
  1. 这个需求对应的相关问题即搜索竞价广告关键词优化问题。

    The related issues corresponding to this demand is search engine advertising keywords optimization .

  2. 根据谷歌公司的这份声明表示,竞价广告的全球政策变动将会于7月13日正式生效。

    The global policy change to its AdWords program will start on July 13 , according to a statement from Google ( GOOG ) .

  3. 这一阶段的主要目标是根据搜索竞价广告的特点进行广告关键词抽取模型的设计并抽取广告中的关键词作为种子关键词。

    The main task of this stage is to design the model of advertising keyword extraction and extract keywords as the seed keywords from advertisement .

  4. 搜索竞价广告关键词优化对于广告能否准确的被用户定位并获得更大的展示机会有着至关重要的作用。

    Whether the ads can be discovered accurately by users who are interested in them and obtain more chances to exhibit to users depends on the keyword optimization for search engine advertising .

  5. 而广告垂直搜索引擎则是针对竞价广告行业的专业搜索引擎,它以结构化广告信息为搜索内容,向查询商品的用户提供相关广告的信息。

    Vertical ads search engine is professional search engine for bid advertising industry , it takes structured ads information as search content and provide the user of query goods with related ads information .

  6. 最后将搜索竞价广告优化方法与主流广告关键词推荐工具进行了比较实验,实验结果显示,本文的搜索竞价广告优化方法生成的竞价关键词优于主流广告关键词推荐工具的生成的关键词。

    Finally , we implement an experiment to compare the search engine advertising keyword optimization method with leading advertising keyword suggestion tools . The result shows that our keyword optimization method is better than leading advertising keyword suggestion tools .

  7. 竞价排名并非广告性质,应定性为技术服务。

    Quality of bidding rank should be classified as technical services instead of advertisement .

  8. 加之行业缺乏规范管理,广告公司之间竞价争斗,广告主缺乏商业信用。第三,尽快提高我国广告公司的广告专业水平,建设一批有竞争力的全面服务型的广告公司。

    We also build the large quantities of advertising agencies of the serving type in an all-round way with higher speed so that we can improve the professional level of advertisement of the advertising agency of our country as soon as possible .

  9. 随着通过实时竞价发布的互联网广告数量增势迅猛,谷歌(Google)已将实时竞价列为其广告体系的核心业务。

    Real-time online advertising through such auctions is a rapidly growing business , and Google ( GOOG ) has made it a critical part of its advertising ecosystem .