
  1. 教科书是由国家教育管理机构认可的学校教育教学主要依据。

    Textbooks are authorized by national education agency to be major teaching materials used in schools .

  2. 我国四所普通高校音乐教育管理机构模式的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Management Model of Music Education of Four Representative Ordinary Universities in Our Country

  3. 今年5月,数百名来京务工的孩子家长连日在北京市朝阳区教育管理机构举行抗议活动。

    In May hundreds of migrant parents staged daily protests at education offices in Chaoyang district in Beijing .

  4. 使所有学校和教育管理机构始终保持生气勃勃蒸蒸日上的创新、学习和研究的全新景象。

    Make all schools and education management institutions maintain vibrant of prosperity and innovation , learning and research the new vision .

  5. 最后,学校和教育管理机构应该设法为学生语言学习营造良好的氛围。

    Lastly , the school and the administration of education should try to create a good learning context for junior middle school students .

  6. 宋代国子监不仅是最高学府,也是中央教育管理机构,同时还是官方出版机构。

    Imperial College in Song Dynasty is not only the highest institution of higher learning , and also the Central Education Authority , is also the official publisher .

  7. 通过进一步完善修史机构、教育管理机构、宗教管理机构,建立健全文化管理体制,为文化政策的实施创造了条件。

    Form further repaired history of the adoption agencies ; education and management of institutions ; religious institution and established and improved the cultural management system . All these provided the conditions for the implementation of cultural policies .

  8. 苏区从中央到地方都建立了各级教育管理机构对职业技术教育的开办进行统领和指导,其办学形式大致可分为专业技术学校以及各类职业学校两大类。

    All the local and central government of the Chinese Soviet areas had established the administrable organizations to supervise the vocational-technical education . It can be divide two kinds : the specialized technical schools and the kinds of vocational schools .

  9. 教育训练管理机构与民警间的信息互动等功能。

    Education training management institution and the information interaction between police etc. Function .

  10. 德国联邦职业教育的行政管理机构

    The federal administration organs of vocational education in germany

  11. 结果显示,我国幼儿体育教育管理的组织机构及规章制度不甚健全,组织形式缺乏系统性、实效性。

    The results show that the management organs and regulations for physical education in the kindergartens in China are not perfect ; the organizing forms are lack of systematicness and actual effect .

  12. 当前,从国家到院校的各级教育管理和组织机构都非常重视加强对教师的信息技术培训,以期藉此提高教师群体的信息素养水平。

    At present , from the State to universities , educational administrative and organizing institutions at all levels attach great importance to strengthen IT training among teachers in order to improve their standards of information literacy .

  13. 在实施方面,主要涉及建立教育类课程管理机构、引导教师重视新课改、改变教师的教学行为为基础教育课程改革服务三方面。

    In terms of implementation , the paper is mainly related to the establishment of educational administration , guiding teachers to pay attention to the importance of the new course reform , and changing the teachers teaching behavior .

  14. 在新的绩效制度中,不但教师、学校、学生要承担学生学业评价的结果,教育管理的上级机构甚至整个社会,对提高基础教育的质量都要担当一定的责任。

    In the new accountability system , not only the teachers , schools and students should bear the consequences of the achievement , but the educational administration and even the whole society should take the responsibility of improving the quality of the fundamental education .

  15. 民国时期的初等教育较之清末有了很大的发展,在初等教育的法制、法规、学制、课程设置、教育行政管理机构等方面都步入了规范化的进程。

    The period of the Republic of China Elementary Education have made great development compare with the later of Qing Dynasty , in elementary education , legal , regulations , education , curriculum , education administration organization , entered the standardization process .

  16. 教育软件行业是指基于计算机和网络技术平台,以中国基础教育领域的实际应用为目标,以中小学学校、教育管理机构、中小学教师、学生及家长为用户的软件开发、服务行业。

    Aiming at assistance to Chinese fundamental education , the fundamental educational software industry develops products and supplies service to schools , educational institutes , teachers , students and their parents .