
  • 网络solid clay brick
  1. 到2010年年底,所有城市禁止使用实心粘土砖,全国实心粘土砖年产量控制在规定的限额以内。

    By the end of2010 , solid clay brick shall be banned in all cities and the annual national production of solid clay brick shall be controlled in a prescribed quota .

  2. 在我国的承重墙体材料中,实心粘土砖仍占据主要地位。

    Solid clay brick still prevails in the load-bearing wall materials in china .

  3. 目前,国家禁止使用实心粘土砖。

    Today , it is prohibited to use earth-bricks for building .

  4. 碳纤维加固实心粘土砖偏心受压柱的试验研究

    Experiment research on eccentrically loaded brick columns strengthened by CFRP

  5. 砌块类型包括混凝土空心砌块、加气混凝土砌块和实心粘土砖三种。

    The masonry material included concrete hollow blocks , aerated concrete block and solid clay bricks .

  6. 因此,国家已发布文件限时禁止使用实心粘土砖。

    Therefore , the government proclaims solid clay bricks will be prohibited to use in designated time .

  7. 介绍了作为实心粘土砖替代品的混凝土砌块的特点及使用范围。

    In this paper the characteristics and application scope of concrete block as substitute of solid brick are introduced .

  8. 特别是在禁止使用实心粘土砖之后,作为传统住宅结构体系的理想替代品,冷弯薄壁住宅钢结构发展潜力巨大。

    Especially after forbidding using solid clay brick , the development potential of the Light Steel Framing Building is promising .

  9. 尽管新型墙体材料有许多优点,但是普通实心粘土砖仍有广大市场。

    Although new-type wall materials have many advantages , common solid bricks still occupy large proportion of the wall material market .

  10. 随着社会的进步,当今使用实心粘土砖建造的砌体结构房屋已不能满足国家对民用建筑强制性节能的要求。

    With the social progress , brickworks that employ solid clay brick haven 't already met the requirement of energy-saving building .

  11. 其他地区应当按照国家的规划,分期分批限制或者禁止生产、使用实心粘土砖。

    Others shall control or prohibit the production and use of solid clay brick by stages and groups according to the state plan .

  12. 国家禁止毁田烧砖,逐步禁止生产和使用实心粘土砖。

    The state prohibits the damage to farm land for brick-making , and gradually bans the production and use of solid clay brick .

  13. 在国家已经限期禁止生产、使用实心粘土砖的地区,必须按期实现目标。

    In the regions where the state has already banned the production and use of solid clay brick with a deadline , objectives must be achieved on schedule .

  14. 我国建设领域的改革目标是用新型墙体材料取代传统实心粘土砖,达到保护耕地、节约能源、保护环境的目的。

    Our innovation aim in construction field is to replace conditional clay solid brick with new wall material in order to protect tillable field , save energy and protect environment .

  15. 表观密度946kg/m3,抗压强度17.9MPa,吸水率为0.25%,可代替实心粘土砖作为墙体材料使用。

    Kg / m ~ 3 , the compressive strength was 17.9 ? MPa and the water absorption was 0.25 % . So this material could replace solid-chamotte as wall material .

  16. 从我国经济发展看,空心砌块房屋逐步取代实心粘土砖房屋已成为必然趋势。

    Account for the development of economy of our country , it has become inevitable trend for the hollow block a house to replace gradually the solid center glues the soil brick house .

  17. GBJ50003&2001《砌体结构设计规范》的砌体局部受压强度提高系数γ的取值,是根据实心粘土砖的试验结果统计回归而得。

    In GBJ 5003-2001 " Masonry Wall Structure Design Code ", partial compression strength gain factor of masonry wall γ is obtained by statistical regression based on the result of tests of solid clay bricks .

  18. 分析了建筑行业使用实心粘土砖的弊端,从节约土地资源、降低能耗消费等方面,介绍了使用新型节能墙体材料的优势,提出了推广新型节能墙材的必要性。

    The disadvantages of solid clay brick are analyzed and from land saving , reducing energy cost and other aspects the advantages to apply new energy-saving mural materials are introduced as well as the necessity to popularize them .

  19. 在建筑节能的发展趋势下实心粘土砖逐渐退出建材市场,混凝土空心砌块得到广泛应用,特别在村镇建筑中占有越来越大的比重。

    With the trend of building energy efficiency the solid clay gradually elapses out of the building materials market , the concrete hollow block is in more and more widely used , especially playing an increasingly large proportion in rural areas .

  20. 建筑砌块可以充分利用粉煤灰、炉渣、煤矸石等工业废料作为原材料,替代实心粘土砖,避免毁田占地,降低能源消耗,具有明显的经济和社会效益。

    Raw materials of building block can be industrial waste like fly ash , boiler slag or coal slack , instead of clay . This helps prevent damage to or occupation of fields , reduce energy consumption , and bring remarkable social and economic benefits .

  21. 近几年,我国大力推行墙体材料的改革,禁用实心粘土砖,开发新型墙材产品,推动墙体材料向环保化方向发展。

    In recent years , China has been vigorously carrying out a reform for wall materials . Solid clay bricks are forbidden to be used and new wall materials are being developed . In this respect , China is going toward the direction of being environmentally-friendly .