
  • 网络Block of Coal;Coal Chunk
  1. 综采工作面采用刨煤机提高煤炭块率

    Adopting Slicer to Incease the Block Rate of Sum up Picking Working Face

  2. 为了提高煤炭块率,炮孔间距的合理选取是提高块煤率的关键。

    The rational selection of space between shot holes is the key to improvement of lump coal rate .

  3. 介绍了新型刨煤机的主要性能和结构特点以及使用条件,结合晋城矿区煤层赋存条件,论证了刨煤机在晋城矿区使用能大幅度地提高综采工作面煤炭块率。

    Based on an example from Datong Coalmines Group , the paper analyses possibility and usage of heavy plow under the conditions of thin seam coal face with Two Hard Roofs and gives out some proposals .

  4. 生物质压缩技术可将固体农林废弃物压缩成型,制成可代替煤炭的压块燃料。

    Compression technology of biomass could be agriculture , forestry , solid waste compression molding , can be made into fuel instead of coal briquette .

  5. 针对煤炭市场混中块需求量小、价格低廉的行情,进行产品结构的探讨,以提高经济效益。

    Directing to the situation of the mixture middle lump needs is not very much on market and its price is cheaper , make an approach to the product structure so as to lift economic benefit .