
  1. VSR调节技术在煤气加压机上的应用及分析

    Application and Analysis of VSR Adjustment Technology in Gas Blower

  2. 韶钢焙烧厂煤气加压机安装使用了VSR气动预旋风调节装置,实现了对风机的等压力流量调节,并可节约电能。

    VSR pre-turbulent regulator was employed in the gas pressurization unit at the roasting plant of SISG , therefore a steady-pressure regulation of gas flow rate and energy saving were realized .

  3. 针对煤气加压机在加压过程中经常跳闸和煤气管网压力波动较大导致机后压力不稳定的情况,介绍了采用S7-200PLC对该系统进行变频器改造的原理和实现方法。

    This paper introduces the reform concept and realization method based on S7-200 PLC on trip fault and the wavy pressure behind engine in the process of compressing .

  4. 2008/435型煤气加压机润滑系统的改造

    Transformation of the Lubrication System of 2008 / 435 Gas Pressure Machine

  5. 混合煤气加压机模糊控制系统

    Computer fuzzy control system of mixed gas repressuring machine

  6. 变频器在煤气加压机中的应用

    Application of Converter in the Gas - press System

  7. 粉末联轴器在煤气加压机上的应用

    Application of powder coupling in gas presser

  8. 变频调速在焦炉煤气加压机控制系统中的应用

    Application of Frequency Variable Speed Regulation in the Control System of Coke Oven Gas Pressuring Machine

  9. 低频声波清灰装置在煤气加压机叶轮清灰中的应用

    Application of Low Frequency Sound Wave Deashing Device in Deashing of Impeller of Gas Pressure Machine

  10. 本文介绍了利用模糊控制技术对混合煤气加压机这种非线性系统进行恒压控制的方法。

    This paper presents a method of keeping press of mixing gas pressure constant with the use of fuzzy control .

  11. 原煤气加压机抽取110kPa低压煤气加压至280kPa,功耗大。

    Originally the low-pressure gas of 110 kPa was extracted in and pressed to 280 kPa by gas presser and thus more energy was exhausted .

  12. 为节约能源,对煤气加压机系统进行改造,改造后煤气加压机抽取230kPa的高压煤气,加压至290kPa,大大节约能源。

    Then the gas presser was reformed and the high-pressure gas of 230 kPa was extracted in and pressed to 290 kPa and thus energy was greatly saved .

  13. 被冷却净化后的煤气经加压机,通过煤气管道输送使用。

    Be cooling after purification of gas pressure machine , through the use of gas pipeline .