
  • 网络expected result;expected outcomes
  1. 通过GUI测试程序与CGI测试程序对该编程平台的正确性进行了验证,取得了预期结果。

    The correctness of the programming platform was verified through GUI and CGI testing , with expected result .

  2. 包含预期结果的第二列对应于fixture中的scholarship()方法。

    The second column , which contains the expected result , corresponds to the scholarship () method in the fixture .

  3. 对B煤也作了相应探索性的试验,均得出对生产有益的预期结果。

    Similar tests have been performed for coal B and positive expected results were obtained .

  4. 由于列表对象关联到没有摘要过滤器的主查询,报告现在以DynamicQueryMode执行,并返回预期结果。

    With the list object associated to the master query without the summary filter , the report now executes using Dynamic Query Mode and returns the expected results .

  5. 结果:分泌型IL-18表达载体酶切及测序结果与预期结果一致。

    RESULTS : Sequencing result of the secretive IL-18 was correct .

  6. 用这一套经验参数处理4类共11种底物的红外光谱和溶剂极性参数ET(30)的溶剂效应,均得到了预期结果。

    With this set of empirical parameters the infrared spectra of 11 substrates of four classes were treated , and expected results were obtained .

  7. 应当通过添加防范措施来提升MOM策略,当他们不能产生预期结果时,应该能回滚管理操作。

    MOM policies should be improved by adding safeguards that would roll back management operations when they do not produce expected results .

  8. 考虑Boolean函数转换成字符串以及再转换回来时会出现的非预期结果。

    Consider the unexpected result when a Boolean function is converted to a string and back again .

  9. 测试用例生成策略采用的是黑盒测试的等价类法和边界值法,测试用例和预期结果采用XML文档存储。

    Test cases generated by the strategy was black box testing of the equivalent method and boundary value method and they were stored in the XML document .

  10. 并针对端系统的QoS动态协商模块进行了模拟实验,验证了我们的预期结果。

    Additionally , against the dynamic QoS negotiation module of the terminal system , we carry on a simulation experiment which validated our expected results .

  11. 这是Metro和CXF的预期结果,因为它们都使用JAXB参考实现来进行转换。

    This is to be expected in the case of Metro and CXF , since they both use the JAXB reference implementation for conversions .

  12. 利用GDD模型达到预期结果需要对人、流程和工具的预先投资。

    Achieving expected results with a GDD model requires an up-front investment in people , process , and tools .

  13. SEER使得用户能够度量实际的项目性能和过程预期结果(进度、资源和缺陷)。

    SEER enables users to measure actual project performance and progress against expected outcomes ( schedule , resources , and defects ) .

  14. 重组克隆PsecTaq2AAMG酶谱分析与预期结果一致,序列测定结果与GenBank中的人釉原蛋白序列完全一致。

    The recombinant plasmid PsecTaq2A_AMG was analyzed by restriction endonuclease mapping and DNA sequencing . The results of sequencing were consistent with those from GenBank .

  15. 从技能应用、护理程序、预期结果及专业知识四个方面对护士的操作进行考核,为了快速准确地给出相应的等级评定,本文在Excel的VBA中为该考核标准自定义了一个函数。

    Evaluating nurses ' operating from skill application , care procedure , result expectance and technology , this paper designs a function in VBA of Excel in order to get the evaluating results quickly and accurately .

  16. 提取转基因稻曲病菌株总DNA,利用潮霉素引物扩增,琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测结果与预期结果(1023bp)相符。

    DNA of transgenic U.virens isolates were extracted , amplified by using primers of Hygromycin primers , the result of agarose gel electrophoresis was corresponded with the expected result ( 1023bp ) .

  17. 理论分析和研究了掺铥光纤放大器的放大特性;解决了氟化物掺铥光纤与硅基光纤的连接问题,进行了TDFA的实验研究,分析了没有得到预期结果的原因;

    The amplification characteristics of thulium-doped fiber amplifier ( TDFA ) have been studied using the basic theory of fiber amplifier .

  18. IEEE将软件测试定义为:使用人工或自动手段来运行或测定某个系统的过程,其目的在于检验它是否满足规定的需求或是弄清预期结果与实际结果之间的差别。

    IEEE the software test definition was : Uses artificial either the automatic method moves or determines some system the process , its goal lies in examines it whether satisfies the stipulation the demand perhaps clarifies between the anticipated result and the actual result difference .

  19. 结果对重组质粒进行酶切和PCR鉴定,获得455bp大小的目的基因片段,与预期结果相符,证明已成功构建携带Derf2基因的重组原核表达质粒pET32a(+)Derf2。

    W Results The positive recombinant plasmids pET32a ( + ) Der f 2 were identified by restriction endonuclease digestion and PCR , the objective gene fragment with the size of 455 bp were acquired , in accordance with the expected results .

  20. 根据公告所说,合并之后的预期结果包括研发的更大投入,BSI产品的扩增,包括更广泛的硬件平台。

    According to the post , expected results of the merger include increased development in R & D and the expansion of the BSI product line to include a wider range of hardware platforms .

  21. 其大纲视图显示了组件的预期结果,这使其可以更容易的预测返回的数据而无需运行BizView。

    The outline view shows predicted results for components , making it easier to predict the data to be returned without having to run the BizView .

  22. 实验结果表明,在提出的两种模型基础上,评分补齐算法(UITRC)与细粒度推荐算法(FGRA)很好地符合缺失评分的分布规律及精确推荐预期结果。

    The experimental results show that the two-dimensional User-Item rating complement algorithm ( UITRC ) and Fine-grained recommendation algorithm ( FGRA ) can be in line with the distribution of the User-Item ratings and the expected results of the precise recommendations based on the two models proposed in this paper .

  23. 整个算法达到课题的预期结果。

    The whole algorithms satisfy the expected results of the subject .

  24. 卓伊:你的实验有得到预期结果吗?

    Zoe : Are you getting the results you were expecting ?

  25. 预算表是计划及其实施的预期结果。

    Budget figures are resultants of plans and expected performance .

  26. 有效性反映的是预期结果的实现程度。

    Effectiveness reflects the extent to achieve the expected results .

  27. 接着由测试用例和模块的数学模型生成预期结果。

    Secondly , we get expectations of test cases from mathematical models .

  28. 入选患者是何特征?预期结果如何?

    Also , what is the result from this trial ?

  29. 我希望那计划有令人满意的预期结果。

    I hope that the plan works out satisfactorily .

  30. 为对抗不可预期结果,许多律师都提倡婚前协议。

    In the fight against unpredictable outcomes , many lawyers advocate pre-nuptial agreements .