
  • 网络teaching;Education;pedagogy
  1. 希望广大教师牢记为党育人、为国育才使命,积极探索新时代教育教学方法,为培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人作出新的更大贡献。

    He expressed his hope that teachers will bear in mind their mission of cultivating talent for the Party and the State , develop teaching methods for the new era , and make more contributions to nurturing socialist builders and successors with an all-round moral , intellectual , physical and aesthetic grounding , in addition to a hard-working spirit .

  2. 电子琴的即兴演奏,在现代音乐教育教学中,还处于一个发展和不完善的阶段

    Electric piano extemporaneously performance , in modern music education teaching , but also is in a development a.

  3. 四是办学行为不规范。五是教育教学质量下降。六是安全问题较多或拒不接受教育督导。

    major decreases in education quality and multiple safety concerns or opposition5 to education inspection .

  4. 第七十三条明知校舍或者教育教学设施有危险,而不采取措施,造成人员伤亡或者重大财产损失的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法追究刑事责任。

    Article 73 If anyone knowingly fails to take measures with regard to the school buildings or educational or teaching facilities that are dangerous , thus causing human casualties or heavy losses of property , the leading persons directly in charge and other persons directly responsible for it shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law .

  5. 应用J2EE技术构建远程教育教学管理及教学支撑系统

    The Design of the System of Teaching Manage and Teaching Support of Distance Education with J2EE Technology

  6. 只有通过加强师资建设,调动教师参与E-Learning与传统教学的整合,才能推动E-Learning在高等学校教育教学中广泛应用。

    So only through strengthening the construction of qualified teachers , inspiring teachers to combine E-Learning and the traditional way of teaching can we motivate the wide application of E-Learning in the course of higher education .

  7. 利用Internet网络进行MCAI课件辅助课程教学是高等教育教学模式的一个发展方向,《数据结构》作为计算机及相关专业中一门重要的专业基础课程,其网上助学系统的设计和开发尤为重要。

    MCAI courseware based on Internet is a trend of the teaching mode in higher education . The design and development of the courseware based on Internet for Data Structure is very important since it is a basic specialty course in computer and related fields .

  8. 组织教育教学、科学研究活动,保证教育教学质量;

    Organizing teaching and scientific research activities and ensuring teaching quality ;

  9. 高等职业教育教学创新机制研究

    Study on the Innovation Mechanism for Teaching in Senior Vocational Education

  10. 开放教育教学质量控制探微

    The Exploratory Research on the Teaching Quality Control in Open Education

  11. 追求有效是教育教学亘古不变的主题。

    Pursue " effective " is education teaching everlasting theme .

  12. 第三部分,构建高职院校教育教学质量监控体系的理念与原则。

    Conception and principles for the establishment of teaching quality supervision system .

  13. 远程教育教学论纲:逻辑起点及框架构建

    Distance Education Teaching Theories : Logic Milestone and Building up the Frame

  14. 摘要高校办学工作永恒的主题是教育教学质量。

    The everlasting theme of running a higher institution is teaching quality .

  15. 高校新主体人格教育教学模式研究

    Research on New Subjective Personality Education Teaching Mode for Higher Learning Institutions

  16. 高等院校计算机基础教育教学改革与实践&以山西农业大学为例

    Teaching Reform and Practice of Computer Fundamental Education in College

  17. 远程高等教育教学质量评价方法探析

    An Investigation into Methods of Evaluating Educational Quality in Distance Higher Education

  18. 谈建构主义理论在高校文学素质教育教学实践中的合理运用

    The Application of Constructivism in Literature Quality Education on College

  19. 健全高等职业教育教学质量管理体系与评估机制

    Amplifying Teaching Quality Management System and Evaluation Mechanism of Higher Vocational Education

  20. 提升开放教育教学理念,严格质量控制

    Promotion opening education teaching idea , strict quality control

  21. 需要探索构建具有中国特色的教育教学模式;

    Explore and build educational mode with Chiness feature ;

  22. 十一、教育教学理论与实践的研究者。

    11 . Researcher for educational and teaching theory as well as practice .

  23. 远程教育教学质量保证体系的实践研究

    Research and Practice on the Guarantee System for Teaching Quality of Distance Education

  24. 远程教育教学模式改革中的几大关系

    The Relationship of Teaching Model Reform in Distance Education

  25. 教师以自己教育教学活动为反思对象;

    And he reflects his educational and teaching activities ;

  26. 现代远程教育教学结构模型探讨

    Researching the Teaching Structure of Modern Distance Education

  27. 小品演示赛在健康教育教学中的应用

    Application of the Role-playing Demonstration in Health Education

  28. 结合物理教师教育教学实际,阐述了在具体的物理情景下如何实施发展性评价。

    Expounds how to bring the developmental appraisement into effect in concrete physical scenes .

  29. 新课程背景下校长教师应树立的教育教学理念

    School Workers should Build Educational and Teaching Idea

  30. 任何教育教学改革中其关键作用的是教师,数学建模活动的成功开展关键在教师。

    In any educational reform , it 's teachers that play a key role .