
  1. 日本侵华教育史研究报告

    A Report on the History of Japanese Educational Invasion of China

  2. 高等教育史研究二题

    Two Issues in the Study of History of Higher Education

  3. 我国当前外国教育史研究近况考察&对近六年《教育史研究》相关论文的量化分析

    The Research on Recent Development of Foreign Educational History Studies

  4. 借鉴西方世界教育史研究新方法。

    To learn from the new research approaches from the Western World .

  5. 三条腿研究方法与教育史研究

    The Three Methods and the Research on History of Education

  6. 论20世纪美国教育史研究的嬗变

    The Evolution of the History of American Education in the 20th Century

  7. 论心理史学取向的中国教育史研究

    A psychology-orientated historical study of history of Chinese education

  8. 高等教育史研究中历史真理与历史价值的统一

    Unification Historical Truth and Historical Value in Research on History of Higher Education

  9. 对建国后中国教育史研究的反思

    Reflection on the Studies of Chinese Educational History after the Foundation of China

  10. 新出土简帛佚籍与中国教育史研究

    Newly Excavated Bamboo Slips and Silk Books and Study of Chinese Education History

  11. 儿童教育史研究:价值、特点及设想

    Study of Educational History of Children : the Value , Characteristics and Ideas

  12. 实证史学视域下的近代中国教育史研究

    History of positivism in the west and the modern Chinese history of education

  13. 叙事范式与历史感知:教育史研究的一种方法维度

    Narrative Paradigm and Historical Perception : A Method Dimension of Research on Educational History

  14. 1994-2004年间我国外国教育史研究状况&基于对国内非教育史类11种主要教育期刊的分析

    A dynamic analysis of the foreign education history research in our country in 1994-2004

  15. 中医教育史研究综述(1949-1994)(待续)

    Review on the study of educational history of TCM ( to be continued )

  16. 论教育史研究中历史与逻辑的统一

    On the Unity Principle of History and Logic in the Historiography of Education Research

  17. 后现代主义与教育史研究

    Post-Modernism and the Study of Education History

  18. 中国科学技术教育史研究百年历程及反思

    A centennial retrospect of Chinese educational history

  19. 试论中国教育史研究的学科性质与基本原则

    On the curricular features and basic principles of the study of history of Chinese education

  20. 中国近现代留苏教育史研究综述

    The Summary of the Education History of Studying in the Soviet Union in Modern China

  21. 过往的中国教育史研究,以“教育思想”和“教育制度”为基本范畴结构而成。

    Relying on the national education of our country and optimizing college education of armed police ;

  22. 自20世纪60年代迄今,美国教育史研究受到社会科学越来越大的影响。

    Since 1960s , the study of educational history in America has been influenced by social science .

  23. 传统史学理论的特征及其对外国教育史研究范式的影响

    The Trait of Traditional History Theory and its Influences on the Research Model of Foreign Education History

  24. 什么是教育史研究?&以外国教育史研究为例

    What Is the Research on Educational History ? & Take the Example of Foreign Educational History Research

  25. 中国教育史研究经历了三十年代和八十年代以来的两次高潮。

    The research of Chinese education history has went through two climax of 1930s ' and 1980s ' .

  26. 功能主义在西方教育史研究中占有独尊的地位,它规范着教育史研究的框架并指导着它的方向。

    Functionalism dominates the studies of educational history in the western countries and it determines the framework of educational history studies .

  27. 本文试图从教育史研究前提假设的视角,探讨马克思主义史学理论对于当代中国教育史研究的重要意义。

    The theory of the harmonious world indicates the new development of Marxist theory of world history in the present age .

  28. 通过口述和田野调查,将人类学研究小社区的长处引进教育史研究。

    With the methods of oral history and field study , it introduces the advantages of anthropology fieldwork into educational history study .

  29. 后现代主义思潮以其强烈的反现代,反传统倾向,在各个学科领域都引起了广泛的变革,教育史研究也不能例外。

    Being strongly against modernity and tradition , post-modernism has brought about wide revolutions in different studies , including the study of education history .

  30. 教育史研究要坚持三条腿的研究方法,即运用历史文献、考古资料和人类学方法来进行教育史研究。

    The research on history of education must rely on the three methods , that is , historical documents , archeological resources and anthropological method .