
  • 网络Time-of-use;tou
  1. 通过对该模型的目标函数进行优化,得到了一种可操作的峰谷分时电价定价方法。

    By means of optimizing the objective function of the built mathematical model , an operable peak-valley TOU tariff setting method is obtained .

  2. 摘要存自由竞争的电力市场中,应用鲁宾斯坦博弈模型,分析了电价制订方与大工业用户通过轮流出价谈到来确定峰谷分时电价的过程。

    The process to determine the TOU price drawn by price makers and large industry customers in turn is analyzed with the Rubinstein model in free competitive market .

  3. 应用系统动力学专用的仿真软件VENSIM对不同峰谷分时电价定价策略和不同响应类型用户进行仿真和比较研究。

    Simulation and comparison studies of different peak and valley time price policies and different response types of users are carried out by simulation software VENSIM special for system dynamics .

  4. 考虑电力系统运行风险的峰谷分时电价研究

    Research of peak-valley time-of-use price based on power system operational risk

  5. 峰谷分时电价的成本效益分析模型及其应用

    Cost-Benefit Analysis Model and its Application of Peak-Valley Time-of-Use Electricity Price

  6. 一种可操作的需求侧管理峰谷分时电价定价方法

    An Operable Peak-Valley Time-of-Use Tariff Setting Method for Demand Side Management

  7. 峰谷分时电价对上海市居民用户用电特性影响分析

    Analysis of the peak-valley TOU tariff effect on Shanghai residential electricity characteristics

  8. 用户端峰谷分时电价对发电端节煤影响分析模型

    Analysis model on the impact of user TOU electricity price on generation coal-saving

  9. 峰谷分时电价策略在江苏电网的应用研究

    Application of time-of-use price strategy in Jiangsu Power Grid

  10. 发售电两侧峰谷分时电价联动模型综述

    Overview of linkage model of time-of-use electricity price between generating and retail sides

  11. 江苏省执行峰谷分时电价政策的研究

    Implementation of time-of-use electricity price policy by Jiangsu

  12. 一种新的峰谷分时电价定价模型及其仿真策略

    Peak-valley tariff setting model and its simulation strategy

  13. 峰谷分时电价设计的优化模型

    Research on TOU Rate Design Optimization Model

  14. 需求侧实行峰谷分时电价策略的影响分析

    Analysis of Impacts of TOU Price Strategy

  15. 峰谷分时电价用户响应模型参数的最小二乘估计

    Least-squares estimation of parameters of customer response models for peak and valley time-of-use electricity price

  16. 给出了基于用户价格响应和满意度的峰谷分时电价优化决策模型。

    Furthermore , the time-of-use price decision-making model with users reaction matrix and satisfaction index is presented .

  17. 基于需求侧响应的上网侧与售电侧峰谷分时电价联动机制

    The Investigation Into the Linkage of the On-grid and Sale TOU Price Based on the Demand Response

  18. 上网侧与销售侧峰谷分时电价联动的理论及应用

    Theory and application of change of mutual relation between selling side and generating side use time pricing

  19. 峰谷分时电价定价决策过程的动态仿真发电侧与销售侧峰谷分时电价联动方案研究

    Scheme research on the linkage of the peak and off-peak TOU price between generation and sale side

  20. 如何衡量以及规避峰谷分时电价的风险正是本文拟探讨的问题。

    How to weight as well as evade TOU business risk is the object of this paper .

  21. 在此基础上,建立了峰谷分时电价系统动力学模型。

    On this basis , a system dynamic model of peak and valley time price is established .

  22. 第五,电力市场改革及峰谷分时电价规制应统筹兼顾,提高社会福利。

    The power market reform and TOU price regulation should take various aspects into the consideration and improve the social welfare .

  23. 以节能调度为导向的发电侧与售电侧峰谷分时电价联合优化模型

    Optimization Model for Designing Peak-valley Time-of-use Power Price of Generation Side and Sale Side at the Direction of Energy Conservation Dispatch

  24. 研究并确定上网侧和销售侧峰谷分时电价的数量关系(数学模型);

    The quantity relation ( mathematic model ) of use time pricing between selling side and generating side is studied and established .

  25. 第四,峰谷分时电价的制定应充分建立在对分类用户的负荷特征及用电成本进行系统研究的基础上。

    The establishment of TOU price should be based on the systematical research of the charge features of various customers and the cost .

  26. 峰谷分时电价作为需求侧管理的一种经济手段,其实施效果受多种因素影响。

    As one of the economical means of demand side management , the implementation effect of peak and valley time price is influenced by various factors .

  27. 实施峰谷分时电价是抑平负荷曲线,提高负荷率的重要措施,也是合理配备装机容量的手段。

    The implement of peak and valley time sharing electricity price is the important measure to curb loading curve , promote load rate and reasonably distribute installed capacity .

  28. 根据我国电力市场化改革和国内能源供需形势的实际情况,实施上网侧与销售侧峰谷分时电价联动势在必行。

    Implement electricity price mutual change between generation side and distribution side considering time factor is imperative under the crucial situation of power market deregulation and energy supply .

  29. 提高电能使用效率的可中断电价与峰谷分时电价的联合优化设计审计判断中的时近效应和肯定性倾向&基于持续经营能力判断的实验研究

    The Optimal Design of Integrating Interruptible Price With Peak-Valley Time-of-Use Power Price Based on Improving Electricity Efficiency Recency and confirmatory effect in audit judgment & An experimental study on a going-concern task

  30. 对于销售电价,本文认为市场建立初期,现行的以两部制为主、一部制为辅的销售电价制度应基本保持稳定,但应引入丰枯季节电价制度和峰谷分时电价制度。

    On the initial stages of market , the retail power price should be hold out in an invariable level , besides being embedded in the peak valley price and the seasonal price .