
  1. 文中介绍了某3×135MW煤矸石综合利用电厂贮煤筒仓安全监测系统。

    Coal-silo safety monitoring system designed for the power plant of 3 × 135 MW is discussed in this article .

  2. 煤矸石综合利用技术综述

    Survey of the Technology of Comprehensive Utilization of Coal Gangue

  3. 煤矸石综合利用专题研究

    A monographic study on the comprehensive utilization of coal gangue

  4. 加快循环经济步伐强力推进煤矸石综合利用

    Accelerate Circular Economy and Promote Comprehensive Utilization of Coal Gangue

  5. 煤矸石综合利用分析正交迭代静校正方法

    Analysis on the Comprehensive Utilization of the Gangue Static correction using orthogonal iteration

  6. 煤矸石综合利用制备聚合氯化铝絮凝剂的研究

    Research on the Preparation of Poly-aluminium Chloride by Comprehensive Utilization of Coal Gangue

  7. 煤矸石综合利用的新途径&电热法制取铝硅铁合金

    A new way of comprehensive utilization of gangue

  8. 复合式干法选煤在煤矸石综合利用中的应用

    Application of combined type dry coal separation in the comprehensive utilization of coal gangue

  9. 煤矸石综合利用制取絮凝剂的研究含聚污水高效絮凝剂的研制

    Study on the Comprehensive Utilization of the Gangue in Preparation of the Coagulant Agent

  10. 大力推进煤矸石综合利用促进经济社会可持续发展

    Greatly Boost the Synthetic Utilization of Gangue and Promote the Continuable Development of Economic Society

  11. 煤矸石综合利用途径

    Comprehensive Utilization Ways of Coal gangue

  12. 煤矸石综合利用电厂储煤筒仓底板混凝土施工

    Concrete construction of coal waste rock synthetically using bottom board of coal-storing tubular storehouse in power factory

  13. 山东省淄博矿区煤矸石综合利用初步分析

    Preliminary Analyses of the Comprehensive Utilization of Coal Gangue in Zibo Coal Mining District of Shandong Province

  14. 国务院关于2003年取缔粘土制砖的规定无疑对煤矸石综合利用企业的发展是一个良好契机。

    Undoubtedly , this presents a good opportunity for the development of comprehensive utilization of waste coal or low grade coal .

  15. 文中介绍了国内外煤矸石综合利用现状及工程利用的主要领域,并就如何提高我国煤矸石工程利用水平提出作者的观点。

    This paper presents current status and main fields of engineering utilization of coal slag , and gives opinions on tapping China 's potential for increasing coal slag utilization .

  16. 在煤矸石综合利用的途径中,将煤矸石用作路基填料,能够减少筑路征地费用,改善当地环境,具有显著的经济和社会效益。

    In the way of comprehensive utilization of coal gangue , used as roadbed fill can reduce land costs , improve the local environment , with significant economic and social benefits .

  17. 结合煤矸石综合利用电厂储煤筒仓工程概况,介绍了大体积混凝土施工的技术关键和具体的浇筑工艺方法,并采用合理的养护与温控,以达到预期的效果。

    Combined with survey of coal waste rock synthetically using the coal-storing tubular storehouse project , it introduces technical crux and concrete pouring technological method of big volume concrete construction and then adopts rational maintenance 7 temperature control so as to achieve predictive effects .

  18. 预测了发展趋势,提出了技术对策建议:①改进采矿方式,②塌陷土地复垦,③煤矸石综合利用,④闭坑矿山污染防治,⑤矿山地下水防治。

    On the basis of these , their development trends have been predicted , and the technical countermeasures have been put forward in this paper , including improving mining method , reclaiming collapse land , integrated coal gangue utilization , controlling closed mine contamination , and mining groundwater control .

  19. 我国煤矸石的综合利用现状及存在问题

    Current Situation of Gangue 's Comprehensive Use of China and Problems

  20. 煤矸石及其综合利用

    Coal Gangue and Its Comprehensive Utilization

  21. 煤矸石的综合利用

    Synthetically Making Use of Coal Spoil

  22. 通过煤矸石的综合利用,减轻煤矸石堆存对环境的不利影响。

    Through above way , can reduce the environmental adverse effect of the storing up of gangue .

  23. 大力加强煤矸石的综合利用是保护环境、实施可持续发展战略的双重要求。

    The comprehensive utilization of strengthening the gangue energetically is to protect the environment and implement the requiring doubly of sustainable development strategy .

  24. 同时证明低温合成这一技术路线是可行的,为煤矸石的综合利用寻找到一条新的途径。

    It shows that the technique of low temperature-synthesizing is feasible , and it provides a new method of comprehensive utilization of coal gangue .

  25. 认为煤矸石的综合利用与政府主管部门的引导与扶持密切相关。

    A viewpoint on analysis , comprehensive utilization of coal deads is close related to the lead and support of the competent government department .

  26. 通过煤矸石的综合利用,还能产生一定的经济效益,实现环境效益和经济效益的统一。

    Some economic benefits must be created by the comprehensive utilization of coal gangue , and the unity of environmental and economic benefits can be reached .

  27. 煤矸石可综合利用,但因经济、技术等问题,我国矸石的综合利用度仅为20%,大量矸石只能堆存,故必须治理。

    Coal refuse can be utilized comprehensively , but the rate is only 20 % owing to the limitation of technique and economy . There fore most of coal refuses have to pile and occupy land , which must be control .

  28. 煤炭工业煤矸石制砖综合利用项目建议

    Project advice on comprehensive utilization of coal shale for making brick

  29. 加快推进煤矸石资源化综合利用的步伐

    Accelerate the Comprehensive Utilization Pace of the Coal Gangue Resources

  30. 贵州省毕节地区煤矸石特征及综合利用分析

    Analysis of Gangue Characteristics and Comprehensive Utilization in Bijie Prefecture , Guizhou Province