
  • 网络economy of scope
  1. 企业管理集成的集成效应包括聚集经济效应、规模经济效应、范围经济效应、速度经济效应和网络经济效应;

    Integrate effects fall into economy of aggregate , economy of scale , economy of scope , economy of velocity and network effect .

  2. 金融控股公司拥有规模经济效应和范围经济效应。

    FHC has the superiority of scale and scope economy effects .

  3. 研究商业银行的范围经济效应实质上就是研究商业银行混业经营的问题。

    The research on banks scope economies refers to the problem of hybrid operation essentially .

  4. 文中首先分析了网络金融网络金融的国际比较与借鉴存在外部经济、规模经济效应和范围经济效应。

    I first analyze that network finance has compound economic effects i.e. the external economy , scale economy and scope economy effects .

  5. 混业经营体制的比较成本优势在于范围经济效应和风险分散效应,比较成本劣势在于利益冲突和风险传递。

    Comparative advantages of universal banking include economies of scope and risk diversification ; Comparative disadvantages include risk contagion and conflicts of interest .

  6. 物流产业集群形成的动因,一是交易费用的节约,二是发挥范围经济效应。

    The causes of the forming of logistics industry cluster are the saving of contract cost and the utilization of scope economics . 2 .

  7. 其实,旅游产业具有明显的集聚特征,蕴藏着巨大的规模经济效应和范围经济效应。

    In fact , the tourism industry has a clear clustering feature , a vast reservoir of economies of scale and scope of the economic effects .

  8. 模块化为金融企业实行专业化经营,同时又通过网络结构获取范围经济效应提供了一条有利路径。

    Modular provides a favorable path for financial enterprises operate specialized management and obtain the effects of scope economic through the network structure at the same time .

  9. 第4章首先介绍了虚拟企业的经济效应,包括规模经济效应、范围经济效应及速度经济效应。

    Chapter 4 , firstly , introduces the economic effects of virtual enterprise including economics of scale effects , economics of scope effects and economics of speed effects .

  10. 制造业聚集促使人口的进一步集中和服务业的聚集,提高聚集的规模经济效应和范围经济效应,从而形成城市经济发展的战略高地。

    Causing concentration of population and service trade , increasing the effect of economy of scale and scope , Aggregation of manufacturing makes urban economy booming and competitive .

  11. 对大成组技术的范围经济效应、规模经济效应、经验经济效应、联合经济效应和集成经济效应进行了研究。

    The scope economy effect , scale economy effect , experience economy effect , unite economy effect and integration economy effect of the great group technology are researched .

  12. 一般认为,银行并购可以产生规模经济效应,范围经济效应,管理协同效应,财务协同效应等正面的经济效益。

    It is believed that the banking M & A can bring economies scale and scope economic effects , management and financial synergy effects , and other positive economic benefits .

  13. 本文随后从集聚经济的角度,分析了生产者服务业的空间集聚效应,认为生产者服务业的空间集聚能够带来规模经济效应和范围经济效应。

    Subsequently , from the angle of agglomerative economy , this paper analyzes spatial agglomerative effect of producer services , and points out spatial agglomeration can bring scale economical effect and scope economical effect .

  14. 本文的研究旨在通过基于自身资源和能力的战略调整,创造和利用规模经济和范围经济效应,从根本上提高传统百货企业的竞争力。

    The purpose of this paper focuses on how to improve traditional department stores ' competence at all through using its own resources and capabilities , creating and utilizing economics of scale and scope .

  15. 第二章:从规模经济效应、范围经济效应、速度经济效应等角度对可重构制造系统进行了分析,证明可重构制造系统集成了大规模制造系统和柔性制造系统的优势。

    The merits of RMS over traditional manufacturing systems are analyzed from the view of economics . The effects of RMS such as scale economy , scope economy , economies of speed , agglomeration economy are pointed out .

