind of membranes which is selectively permeable to anions . Polystyrene-based anion exchange membrane as a typical anion exchange membrane is widely applied in fields like separation , purification .

  29. 并且苯乙烯、对氯甲基苯乙烯、甲基丙烯酸甲酯和丙烯酸丁酯的摩尔比为25:10:25:40,得到的聚合物综合性能较好。(3)通过季胺化反应、离子交换制备了OH-型阴离子交换膜。

    When the molar ratio of St , CMS , MMA and BA was 25:10:25:40 , the resulting polymer shows satisfying properties . ( 3 ) Alkaline polymer electrolyte membrane was prepared by quaternization reaction and anion exchange .

  30. 首次采用膜电解电溶法制备高纯氯化镍溶液,通过阴离子交换膜的选择,在自行设计的膜电解槽中控制适当的电解条件,制备出满足生产特种镍粉要求的氯化镍溶液。

    The main innovation contents in this dissertation are as follows : For the first time , membrane electrolytic method was used to prepare high-purity nickel chloride solution for producing special nickel powder in a membrane electrobath designed ourselves , and with choosing anion membrane .