
  • 网络Education and Examinations
  1. 素质教育与考试英语口译资格证书考试与翻译教学

    Quality Education and Examinations Test for Certificate of English Interpreter and Its Training Course of Translation

  2. 数学素质教育与考试的关系存在目标不完全一致、考试内容不可能同步;

    Mathematics quality education differ from test in goal and content .

  3. 论高校素质教育与考试方法改革

    On Quality-oriented Education and Reform of Test Method in Universities and Colleges

  4. 素质教育与考试制度并不矛盾。

    Therefore , education for all-round development is not in contradiction with the exam system .

  5. 应试教育与考试制度有关,但根源却在于教育资源奇缺。

    Exam-oriented education is related to the exam system , but it originates in the deficiency of educational resources .

  6. 从教育与考试的关系看,它们的最终目标都是为了促进人的发展,但考试只是一种方法,教育才是目的。

    The ultimate goal of education and examination is to promote the development of human . However , exam is just a kind of method to test people and we can cultivate people by education .

  7. 现代远程教育与自学考试助学合作沟通的思考

    Thoughts of Co-operation and Communication Between Modern Distance Education and Its Influence on Adult Education

  8. 素质教育与英语考试

    Quality Education and English Examinations

  9. 三是提高法律工作者素质的重要途径是实行法学教育与司法考试的规范化、科学化。

    Normal and scientific juristic education and examination is an vital way to improve the quality of jurist .

  10. 日本的法学教育与司法考试制度的改革之起步晚于韩国,但是,2004年起法科大学院开始正式运营。

    The reformation of Japanese law education and its system of bar examination began latterly than that of Korea .

  11. 考试管理是一个复杂的系统工程,认识和把握成人高等医学教育特点与考试规律是适应性考试管理的前提和基础。

    Test management is a complicated systematic project , thus it is the precondition and basis of adaptability test management to recognize and master the characters and test rules of adult medical higher education .

  12. 因此如何处理法学教育与司法考试的关系以及如何改进法学教育做到二者相辅相成,成为法学教育界研究的一个重要问题。

    Thus , it is an important issue in the field of law education to complement with how to handle the relationships between the college law education and the judicial examination , and how to improve the law education .

  13. 通过对继续教育与自学考试教育的城市环境设施课程教学实践,与西湖周边及其它景观的城市环境设施设计的社会服务实践相结合的研究方法。

    The thesis employs a methodology based on teaching experiences in the field of urban environment and facility in continuing education and self-study examination education courses , combined with social service practices in urban environment and facility design in the vicinity of the West Lake .

  14. 日本的偏差值教育与高校招生考试制度改革

    Investigation and Analysis of Higher Vocational School Entrance Examination System in Guangdong Deviation Education in Japan and the Reform of Colleges and Universities Entrance Examination

  15. 个性化教育思想与自学考试制度在服务理念上的高度一致,正是二者能够有效结合的重要原因。

    Personalized educational and self-examination system have a high degree of consistency in the ideology and service concept , it is important reasons to use the theory into the practice .

  16. 课改实验的不断推进与发展,使九年义务教育的评价与考试正在朝考查学生的综合素质方向转变。

    With the progress and development of curriculum reform experiment , the assessment and test of the nine-year compulsory education is undergoing a transmutation toward the direction of comprehensive quality .

  17. 新世纪中国电子教育与高等教育自学考试的结合问题

    Issues on the TUV Education and Higher Education by Self-taught Testing in New Century

  18. 对高职药学教育如何与执业药师考试接轨的几点思考

    How pharmaceutical education of advanced vocational schools meets the needs of licensed pharmacist examination : some thinking

  19. 但在选择过程中应注意处理好选择性与统一性、升学预备教育与就业预备教育、课程改革与考试改革之间的关系。

    In process of the selectivity , it should pay attention to deal with the relations between selectivity and unity , probationary education for entering university and probationary education of employment , curriculum reform and examination reform .