
  • 网络educational decision
  1. 规避教育决策失误的问责制度研究

    Research on Denunciation System for Avoiding the Educational Decision Fault

  2. 教育决策是教育管理者思考的核心问题。

    Educational decision - making is the core question of educational administrator .

  3. 本文中和单个院校相关的大量数据,均来自Noodle公司,这是一家提供教育决策咨询的公司。

    Many numbers for individual colleges here come from Noodle , a company that provides advice on education decisions .

  4. 第一部分教育决策模式的本质研究。

    The first part studies the nature of educational decision-making modes .

  5. 特殊教育决策支持系统研究

    Study on Decision Support System ( DSS ) for Special Education

  6. 公平与效率:高等教育决策的依据

    Equity and Efficiency : the Bases of Higher Educational Policy Making

  7. 对教育决策者利益选择问题的经济学思考

    The Thoughts of Economics on Option Benefits of Educational Decision-maker

  8. 教育决策机制是个复杂的系统。

    Mechanism of educational decision-making is a complex system .

  9. 该法案的出台及实施过程展示了权力的制衡、积极的自由这样一些美国社会教育决策的基本特点。

    This process revealed the features of educational policy decision-restricted power and positive freedom .

  10. 教育决策价值标准:教育政策公平性的影响因素&兼论义务教育公平问题的成因及策略

    Value Standard of Education Policy Making : the Influencing Factor of Education Policy Fairness

  11. 教育决策过程中的信息失真研究

    The Study of Information Distortion during Education Decision

  12. 高等教育决策的伦理学分析

    Ethics Analysis of Decision-making in Higher Education

  13. 因此,本研究对教育决策模式的研究是从教育决策模式的本质研究着手的。

    So , my study begins with the understanding of the nature of educational decision-making modes .

  14. 论代价与教育决策

    On social costs and educational decisions

  15. 关于教育决策的思考

    Some Thoughts on Educational Decision-making

  16. 法制化是高等教育决策咨询的重大意义得以实现的制度保障。

    Legalization is the system guarantor for the great significance of higher education decision-making consultation to be realized .

  17. 作为一种理论形态,教育决策模式是对教育领域利益矛盾与冲突的一种回应而长期发展起来的。

    As a theoretical form , educational decision-making mode develops slowly retrospecting the contradiction in the field of education .

  18. 高等教育决策的质量高低直接影响着年轻人及整个社会的未来。

    The quality of higher education strategies would directly influence the young and the future of the whole society .

  19. 教育决策中的简单思维方式与研究范式因其固有缺陷,造成了诸多问题。

    Inherent defects which are included in the simple thinking and research paradigm of Educational decision-making cause many problems .

  20. 本文是用复杂性的研究视角对教育决策机制问题进行系统分析。

    This paper is to systematically analyze the educational decision-making mechanism in complexity of study perspective on education issues analysis .

  21. 利用免费的教育决策测试来看看你是否适合重返学校深造。

    Use the free education-decision test to find out if going back to school is the right move for you .

  22. 影响农村青年职业教育决策的经济因素分析&以陕西省为例

    An Analysis on Economic Factors in Rural Youth ' Choice to the Vocational Education & A Case Study of Shaanxi Province

  23. 城市劳动力市场上的就业冲击对家庭教育决策的影响计算机在招生工作中的应用

    Shocks to Parent Employment and the Impacts on College Enrollment Decision in Urban China The Application of Computer in the College Enrollment

  24. 在政府教育决策的过程中,占有主要话语权和决定权的一般是行政部门和教育主管部门。

    In government education decision-making process , possession of a strong and decision mainly general education is administrative departments and the competent departments .

  25. 为了深入了解农村儿童的辍学原因,充分利用经济学上的家庭教育决策理论和逻辑回归对辍学原因进行了深入的实证分析。

    In order to understand the causes , this paper analyzes it according to the family decision-making of education and the logistic regression analysis .

  26. 论文从教育决策力量、教育管理模式与教育保障措施等方面总结了这场改革的优势与劣势;

    This paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the three modes in education decision mechanism , education management mode and education guarantee measures .

  27. 本章论述了联邦政府、州和学区三级教育决策者面对大量存在的薄弱学校所积极采取的应对策略。

    This chapter discusses policy makers at the federal , state and school district levels facing with the existence of low-performing schools take active countermeasures .

  28. 教育决策就是各利益主体把自己的利益要求投入到决策系统中,政府对复杂的利益关系进行调整,对社会公共利益进行权威性分配的过程。

    Educational decision-making is for the government to regulate sophisticated interest relationship and authoritatively distribute public interests in society by considering different subjects ' interests .

  29. 在教育决策和教育科学研究中,教育理论图书仍然是重要的参考资料。

    Besides that , works on educational theories are being treated as an important reference in the process of educational decision-making and scientific research of education .

  30. 第三部分建构针对教育决策失误的问责制度,包括问责范围、程序、方式和合理救济;

    The third part is building the denunciation system special to the education decision fault , including the scope , procedure , way and logical redress .