
  • 网络teaching practice;Educational Practice;student teaching;pedagogical practice
  1. 教育实习成绩综合评定方法

    A synthetical method of evaluating trainee 's achievement in educational practice

  2. 我院体育系94届毕业生教育实习中实际工作能力的调查与分析

    Investigation on Working Ability of Graduate Students in Educational Practice

  3. 讨论教育实习成绩评定一致性信度K指标评鉴标准

    Preliminary study on the evaluation standard of the classification reliability K index about students ' practice performance

  4. 论教育实习指导教师的专业化发展&兼谈美国PDS模式的启示

    Specialization Development of Teachers Directing Practice Teaching : Enlightenment of the American Pattern of PDS

  5. 在分析H学院成立的基本情况后,以个案方式研究了教育实习中的听评课、课外活动和专业研讨会,揭示了日常实习与集中实习相结合的效果。

    After the analysis of the basic situation in the early stage of H College , case study is adopted in the classroom observation and assessment , extra-curricular activities and symposium .

  6. 利用微格教学法(Microteaching)强化师范生教育实习前的化学教学技能训练

    Intensively Training for the Chemistry Teaching Skills Before the Teaching Practice by Means of Microteaching

  7. 通过对英国BrunelUniversity体育教育实习研究发现,PGCE学生采用的是集中教育实习的模式,实习时间为一年;

    By means of the research about the students ' Physical Education Practice mode at Brunel University in Britain , The author found the pace PGCE PE students adopt a centralization mode of Education practice which last for one year ;

  8. 高职教育实习实训基地的建设与设想

    The Construction and Thought of Practical Training Base of Higher Education

  9. 欧美等国高等师范教育实习经验借鉴与启发

    Inspirations of the Teaching Practice in European and American Teachers Colleges

  10. 论体育教育实习基地的建设

    Discussion on the Construction of the Physical Education Teaching Practice Base

  11. 搞好教育实习的根本&教书育人

    Imparting Knowledge and Educating People : Key to Successful Teaching Practice

  12. 体育教育实习若干问题探析

    Inquiry and Analysis or Several Problems in Physical Education Teaching Practice

  13. 我国高职教育实习模式的改进建议。

    The suggestions for practice pattern of our higher vocational education .

  14. 计算机专业教育实习改革探索

    Discussions on the Reform of Teaching Practice for Computer Science Majors

  15. 高师学生教育实习心理表现与探究

    An investigation of student_teachers ′ psychological behavior during teaching practice

  16. 建设教育实习基地的理论与实践研究

    Studies On Theory and Practice of Constructing the Base of Educational Practice

  17. 教育实习新模式与教育课程改革的探索实践

    New Mode of Educational Practice and Exploratory Reform in Courses

  18. 谈体育系教育实习队的管理特点

    On the Characteristics of Teaching Practice Management of the Physical Education Department

  19. 浅谈高师体育专业教育实习的组织指导工作

    On Organization and Tutoring Work of Physical Educational Practice at Teachers College

  20. 初步形成教师职业能力的阶段&模拟教育实习;

    The initially forming phase of teachers ' professional ability-stimulated practice education ;

  21. 体育专业教育实习情况的调查分析

    The Inverstigation and Analysis about Educational Practice of Sports Specialty

  22. 论我国高师教育实习改革

    On the Reform of Teaching Practice in Senior Teachers College

  23. 注重素质培养,实现教育实习的目的

    Paying Attention to Quality Education , Achieving the Aim of practice teaching

  24. 新课程背景下高师音乐教育实习现状调查与对策研究

    Research of Survey and Measure about Practice Teaching of under Curriculum Reform

  25. 关于综合大学背景下加强师范教育实习基地建设的思考

    On Strengthening the Construction of Educational Practice Base in the Comprehensive University

  26. 第三章:高师音乐教育实习模式研究。

    The third chapter : study of music teaching practice .

  27. 现阶段高等师范院校分散教育实习存在的问题及其对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in Educational Practice at the Present Stage

  28. 课堂教学是教育实习的中心环节。

    Teaching activity in class is the kernel link in teaching practice .

  29. 体育教育实习中的紧张心理与调控

    Nervous Psychology and the Solution in the Practice of P.E

  30. 影响教育实习效果的因素分析

    The Analysis of Factors Influencing the Effect of Teaching Practice