
  • 网络sociologism
  1. 社会学主义与社会学年鉴学派

    Sociologism and the School of Sociology Yearbook

  2. 略论强纲领与社会学有限主义的关系

    A Brief Analysis of the Relation of the Strong Program and the Sociological Finitism

  3. 从强纲领到社会学有限主义&爱丁堡学派研究纲领的转变述评

    From Strong Program to Sociological Finitism Comment on the Turn of Edinburgh School 's Research Program

  4. 社会学浪漫主义的两种机缘态度体现出两种基本取向:情感浪漫主义与理性浪漫主义。

    The two probable outlooks of sociological romanticism can lead to two propensities : emotional romanticism and rat .

  5. 斯宾塞力图以这种方式使他的社会学个人主义同他的社会有机体论集体观相调和。

    In this way Spencer attempted to reconcile his sociological individualism with his collective concept of the social organism .

  6. 作为当代西方政治科学的前沿,新制度主义政治学主要由历史制度主义、理性选择制度主义、社会学制度主义等流派组成。

    As a frontier science , new institutionalist politics consists of three main theoretical schools : historical institutionalism , rational choice institutionalism and sociological institutionalism .

  7. 采用文献资料法,运用社会学建构主义理论、功能主义理论、异化理论和互动理论对竞技体育文化在历史成因、文化本质、功能价值及社会互动等方面进行分析和略作梳理。

    Using documentation and the theories of sociological constructivism , functionalism , alien - ation and interaction , this article analyzes the competitive sports culture in the aspects of historical factors , cultural nature , functional value , social interaction , etc.

  8. 20世纪20年代是是孔德系社会学和马克思主义社会学两大学派在中国的逐步形成时期。

    Western Sociology School and Marxist Sociology School were formed gradually in China in the 1920s .

  9. 中国近现代宪法神话的社会学新制度主义分析

    The Analysis of The Myth of Constitution in Modern Times of China in the View of the New Institutionalism in Sociology

  10. 组织趋同现象的社会学新制度主义解释&评介周雪光《组织社会学十讲》

    An Exposition on Tendency of Organizational Convergence with Neo-institutionalism in Organizational Sociology & Comment on " Ten Lectures on Organizational Sociology " by Zhou Xueguang ;

  11. 身体社会学和女性主义的相关视角则为我们更加深入地理解这一现象提供了全新的理论资源。

    Through sociology of the body and feminist perspective which provide us new theoretical resources , we can get a more in-depth understanding of this phenomenon .

  12. 社会学的功能主义、分层理论、精英理论、社会公平与正义等理论为西部循环经济区的建设提供了理论支撑。

    Functionalism , stratification theory , elite theory , theory of social justice of sociology provides a theoretical support for the construction of the Circular Economy Zone in west .

  13. 社会学结构功能主义认为公平的高考制度可以维护社会稳定,促进合理的社会分层和社会流动。

    The view of the sociological structure function proposed that the fair college entrance examination system can maintain the social stability , promote society lamination and maintain reasonable social mobility .

  14. 媒介与性别的研究,属于传播学、社会学和女性主义的交叉研究领域,是一个新兴的研究领域,也是一块边缘性区域。

    " The medium and the gender ", an overlapping research area of communication study , sociology and feminism , is an emerging research area , and a non-mainstream research .

  15. 本文鉴于目前的这种研究情况,采用社会学、内部主义、微观分析的方法,试图回到中国社会的内部去对中国近代科学演进的历程做出新的解释。

    In view of present study condition , this thesis will ' come back inside Chinese society , advance new explanation to the gradual process course of Chinese modern science by the methods of sociology , inside view and micro analysis .

  16. 论当代教育社会学与后现代主义的关系

    On the Relationship between Contemporary Sociology of Education and Postmodernism

  17. 丹尼尔·贝尔是当代美国批判社会学和文化保守主义思潮的代表人物。

    Daniel Bell is a contemporary representative personage of critical sociology and cultural conservatism in America .

  18. 本文运用社会学结构&功能主义理论对刑事诉讼系统中的鉴定权配置问题开展研究。

    This article researches the system of expertise rights in criminal procedure with the sociological theory of " structure-function " .

  19. 主要指的是:1,哈弗罗斯的思想在认识论上是相对主义。2,在社会学层面是虔信主义和宗派主义。

    It mainly refers to : 1 , Hauerwas ' thought is relativism in epistemology ; 2 , fideism and sectarianism in sociology ; 3 , irresponsibility in public political life .

  20. 齐马提出的文本批评理论,它整合了社会学批评、结构主义批评以及精神分析批评的学术资源,打通了文学的内部研究与外部研究,是一种集经验和批判于一体的社会学批评理论。

    This theory integrates the academic resources of sociological criticism , structural doctrine criticism and psychoanalysis criticism , and straightens out the " internal study " with " external study " in literature . It is a sociological criticism theory which integrates the " experience " and " criticize " .

  21. 如何成为一个社会问题?西方社会学结构功能主义、冲突论、批判论和后现代理论、行动理论、社会建构论等不同理论范式,展现了对社会问题理论研究的多维视角。

    This article presents multidimensional perspectives of theoretical studies on social problems from the different theoretical paradigms of western sociology , such as structural-functionalism , social conflict theory , critical theory , action theory and social constructionist perspective .

  22. 我们认为社会建构论的思想不仅有知识社会学和历史主义等经常被提到的近缘,还可追溯到康德和黑格尔以及皮尔士的哲学。

    We contend that the idea of social constructivism has remote relation to the philosophy of Kant , Hegel and Pierce , putting aside such closer sources as sociology of knowledge and historicism which have been mentioned at every turn .