
zài zhí péi xùn
  • on-the-job training;in-service training
  1. 通过在职培训和内部培训项目&例如,我们有自己的高盛大学(GoldmanSachsUniversity),分析师们能够获得任何行业所需要的专业和金融技能。

    Coupled with on-the-job training and an in-house training programme such as our own Goldman Sachs University , analysts acquire the professional and financial skills critical to any business line .

  2. 在日本,在职培训经历往往比文凭更受重视,mba学位对职业发展的作用并不明显尤其是如果你是一名和尚的话。

    In Japan , where on-the-job training is often valued more than academic qualifications , an MBA is not an obvious step to career advancement particularly if you are a Buddhist monk .

  3. 在职培训日益增加,而不是脱产进行。

    Increasingly , training is taking place in the office rather than outside it .

  4. 教师校本培训(school-basedteachereducation)是伴随着教师教育改革和教师专业化浪潮而产生的一种教师在职培训的新概念与新策略,在许多国家正日益得到发展。

    School-based Teacher Training , a new concept and tactics of in-service teacher training , come into being accompanied by the tide of teacher education reform and teacher professional development , and it is developed by a lot of countries .

  5. 这就是为什么他们都采用在职培训(OJT)的原因。

    That is why they use on-the-job training , or OJT .

  6. 因此高等师范院校可以通过加强教师的在职培训,适时组织大学教师进行STS教学科研与交流,以推动物理课程中STS教育的深入。

    Therefore , the higher normal University can promote STS education to deep in physic course through strengthening teachers ' on-the-job training and organize them to carry on the STS teaching scientific research and the exchange .

  7. 入职培训都遵循OJT的要求,即在装配线上在职培训的每一个新员工都有一个丰田培训员或者组长一起工作。

    The orientation training is followed by OJT , in which each trainee works side-by-side with a Toyota trainer or a group leader on the assembly line .

  8. 结构化的在职培训(S-OJT)是指在工作场所或接近工作场所的地点由有经验的雇员训练新雇员、有计划地培养特定工作能力的过程。

    Structured on – the-job training ( S-OJT ) is one of the human resource training programs by which new comers or employees receive the necessary skills step-by-step in the workplace from the experienced workers or professionals .

  9. 建立乡镇卫生院卫生技术人员在职培训制度的思考

    Reflections on establishing on-the-job training system for health staff in THCs

  10. 强化在职培训提高高校教师素质

    Promoting the Quality of Higher Education Teachers by Strengthening the Training

  11. 而我们没有时间来进行在职培训。

    We don 't have time for on the job training .

  12. 缓解教师压力,切实加强师资培训,做好教师职前与在职培训;

    Relieve teacher 's pressure and implement English training for teachers .

  13. 谈医学工程技术人员在职培训与继续教育

    Suggestions fo incumbency training for the continue to educate medical engineers

  14. 构建创新型、多样化的在职培训模式。

    Build an innovative and diversified in-service training model . 6 .

  15. 手术室护士在职培训效果的评估

    Efficacy Evaluation on Professional Training of Nurses Worked in Operating Room

  16. 面向在职培训的变电站仿真机的基本配置和功能

    The Basic Disposition and Functions of Substation Simulator for On-job Training

  17. 从护士执业考试看新毕业护士的在职培训

    Thought about new nurses ' inservice training through qualified nurse tests

  18. 加强新疆乡镇企业人员的在职培训。

    Strengthen the workers ' incumbency training of Xinjiang 's township enterprises .

  19. 我国民航空中交通管制员在职培训研究

    Study on In-service Training for Air Traffic Controllers of China Civil Aviation

  20. 第三章,数学分析角度的在职培训投资分析。

    The analysis of on-job training investment on the base of mathematics .

  21. 门诊医疗服务质量评价及医生的在职培训需求

    Medical Care Quality and Demands of Training On-post by Doctors in Outpatients

  22. 湖北省特殊学校教师在职培训模式的建构

    Special School Teacher On-the-job Training Pattern Construction in Hubei Province

  23. 对新时期民警在职培训工作的思考

    Reflections on the In - Service Police Training In the New Era

  24. 建立临床和专业成长需要的系统化护理在职培训体系

    Establishment of nursing clinical education system for nursing practice and professional development

  25. 特师在职培训要走终身教育之路

    Lifelong Training for Teachers at Work of the Special Education

  26. 这个公司提供很多的脱产培训或在职培训吗?

    Does this company offer a lot off-job training or in-job training ?

  27. 他们与诺基亚公司接洽了几次,商谈在职培训费用问题。

    They have made several approaches to Nokia about on-the-job training expenses .

  28. 上海市幼儿园教师在职培训需求研究

    The Study of Kindergarten Teachers On-the-job Training Demand in Shanghai

  29. 社区护士在职培训教学模式初探

    Probe into teaching models of incumbency training for community nurses

  30. 你们为新雇员提供在职培训。

    That you will provide on the job training for new employees .