
  1. 实践的逻辑与哲学终结论的困境

    The Logic of Practice and the Difficulties to End Philosophy

  2. 论教育实践的逻辑

    On the Logic of Education Practice

  3. 胜任特征是人力资源开发与管理理论和实践的逻辑起点和重要基础,对幼儿教师胜任特征的结构进行研究具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。

    Competence is the logic starting point and important foundation for the development and management of human resource .

  4. 全文共分为六个章节,按照从理论到实践的逻辑顺序展开论证。

    According to the logical from theories to practices , the whole paper is divided into six chapters .

  5. 公共性实践的逻辑与人类自我造就和自为拥有的意义结构&现实个人的自主活动与马克思社群共同体的理想

    Public Practice and Man 's Self-improvement and the Significant Structure of Self-possession & Individual Activities and the Ideality of Marxist Community

  6. 本文从社会史角度探讨人民公社时期政治权力在地方社会实践的逻辑。

    This paper attempts to research the practice of political power in the rural areas from the perspective of social history .

  7. 组织变迁及其生存实践的逻辑&楚镇司法所运行的政治生态学考察

    The Logic of the Change and Living Practice of the Organizations & A Political Ecology Review on the Running of the Judicial Organization in Chu Town

  8. 本部分既是对上一部分提出问题的回应,又是从社会建设理论到社会建设实践的逻辑回归。

    This section is right on the part of the response to issues raised , but also from the social construction and social construction theory to practice in the logistic regression .

  9. 据此,按照从理论到实践的逻辑思路,运用定性研究和定量研究相结合的方法,本文将产业集群选为研究对象,并着重探索它的竞争力问题。

    According to this , the paper makes industry cluster as study object in term of the logic idea from theory to practice , using the study method of the connection of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis .

  10. 因此,根据理论指导实践的逻辑思路,进行政府部门内部控制构建与实施研究对提升我国政府部门内部控制水平,具有非常重要的基础性作用。

    Thus , according to the logic of theory to guide practice ideas for government departments to build and implementation of internal controls our government departments to enhance internal control standards , the foundation has a very important role .

  11. 作为促进受教育者个体和谐共生自由发展之教育学的研究宗旨亦然,亦是教育理论与实践的逻辑起点。

    The research on pedagogy which is a way to help individual students being educated to develop harmoniously and freely should as well follow the aim . It is also the logical starting point of pedagogic theories and practices .

  12. 教育实践的逻辑是教育实践行为的一般形式、结构或生成原则,是各种教育实践样式得以可能并共同分享或遵循的内部法则。

    The logic of education practice is an ordinary form , structure or producing principle of education practice behavior . It is the internal rule that makes it possible for all kinds of education practices to share with or follow each other .

  13. 思想政治教育实践的逻辑起点是活生生的人,充分关注人的情感及其体验,是思想政治教育工作的本质要求。

    Human being is the logical beginning in the ideological and political education practice . It is the essential requirement in the ideological and political education work that great attention must be paid to the person 's emotion and his emotional experiences .

  14. 而依据大学自身发展规律、和谐理念的内在的客观的要求和大学与社会之间的内在联系建立其实践的逻辑,必须具有科学性、价值性和开放性、创造性。

    The logic , based on the developing pattern of a university , the internal objective demand for the harmonious ideas and the practice of a university through the intrinsic link between the university and society , must be scientific , valuable , open and creative .

  15. 马克思实践范畴的逻辑演变

    On logic evolvement of Marx 's category of practice

  16. 实践标准的逻辑问题

    Logical problem of practical standard of truth

  17. 全文按照历史发展的轨迹、理论探讨与实践结合的逻辑顺序展开。

    The whole thesis develops in a logical order from history course , theories to practice .

  18. 从而在实践的运作逻辑中寻求对中小学教师与家长间礼物关系的辩证认识。

    And we seek the dialectical understanding of the gift relationship in the logical operation in practice .

  19. 其现实性必须从“类”存在的人、全球问题及全球化问题以及矛盾思维、辩证思维、实践思维的逻辑关系方面入手分析。

    Its reality can be proved from the logic relationship of " mankind ", " globalization and global problem "," dialectics " .

  20. 基于专业理论和实践经验的逻辑推理和数学分析,本文提出计算淬透性及力学性能的非线性方程。

    On the basis of logical reasoning and mathematical analysis of professional theory and practice experience , nonlinear equations are derived in this paper for calculating hardenability and mechanical property of steels .

  21. 全文共分五个部分,按照理论解读实地调研理论构建实践设计的逻辑顺序展开。第一、二章理论解读。

    This thesis is divided five parts , according to logic sequence of theory of interpretation , field research , theory construction , practice design . Chapter ⅰ and ⅱ focused on the theoretical resolution .

  22. OLS&一个描述理论与实践交互作用的逻辑系统

    Ols & a system for describing interaction between logical information and empirical information

  23. 亚里士多德实践本体论的逻辑结构分析

    The Ultimate Purpose of Aristotle 's Ontology of Practice

  24. 制造典型:邻里政治实践的日常生活逻辑

    " To Construct the Typification ": Practicing Logic of the Neighborhood Politics in Daily Life

  25. 贫困理论和政府扶贫实践的社会资本逻辑

    Poverty Theory and the Logic of Social Capital in Government 's Practice of Poverty Alleviation

  26. 这既与开发区实践本身的政策逻辑有关,也与制度背景环境所引致开发区政策执行的异化有关。

    This practice is associated with the own logic of the policy , as well as the alienation in the implementation of policies .

  27. 第二部分论述了马克思创立实践思维方式的逻辑进程以及这种思维方式的理论视域。

    The second section expounds the logical process of Marx " s establishing the thinking mode of practice and this thinking mode " s theory field of vision .

  28. 依据足球运动文化与价值在实践关系上的逻辑过渡,分析价值是在文化的基础上建立起来的一种高层次的实践关系。

    According to football sports culture and value in practice the logic relationship in transition , analysis value is based on culture of a kind of high-level practice relations .

  29. 反现代化思潮是对现代化理念及其实践进行反思的逻辑结果,由于它对现代化不能采取一种公允的态度,因而其结论不尽科学,有其局限性。

    Anti-modernization trend of thought is the logical result of reflection on modern conception and practice . Because it is not just and sound in its attitude toward modernization , its conclusion is not scientific and has limitations .

  30. 进而将实践作为全部理论的逻辑起点和基石。

    And then will practice all the theory as a logical starting point and cornerstone .