
  1. Agent以其特有的属性成为教育技术领域的研究热点。

    Much attention is paid to the agent technology of education Technology with its own property .

  2. 把Ontology建模引入到教育技术领域,意义在于,根据Ontology建模和相关知识表示标准及交换协议,建立的知识库,便于知识交流、转换和共享。

    The significance of our introduction of ontology modeling method into educational technology is that the subject knowledge base , which is established according to ontology modeling method and related knowledge representation standard and exchange protocol , would benefit for the exchanging , transferring and sharing of knowledge .

  3. 教育技术领域中的实验研究

    Experimental Study in Educational Technology Field

  4. 首次将教育技术领域对学习结果的研究成果运用到音乐教学中,提出认知在音乐教学当中是途径、手段,不是目的。

    The results of educational technology research have been applied in musical instruction for the first time .

  5. 多媒体视频学习资源的设计及开发,一直以来是教育技术领域所关注的热点。

    The design and development of multimedia video learning resources is always the hot point of educational technology .

  6. 教育技术领域需要实验研究,而实验研究最重要的就是研究课题的选择和实验设计。

    Educational technology field needs experimental study . The important parts are selection of research title and experimental design .

  7. 当前教育技术领域的哲学观主要从科学主义的、人本主义的和辩证唯物主义的三个不同的哲学视角阐释教育技术、阐释教育技术学。

    The philosophy view in present ET field mainly includes three views , scientific humanism , and polemical materialism .

  8. 在教育技术领域有一个重视过程与方法而忽视基础理论研究的倾向。

    In the field of Educational Technology , there has been a tendency of emphasizing processes and methods but ignoring basic research .

  9. 本文试图通过研究教育技术领域的知识框架给出我国教育技术领域进一步发展的尝试性建议。

    This article tries to provide tentative suggestion for the further development of instructional technology after a research about instructional technology framework .

  10. 知识建构是顺应时代培养创新人才的需要,是教育技术领域研究的又一个新热点。

    Knowledge Building is to foster innovative talents that comply with the time , which is a new hotspot research in Education Technology .

  11. 移动学习是继数字化学习后出现的又一新学习模式,是教育技术领域研究的又一个新热点。

    Mobile learning , another new learning form following digital learning is a new hot spot in the research domain of Educational Technology .

  12. 如何建设可重用性高、支持语义的网络教学资源,成为近年来教育技术领域的研究热点。

    How to build web teaching resources with high reusability and semantics has become a research focus in the field of educational technology .

  13. 因此,结合实验课题介绍单因素实验和多因素实验,推动教育技术领域实验研究的开展非常必要。

    Therefore , it is necessary that introduction single-factor and many-factor experiments combined with experimental task will promote experimental study in Educational technology field .

  14. 在计算机教育技术领域,设备的小型化和网络化是主要的发展方向之一。

    In the field of the computer educational technology , the miniaturization and networking of the equipments are one of the main directions of development .

  15. 如何构建一个真正有效的跨文化学习平台,支持不同文化背景的学习者在网络环境中开展有效的学习,是当前教育技术领域十分关注的研究课题之一。

    How to create a real cross-cultural learning system and support the learner with different cultural background to learn effectively , becomes a hot area in education .

  16. 提高高校多媒体课件制作使用效益和管理机制一直是教育技术领域探索和迫切需要解决的问题。

    Improving the application efficiency and management system of college multimedia courseware designing has always been the important issue in education technology research and imperative to be solved .

  17. 移动学习作为一种新的学习方式,是数字化学习的进一步发展,也是教育技术领域研究的热点之一。

    Mobile learning as a new way of learning is the further development of digital learning , research in the field of educational technology is one of the hotspots .

  18. 移动学习成为继数字化学习之后,又一个对传统学习方式的重要补充,是教育技术领域研究的热点之一。

    Mobile Learning has become another very important complement to the traditional ways of learning after digital-learning , it is the one of research focus in the field of education technology .

  19. 如何为学习者创设良好的学习环境以支持和促进学习者的学习已逐渐成为教育技术领域的前沿研究课题。

    How to create a favorable learning environment for the learners to support and promote their learning has gradually become the rush one of research tasks in the educational technology field .

  20. 如何在网络环境中有效地实施教与学,是值得研究与探索的新课题,也是当前教育技术领域及学校教学中倍受瞩目的焦点。

    How to affectively develop the Network Instruction is a new task which is worth researching and discussing . It is focusing attention upon the fields of educational technology and teaching .

  21. 本论文是以教育技术领域的教学系统设计理论研究为基础,根据音乐的学科性质和学习、教学特点进行的音乐教学系统设计理论方面的研究。

    This thesis studied the theory of musical instruction system design on the foundation of instructional system design in the area of Educational technology , according to the subject property and instructing characteristic of music .

  22. 因此,移动学习资源是实现移动学习的前提和基础,同时移动学习资源作为教育技术领域一个新的研究方向也为越来越多的研究者所关注。

    Therefore , mobile learning resources are the prerequisite and basis for mobile learning ; at the same time , as a new research direction of the field of educational technology , it attracts a growing number of researchers ' attention .

  23. 研究方法单一是当前教育技术研究领域面临的一个不容回避的事实。

    Singularity of researching method is an unevadable fact in instructional technology field .

  24. 教育技术的领域发展与专业技能的要求

    The Development in the Field of Instructional Technology : New Demands for Professional Skills

  25. 因此,从理论和实践上对教学交互进行深入的研究,是教育技术研究领域的一个重大课题。

    So , carrying on deep research to interaction in teaching is a great subject in the educational technology field .

  26. 所以,价值的本质是人本质的对象化,在教育技术学领域强化人文思想的渗透,其核心就是强调人的价值实现这个根本问题。

    Therefore , the core is to realize human value in the enforcement the influence of humanity and arts in educational technology .

  27. 近年来,教学游戏作为教育技术研究领域的热点话题,引起越来越多学者和一线教师的关注。

    In recent years , as an hot topic in the field of educational technology research , educational game has attracted more and more concerns from scholars and classroom teachers .

  28. 随着计算机技术、通讯和网络技术的快速发展,移动学习这种新型学习方式逐渐在世界范围内兴起,目前已经成为教育技术学领域内重要的研究方向。

    With the rapid development of computer technology , communications and network technology , mobile learning as a new approach to learning rise in the world . At present , it has become an important research direction in the field of Educational Technology .

  29. 教育技术学的领域应该继续发展为像自然学科那样,理论经得起数据的验证。

    The field of educational technology should continue to develop as a science in which theories are tested against data .

  30. 随着电子计算机性能的不断提高,虚拟现实在教学、科普教育和技术研究领域中应用已成为可能。

    With the continuous improvement of computer performance , virtual reality applied in teaching , science education and technology research is possible .