
  • 网络cathodic protection
  1. CCPM型区域阴极防腐智能在线监控系统的研制

    Development of CCPM On-line Intelligent Monitoring Control System of Regional Cathodic Protection

  2. 该智能无线遥控型恒电位仪是一种应用于阴极防腐保护的大功率直流电源。

    The intelligent wireless remote control potentiostat is a high power direct supply for cathodic protection .

  3. 适用于阴极防腐保护的一种新型恒电位仪

    A Novel Constant Potential Apparatus Applied for the Cathode Anticorrosion

  4. 一种新型阴极防腐特种电源

    A Novel Power Apparatus Applied for the Cathode Anticorrosion

  5. 一种适用于油气管线阴极防腐的新型功率变换器

    / a new type of power converter available for cathode anticorrosion of oil gas pipelines

  6. 提出了一种适用于油气集输管线阴极防腐保护的新型功率变换器。

    A new type of power converter for the cathode anticorrosion applied to oil gas pipelines is developed .

  7. 植物温室钢架外加电流阴极防腐技术的试验研究

    Experiment and Study on the Cathode Anticorrosive Technology of Additional Electric Current Through Steel Frames of the Plant Greenhouse

  8. 埋地钢质管道在防腐层、阴极防腐的共同保护下,钢管的某些区域仍会被腐蚀穿孔。

    With joint protections of coating and cathode , the buried steel pipeline will still be corroded and penetraded on some pipe surfaces .

  9. 南水北调中线工程PCCP管道阴极保护防腐技术探讨

    Study of the Cathode Protection Technology for PCCP in South to North Water Diversion Middle Route Project

  10. 原油储罐底板的腐蚀与阴极保护防腐

    Corrosion on the Bottom Plates of Oil Storage Tanks and Cathodic Protection Thereof

  11. 给水埋地钢管阴极保护防腐的应用

    Application of cathode protection of steel water supply pipeline

  12. 鼓型滤网主要由鼓骨架、主轴装配、驱动装置、冲洗水系统、润滑系统、密封系统、操作平台、电气控制装置、阴极保护防腐装置等组成。

    Drum filter drum skeleton from the main spindle assembly , device drivers , flushing water systems , lubrication system , a closed system , operating platforms , the electrical control devices , anti-corrosion cathodic protection devices and so on .

  13. 为延长连云港钢板桩码头岸壁的使用寿命,研究并采用了涂料与外加电流阴极保护联合防腐系统。

    For extending the service life of a steel sheet piling wharf in Lianyungang Harbor , a protection system consisting of impressed current cathodic protection and protective coating is studied and applied .

  14. 对采用阴极保护和沥青防腐层联合防护的管道防腐层质量进行了调查分析。

    The article makes investigation and analyzes the quality of pipeline coating with asphalt in combination with cathodic protection .

  15. 外防腐涂层是埋地钢质管道主要防腐手段,阴极保护是涂层防腐的补充手段。

    External corrosion coating is a main corrosion prevention measure of buried steel pipeline , with cathodic protection being complementary .

  16. 分析了造成原油储罐罐底板腐蚀的各种原因,分别从阴极保护、涂料防腐和边缘板防腐等方面对储罐罐底板上、下表面的保护作了介绍。

    This paper analyses corrosion causes of Crude Oil Tank and countermeasure of cathodic protection , coating , anticorrosion for rim plate .

  17. 用于深海资源开发的大规模海洋结构物通常要求在充分长的期间内确保充分的安全性,因而广泛采用防腐涂层加阴极保护的复合防腐措施。

    Large-scale ocean structures used for deep-sea resource development generally require to ensure adequate security in a long period , and the method of anti-corrosion coating with cathodic protection is widely used .

  18. 在实施本论文的研究过程中,通过阅读大量的文献资料及教程,掌握了与课题相关的基本理论,并在理论的指导下分析了阴极保护状态下防腐电流产生的电磁场问题。

    In the research processes , after reading a lot of literature review , grasp the basic principle of the related magnetism , and then a study on the corrosion related magnetic field problem was carried out based on the basic theory .

  19. (电)阴极的,负极的石油管线阴极防腐保护控制及数据远传

    Control and Wireless Data Transmission of Cathodic Anti-corrosion Protection for Oil Pipeline

  20. 阴极保护电位和电位仪站之间距离的控制是绝缘涂层加阴极保护联合防腐技术的关键;

    A proper choice of the cathode protection potential and the distance between potentiometer stations is the key issue to ensure to effectiveness of the combined measures .