
  • 网络social field
  1. 社会场域的作用力集中体现为政策沉淀。

    The force of social field is embodied as a policy - precipitation .

  2. 课堂既是教师和学生日常生活的一个空间,也是一个独特的社会场域。

    Classroom is a space of everyday life of teachers and students , but also a unique social field .

  3. 用BP神经网络衡量社会场及费用引力;

    BP neural network was used to describe the magnitude of the society field gravitation and cost gravitation .

  4. 道德社会场是道德场的宏观层次,直接决定着道德场的性质、方向,对道德场的发展影响重大。

    It is macro hierarchy of morality field and decides directly its quality and direction .

  5. 论道德社会场

    On Society Field of Morality

  6. 社会场域中的文本:解析传统社会玉文化的视角

    Texts in the Social Site : Visual Angle of Analyzing the Jade Culture in the Traditional Society

  7. 在现实社会场域中,学生角色是一种多元的社会角色,影响学生社会性发展的条件是一个多元的复杂系统。

    It is a diverse and complicated complicated system that influences the condition of students ' social development .

  8. 国家对村民自治组织领导人的控制、对村庄治理的操纵、对村民自治制度的限制构成了二者在农村社会场域中的冲突。

    The state controls the leaders of the villagers self-government organizations , manipulates the village governance and restricts the system of villagers ' autonomy .

  9. 学校作为社会场域微观结构的客观存在,具有与社会场域相对应的权力支配、运作与再造的意义建构。

    The school , existing impersonally as the microstructure of the social field , has its own authority domination , function and reconstitution corresponding to the social field .

  10. 当创新团队从历史的地平线上浮现出来,并进入当代现实的社会场域时,许多社会因素直接参与了它的建构。

    When the innovative team appeared from the historical horizon and stepped into the contemporary society , many social factors have made a direct contribution to its construction .

  11. 为模拟员工工作行为,给企业管理者提供决策依据,提出波动-均衡规律:员工工作行为变化是一种受社会场引力和费用引力吸引的波动-均衡过程。

    To simulate employee work behavior for providing enterprise managers with decision information , an oscillation-equilibrium theory of behavior was proposed , in which the work behaviors were viewed as an oscillation-equilibrium process between the society field gravitation and cost gravitation .

  12. 我们对赛博空间和社会场域中各个行动者的关系进行了分析,指出了各个行动者之间存在的层级关系,具体表现为以不同质和量的资本为前提的文化再生产现象。

    We analyze the relationship of various actors in Cyberspace Space and society " field ", and point out the hierarchical relationship of various actors , which specifically performs the phenomenon of cultural reproduction on the premise of different quality and quantity of capital .

  13. 道德社会场是指影响道德场各因子间信息、能量、物质传递与交换并制约道德场主体道德行为的诸社会因素交互作用所形成的场。

    Society field of morality is a field , which influences the circulation of substance , energy , and information between different elements of moral field , and which restricts the interaction of various social factors concerning the moral conduct of the subject of moral field .

  14. 基于社会势场的群体机器人聚集队形控制

    Swarm Robots Aggregation Formation Control Based on Social Potential Fields

  15. 消费社会课堂场域中的人是什么?

    What is human in classroom field of consumer society ?

  16. 和谐社会话语场域下的新闻采访技术初探

    The News Interview Techniques under the Harmonious Society

  17. 社会福利场域同样经历了这一变迁。

    Social welfare has seen the same change .

  18. 城市社会停车场的规划是交通规划的重要组成部分,它包括多方面的内容。

    Public parking area planning , an important part of urban area transport planning , covers many aspects .

  19. 新媒体具有信息传播的及时性、快速性,同时能形成强大的社会舆论场。

    New media is provided with timely information dissemination , rapidity , and can create a strong public opinion field .

  20. 将社会势场与基于行为控制相结合,使得群体机器人形成聚集队形,避开未知环境中的障碍物并到达目标区域。

    The idea of behavior based architecture is applied in autonomous robots more widely to make robots work in real world .

  21. 这样一来,学生的课堂生活就成了在权力和秩序运作与维持下的强社会控制场域。

    In this way , students ' classroom life turn into a strong social control field under the power and the order .

  22. 最后,消费社会课堂场域事实上成了一个由符号操控、对人进行符号化改造的屠宰场。

    Therefore , the classroom field of consumer society has in fact become a slaughterhouse which is symbolizing students and controlled by symbols .

  23. 福利文化属于社会福利场域的惯习,是存在于福利实践活动中的各种思想、意识、心理、态度等观念要素的总和;

    Welfare culture is habitus of social welfare field , it includes various thoughts , consciences , psychologies and attitudes of existing welfare practice .

  24. 其哲学理论基础和系统科学依据更充分说明了问题的广泛性和深刻性。意味着人类社会一场巨大的变革。

    The theory of systematic science has fuller explained the extension and profundity of the point which shows means we will have a great change in our human society .

  25. 马克思主义哲学的存在现实状态和本真实践场态就是在实践&人本的社会实践场中展现了一个真实的实践存在状态的特有方式。

    The existence of marxist philosophy and natural state of reality is a state practice in " practice-of this " social practice field exhibit a true practice existence state of special way .

  26. 讨论消费社会课堂场域的生成背景,对消费社会、场域、课堂场域、符号、异化等相关概念进行设定,并论述进行形而上学思考的必要性。

    This part discusses the background of classroom field in consumer society , defines consumer society , field , classroom field , symbol , alienation , etc , and expounds the necessity of metaphysical thinking .

  27. 不管是住厂女工还是住家女工,社会交往场域是她们共同活动的空间,也是逃避工厂规训体系的一个重要活动空间。

    I found that whether living factory workers or home workers , social interaction field is not only the space of their common activities but also an important space to escape the system of factory discipline .

  28. 乡土社会司法场域并不是国家法律的单一运作,而是多种逻辑的多元面向,乡土逻辑在司法场域中的引入是不容否定的事实。

    The local social judicature territory is not the sole operation of national law , but multi-orientation of many kinds of logic , and introducing the local logic into judicature territory is a fact which cannot be denied .

  29. 与穿梭于都市,揭密中上层女性命运的个人化写作不同,作者的女性视角不是床笫之间的欲望比值,而是社会文化场域的命运思考。

    Different from those individual writings , which focus on sexual values of the destiny of the upper-middle class women from the city , the writer sets her female perspective on women 's destiny in the social and cultural background .

  30. 大城市社会公共停车场选址规划模型研究

    Model Based on Locating Plan of Urban Public Parking Lot