
  • 网络coal gas washing water
  1. 根据煤气洗涤水的性质,用ClO2氧化除酚,SL和PAM混凝沉降除悬浮物的方法处理煤气洗涤水。

    Based in the character of the coal gas washing water , using chlorine dioxide oxidize phenol and using SL and PAM as flocculant eliminate the tar and the suspended solid subsided .

  2. 煤气洗涤水的治理研究

    Treatment and Research of Coal Gas Washing water

  3. ClO2氧化,混凝沉降法处理煤气洗涤水的研究

    Study on Treatment of Coal-gas Washing Water Using Chlorine Dioxide Oxidation and Coagulative Precipitation

  4. 发生炉煤气洗涤水处理工艺的研究

    Study on Treating Process for Waste Water from Producer Gas Scrubbing

  5. 高炉煤气洗涤水处理站技术改造

    Technical Reformation of Scrubbing Water Treatment Station for Blast Furnace Gas

  6. 高炉煤气洗涤水系统综合处理与利用

    Integrated Disposal and Utilization of Scrubbing Water of Blast Furnace Gas

  7. 武钢6~高炉煤气洗涤水处理新思路

    New Thought to Treat No.6 Blast Furnace Gas Scrubbing Water

  8. 沙钢高炉煤气洗涤水系统水质稳定处理技术探讨

    Discussion about Keeping the Water Quality in Shagang BF Gas Washing Water System

  9. 酒钢高炉煤气洗涤水污泥的处理

    Disposal of Scrubbing Sludge of Blast Furnace Gas

  10. 高炉煤气洗涤水系统堵塞情况调查和原因分析

    Survey of Blockage in Furnace Gas Water Circuit

  11. 对高炉煤气洗涤水系统结铅锌铝垢的探讨

    Discussion on Problems of Lead-Zinc-Aluminium Scalings in Washing Water System for Blast Furnaces Gas

  12. 2号高炉煤气洗涤水再利用新技术研究

    A New Technique of The Reuse of Gas Washing Water of NO.2 Blast Furnace

  13. 高炉煤气洗涤水降温降浊研究与应用

    Investigation and Application of Reduction of Temperature and Pollution of BF Gas Washing Water

  14. 用氯化铝钙处理高炉煤气洗涤水实验研究

    Study on the treatment of the scrubbing water of blast furnace by aluminum calcium chloride

  15. 2500m~3高炉煤气洗涤水水质稳定

    Measures to Stabilize Water Quality of Scrubbing Water of 2500 m ~ 3 Blast Furnace

  16. 采用喷雾推进雾化装置降低高炉煤气洗涤水温度

    Lowering the Temperature of Washing Water for a Blast Furnace Gas Using Spray Propulsion Misting Devices

  17. 废酸&焦油渣处理发生炉煤气洗涤水工艺因素探讨重钢焦化废水处理系统技术改造

    Investigation of factors of treatment process with waste acid tar residue for producer gas washing wastewater

  18. 碱性氯化法处理高浓度含CN~-高炉煤气洗涤水工程实践

    Practice of treating cn ~ - containing blast furnace gas cleaning effluents of high concentration by alkali chlorination process

  19. 武钢6高炉煤气洗涤水在已有的经验基础上,引进了项目总承包方式的运作。

    Based on the existing disposal experience of No. 6 blast furnace gas scrubbing water of Wuhan Iron & Steel Co.

  20. 采用絮凝-阻垢分散处理高锌煤气洗涤水可降低结垢速度。

    Flocculation and antiscaling dispersion technique is used to treat the high zinc gas washings and the scaling speed is reduced .

  21. 高炉煤气洗涤水锌垢的热力学分析及处理技术

    Study on the thermodynamic analysis of zinc scale in the washing water system of blast furnace gas and its treatment technology

  22. 该处理技术对钢铁厂的高炉煤气洗涤水的水质处理具有一定的借鉴意义。

    This technology has certain reference meanings to water treatment for washing water of blast furnace gas in iron and steel works .

  23. 采用亚铁法处理高炉煤气洗涤水,并用正交实验设计方法设计实验。

    Ferrous cyanide process was applied to treating cyanide in washing wastewater of blast furnace gas by means of orthogonal experiment design .

  24. 采用化学絮凝法处理高炉煤气洗涤水,通过实验确定了最佳的实验条件和工艺条件。

    This paper studied the chemical coagulation method in treating blast furnace gas washing wastewater and settled down the optimum conditions through experiments .

  25. 使用浴室生活污水作为高浓度煤气洗涤水的稀释用水,以达到同时净化两种污水及节水的目的。

    Using domestic sewage as dilution water for high-density gas washing water to obtain two purposes of purifying two kinds of sewage and economizing water as well .

  26. 江苏沙钢集团宏发炼铁厂高炉煤气洗涤水管道长期存在黏泥沉积、通径变窄现象。

    There always was much coherent sludge sediment in the blast furnace gas washing water pipe and the pipe became narrow in Hongfa iron making plant of Jiangsu Shagang group .

  27. 通过煤气洗涤水的沉降试验,分析原有循环洗涤水系统问题存在的原因,结合扩建进行改造,并取得了预期效果。

    Based on settling tests of gas washing water , problems of the original system of circulating washing water and the causes are analyzed . Expansion and transformation were conducted , and expected effect are achieved .

  28. 要使煤气洗涤水封闭循环,就需对循环水系统进行优化调控和部分水质净化处理以实现水量平衡和水质稳定。

    The optimal control of water circulation system and partly purification of circulated water to balance the water flowrate and stabilize the water quality are essential to achieve closed circulation of the scrubbing water from gas generation station .

  29. 阐述了高炉煤气洗涤水的水质特点,对洗涤水的结垢与腐蚀进行了分析,对洗涤水水质稳定问题的成因和控制措施进行了探讨。

    The water quality characteristics of scrubbing water of blast furnace gas are expounded and scale and corrosion states of the scrubbing water are analyzed . The waterquality stabilization problem of the scrubbing water and control measures are discussed .

  30. 高炉煤气洗涤循环水管道结垢的酸性处理

    Acid Treatment of Scaling of Washing Circulation Water Pipes for Blast-Furnace Gas