
  • 网络Online Service;ONLINE;customer service;SERVICE;online customer service
  1. 基于Lucene的在线客服机器人的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Online Customer Service Robot Based on Lucene

  2. 基于常问问题集的在线客服实验研究

    Experiments for Online Call Center Based on Frequently Asked Questions

  3. 详细问题请咨询在线客服。

    Detailed questions please contact customer service online .

  4. 今年,在线客服即将推出,这又将成为服务客户的又一渠道。

    Yongda will continue to complete this system with " Service Online " this year .

  5. 如有任何疑问,请随时联系我们的在线客服。

    Please feel free to contact our Live Help any time for any question you might have .

  6. 咨询我们的在线客服,也可以根据网站上的售后电话咨询电话客服。

    Consult our online customer service can also be based on the site after-sales customer service phone call .

  7. 例如,淘宝在线客服的“花名”,就取自中国流行武侠小说中的人物。

    For instance , the screen names of online moderators were derived from characters in popular Chinese kung-fu novels .

  8. 正是在这种背景下,在线客服逐渐被作为一个降低服务成本的有效手段被采用。

    Under this background , online services have been adopted asan effective means to reduce the cost of service .

  9. 在此基础上,分析了电力公司在线客服系统的主要功能和核心流程。

    Based on this , this thesis debates major function and the core flow of the electricity company online customer service system .

  10. 在线客服老是在那飘着,虽然不是广告,但是很招人厌。

    Online customer service is always floating in it , though it is not advertising , but it was tired of recruiting .

  11. 对我而言,我喜欢迷失在那些带领着我跟你分享难得糊涂的歌曲旋律中,在线客服软件。

    Personally , I love to get lost in the rhythm of a song which leads me to share with you the importance of being silly !

  12. 最后,针对金山在线客服系统实际应用,进行了详细的实验及分析。

    Finally , experiments and the analysis of the results combined with a practice application-the KingSoft online Call Center , are also given at the end of this paper .

  13. 本文提出的方法与其他客户服务方式的配合使用,能提高在线客服的服务质量和个性化与适应性程度,提高在线客户服务水平和客户满意度。

    The proposed method applies together with other self-service methods , can improve the quality and personalization of online customer service , which can in the further improve online customer service level and customer satisfaction .

  14. 但在线自助客服平台如何更有效地针对客户提出的问题给出参考的解决方案,是影响到其使用效果的关键。

    But the key factor that influences the effect of it is how to generate customers ' questions oriented solutions more effectively in online customer service .