
  • 网络social criminology
  1. 联合国近东社会和犯罪学研究中心

    United Nations Centre for Social and Criminological Research for the Near East

  2. 20世纪社会生态犯罪学经历了从思想萌芽到学科体系形成的重要发展时期:从芝加哥学派的人类生态学研究到所谓的新生态犯罪学理论和副文化理论。

    Through the past century , social ecological criminology was developed from Chicago school to so-called new social ecological criminology and sub-culture theory .

  3. 越轨行为是一种常见的社会现象,也是犯罪学的研究对象之一。

    Deviant behavior is a common social phenomenon , which is also an object of study of criminology .

  4. 从社会现象学、犯罪学等多方面看待问题,最终提出合理可行的经济犯罪刑事政策策略,从而对我国的经济犯罪切实起到指引的作用。

    From a social phenomenology , look at the issue and other aspects of criminology and ultimately reasonable and feasible strategy for the criminal policy of economic crimes , economic crimes in China to effectively play the role of the guidelines .

  5. 法律与社会运动的理论家接受过政治学、社会学或是犯罪学训练,他们其中也有一部分是在法学学术界接受训练。

    Law-and-society theorists may have been trained in political science or sociology or criminology , but many may have been trained in the legal academy as well .