
  • 网络Education Order;Educational Decree
  1. 再一次,我们被迫自我教育,令我们所作出更有远见的决定。

    Again , we are forced to educate ourselves so that the decisions we make will be well informed .

  2. 其次,过去15年来的诸多教育改革令许多教师很困惑,因此教室里的语言差异没有得到应有的重视。

    Apartheid ended in nineteen ninety-four . Secondly , she says , teachers have been confused by the many educational reform efforts in the last fifteen years . And , finally , she thinks language differences in the classroom have not gotten as much attention as they should .

  3. 虎妈式(Tigermum):此词出自华裔美国作家蔡美儿(AmyChua)2011年出版的一本书。书中写到母亲采用一种严苛的传统教育方法,令孩子在学业上以及课业外都有所成。

    Tiger mum : originated in a 2011 book by Chinese-American author Amy Chua about a traditional , strict approach to motherhood that gets results in terms of grades and extracurricular achievement .

  4. 独具特色的日本企业教育取得了令世人瞩目的成就,引起了世界各国企业的纷纷学习与效仿。

    Characterized Japanese enterprise education has gained magnificent achievement , which resulted in worldwide imitating .

  5. 在实践层面则表现为:阅听人媒体素养意识的缺失;教育政策虽令不从的尴尬,商业性媒体的缺席与回避。

    The theoretical limitations are stated as follows : lack of media literacy consciousness , embarrassment of disobedience to the educational policy , absence and avoidance of commercial media .

  6. 他所受的教育,曾令他相信罗马教会为神圣而绝无错误的权威,并以毫无疑问的敬畏,接受千古不变的教义和习惯;

    He had been educated to regard the Church of Rome as the divine , infallible authority , and to accept with unquestioning reverence the established teachings and customs of a thousand years ;

  7. 这是我在回顾教育事业时最令我满意的一部分。

    It is the part of my education which I look back upon with the most satisfaction .

  8. 它的教育实践和经验令我们耳目一新,也正是基于此原因,笔者对芬兰的教育产生了浓厚的兴趣。

    The author has been very interested in Finland 's education for its educational practices and experiences are new and fresh to us .

  9. 相比之下,脱离正规教育的经历,令他可以主动寻找机会结交兴趣迥异的朋友。

    In contrast , he said , unschooling has allowed him to actively seek opportunities to meet people who travel different walks in life .

  10. 当教育和经济变革令人们能够对多数人其实无法实现的生活方式产生渴望时,社会动荡就会加剧。

    Social unrest increased when education and economic change enabled people to aspire to a lifestyle that most could not , in fact , achieve .

  11. 日本近代教育制度是在移植欧美教育制度的基础上发展起来的,这是通过明治初期颁布的《学制》和“自由教育令”而实现的。

    The modern educational system of Japan developed from transplanting the educational system of Europe and America by means of the promulgation of " School System " and " Liberal Education Decree " .