
  • 网络Competitor analysis;Analysis of competitors
  1. 在供应商管理,质量保证,过程控制及竞争者分析方面的最新手段和方法。

    Presentation of recent methods in supplier management , quality assurance , process control , and competitor analysis .

  2. 在此基础上,讨论西安宏达客户信息管理系统的功能,分析客户分类、客户关怀、竞争者分析等主要流程。

    Secondly , the main functions of the customer information management system are discussed and the core precess such as customer classification , customer care and competitor analysis are analyzed .

  3. 主要是宏观环境分析,产品分析,竞争者分析,消费者分析。

    It is mainly macroscopical environmental analysis , product analysis , the competitor analyses , consumers analyse .

  4. 用波特的五力模型理论对无缝钢管市场进行了行业和竞争者分析;

    Also the Five Forces model is used to analyze the industry and competitor of the steel seamless tube market .

  5. 而市场流行及竞争者分析可以成为设计信息获取的一种参考和一个渠道,但不是设计的第一出发点。

    And the analysis on fad and competition can be regarded as information for creating design , but not the most important one .

  6. 简述金属尾矿回收绢云母的市场总体战略,并着重以目标市场细分、竞争者分析营销组合、营销组织为重点,探讨绢云母市场开拓战略问题。

    This article briefly describes the general marketing strategy for recovery of sericite from tailings , making emphasis on target market division , marketing grouping and marketing organization .

  7. 以行业和竞争者分析模型为基础,提出了分析信息系统技术对我国企业竞争力的影响的方法。

    This paper studies the analysis method for analyzing the impact of information systems technology on the competitive domain of firms based on the model for analyzing industries and com - petitors .

  8. 在这些理论的基础上,对营口银行沈阳分行的营销环境进行分析,从营口银行沈阳分行的市场营销现状以及对主要竞争者的分析中发现营口银行沈阳分行营销的优势劣势,机会和威胁。

    In the theoretical basis , the marketing environment is analyzed , through the analysis of marketing situation and the key competitors in Shenyang , we discover the advantage and disadvantage , the opportunities and threats of Yingkou Bank Shenyang Branch .

  9. 对代用技术/其他竞争者进行实力分析

    Conducted competitive analysis on alternative technologies / competitors

  10. 行业及其行业中的竞争者的财务分析

    Financial Analysis of Industries and Competitors

  11. 作者又对我国证券咨询业的竞争者进行了分析,得出我国证券咨询行业强弱分化加剧,行业资源开始整合。

    After analysing the competitors of the securities consulting industry , the author finds a very big polarization between different companies has coming into being .

  12. 监测区域内主要客户市场动态,对竞争者活动进行分析、评估,并有系统地反馈到总部。

    Monitor the dynamic of Ka retail markets and evaluate competitive activities and take counteractive measure , also able to feed back the key market information to hq .

  13. 通过对市场因素,储藏因素,物流因素,病灾害检测因素、意识,营销渠道和营销模式,竞争者等的分析得出定边县马铃薯产业的不利因素。

    The author will also analyze the unfavorable factors in developing potato industry through the analysis in market factors , storage factors , logistics factors , disease disaster detection factors ,, marketing channels and marketing mode , and competitors .

  14. 同时,还介绍了国内、外机车市场需求和竞争者。运用SWOT分析方法着重分析了ZYJC厂在新产品研发能力方面的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。

    At the same time , it will introduce the market demand and competitors , by SWOT analysis the opportunities , threats , strengths and weaknesses .

  15. 任何市场都存在着进入壁垒、退出壁垒和至利能力问题,万通公司要确定它的首要竞争者,辨别竞争者的特点,分析他们的战略、目标、优势与劣势及反应模式。

    Any market has problems , such as entrance barrier , exit barrier and capacity of gain .