
  • 网络Social theory
  1. 不能脱离社会理论孤立地讨论惩罚。

    Punishment cannot be discussed in isolation from social theory .

  2. 以黑龙江省W村的基督教组织和基督教活动为研究对象,采取实地调查的方法收集资料,运用国家&社会理论作为分析框架。

    The Christian organizations and Christian activities in W village of Heilongjiang Province is used to study . The study adopts the methods of the field survey to collect information , The country - social theory is used as analytical framework .

  3. 当前我国的市民社会理论正逐步从范式研究转向范例研究。

    Paradigm study gradually transits to exemplification study in civil society theory .

  4. 风险社会理论视角下和谐社会的构建

    Construction of Harmonious Society from the Perspective of the Risk-Society Theory

  5. 市民社会理论的变迁&从黑格尔到马克思

    The Theoretical Change of Townsman Community & From Hegel to Marx

  6. 然森的学习型社会理论及其启示

    Stewart Ranson 's Learning Society Theory and Its Inspiration On Wang Sen

  7. 马克思东方社会理论的新启示

    New Enlightenment of Marx ′ s Theory of Oriental Society

  8. 弗协调逻辑是构建和谐社会理论的逻辑基础。

    Paraconsistent logic is the underlying logic of constructing the harmonious society theory .

  9. 中国当代市民社会理论研究综述

    An Outline of Contemporary Chinese Civil Society Theory Research

  10. 试析西方马克思主义理论家的和谐社会理论

    Analysis on western Marxist theorists ' harmonious social theory

  11. 马克思恩格斯东方社会理论之比较

    A Comparative Study of the Theories of Marx and Engels on Oriental Societies

  12. 心理社会理论与临床社会工作

    The Psycho social Theory and Clinical Social Work

  13. 世界历史和东方社会理论

    World History and the Theory of the East

  14. 论等效翻译的社会理论基础

    The Social and Theoretical Foundation of E-E Theory

  15. 试析构建社会主义和谐社会理论的思想资源

    Tentative Analysis on the Ideology Resources of the Theory of Constructing Socialist Harmonious Society

  16. 社会理论的空间转向;

    The spatial turn in social theory ;

  17. 试论后现代社会理论中的话语情结

    Language Complex in Post-modern Theory of Sociology

  18. 论英国学派的国际社会理论

    The English School and Its International Society

  19. 法学视野中的市民社会理论

    Law and the Theory of Citizen Society

  20. 科学与价值:全面建设小康社会理论的哲学维度

    Science and Value : the Philosophical Dimension of the Social Theory of Constructing a Comfortably-off Society on a Large Scale

  21. 伊里奇是非学校化社会理论的创始人和非学校化运动的倡导者。

    Illich is a founder of the theory of " deschooling society " and a advocate of " deschooling movement " .

  22. 马克思社会理论中的和谐既是一个理想性目标,又是一个历史运动过程。

    The harmony in Marxian social theory is not only an idealistic aim , but also a course of historic movement .

  23. 市民社会理论早已突破了国家与市民社会二元对立的传统范式,实现了重大发展并对当代法治变革具有重要意义。

    The civil society theory has already broken through the traditional mode of dual conflicts between the state and the civil society .

  24. 加强对风险社会理论的研究是社会学的一项重要任务。

    This is an irrefutable fact . It is an important task of sociology to strengthen the study on risk society theory .

  25. 第一章为理论综述,梳理介绍风险社会理论和中国突发公共事件的相关理论。

    The first chapter is theoretical review , which introduces the risk social theory and correlative theory of China public emergency events .

  26. 自组织这一概念的丰富内涵及其衍生理论,与社区自治、市民社会理论之间存在密切的内在联系。

    There are close inner relations between the abundant connotation and the derivative theories of self-organization and community autonomy or civil social theory .

  27. 马克思东方社会理论片论&兼评马克思东方社会理论研究中的否定论

    Fragmentary Thinking on Marxist Theory of Orient Society : Also on the Negative Attitude in the Study of Marxist Theory on Orient Society

  28. 马克思东方社会理论初步研究了东方社会的特殊性质、特殊发展前景和发展道路等问题。

    The special nature , the special developing prospect and road of the oriental society were initially researched in the Marxist theory of oriental society .

  29. 马克思的市民社会理论是在批判吸收黑格尔市民社会理论的基础上,建立自己的市民社会概念及其全部理论的。

    Marx 's residential society theory absorbed the Hegel resident society theory as its foundation , established its own residential society concept and all its theory .

  30. 城市与西方现代资本主义兴起的关系问题,是马克斯·韦伯的政治社会理论中的重要内容。

    The issue of the correlation between city and the emergence of modern capitalism is an important part of Max Weber 's theory of political sociology .