  16. 在分析信息网络改变传统信息/知识共享机制的基础上,提出聚合经济效应的概念,分析了从规模经济效应、范围经济效应到聚合经济效应的发展过程。

    Based on the change which Internet brings about in traditional sharing mechanism of information / knowledge , the concept agglomeration economy effect is put forward . It is evolved from scale economy effect and scope economy effect .

  17. 纵向升级本质上是集群治理的过程,增强集群企业之间的层级关联,具有范围经济效应;横向升级是从准等级型集群升级为网络型集群,倚重于横纵交叉网络资本的构建。

    Vertical upgrading is essentially cluster governance process , enhancing the level association among cluster enterprises , and has scope economy effect . The horizontal upgrading is from quasi-hierarchy cluster to network cluster , constructing horizontal-vertical cluster network capital .

  18. 规制金融企业集团垄断行为的法理基础在于法律的不完备性和法律的公平与公正价值;经济学领域,金融企业集团存在的基础在于规模经济和范围经济效应。

    The legal principle foundation of FEG lies in completeness of law and fair and just value of the law . The domain of economics , the foundation that the FEG exists relies on scale economy and range economy .

  19. 本文对调整现值法中的筹资附带效应、规模和范围经济效应、外部效应、项目隐含的实物期权等的估价作了探讨,为评价复杂的投资项目提供了有益的分析思路。

    We make an elaborate analysis of how to evaluate such items as financing effect , scale and scope effect and the implicit real options in using the adjusted PV approach , which may serve as guidance for evaluating complicated projects .

  20. 虽然很多金融机构为了追逐范围经济效应而实行综合化经营,但实际上多元化经营虽然带来了交易费用的节省,但组织成本也同时上升,甚至后者上升更快,使得范围经济丧失。

    A lot of financial institutions implement integrated management in order to chase the effects of scope economic , but in fact although diversification has brought savings in transaction costs , organizational costs rise faster , losing benefit of scope of economic .

  21. 范围经济效应对商业银行的纯技术效率和规模效率有显著影响。最后,结合中国商业银行在现实的经营过程中存在的问题,提出了改善中国商业银行范围经济乃至经营效率的政策建议。

    There is a remarkable impact to pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency . Finally , we have made some suggestions to improve Chinese scope economies and even operating efficiency , considering the problems existing in the real operating process of commercial banks .

  22. 同时,自然垄断性行业这种初始投资规模巨大、单位产品边际成本较低以及多产品联合生产所导致的规模经济和范围经济效应对于行业间收入问题的产生也具有一定的影响。

    At the same time , the characteristics of natural monopoly cost functions such as the huge initial investments , as well as lower marginal costs of production of multiple products resulting from the scale economy and scope economy are influential to some extent .

  23. 金融产业集聚能产生规模经济和范围经济效应、金融网络效应等,可以使集聚区金融机构获得递增效益。

    Financial industry agglomeration can make all kinds of effects such as the economies of scale and scope , the financial network effect and so on . These effects would have the increasing benefits to financial instructures in the region where there is financial industry agglomeration .

  24. 然而,当房地产业发展成熟以后,为了追求范围经济效应,取得更多的收益,房地产企业会通过实施多元化经营,调整产品结构,保证企业的可持续发展。

    However , The real estate business is mature , for pursuing the economic effect of scope , obtain more incomes , the real estate business enterprise pass to carry out diversified management , adjusting the product structure , guaranteeing that the business enterprise can keep on the development .

  25. 实行分业监管可以把金融控股集团成员之间的风险传递降低到最小程度,而实行统一监管,可以发挥监管的规模经济效应、范围经济效应、避免监管冲突和监管疏漏。

    The separate supervision system can reduce the risk of transmission between members of the group to a minimum extent . The unified regulatory system can play the effects of economies of scale and scope of the economic effect of the regulation as well as avoid regulatory conflicts and oversight .

  26. 信息技术在企业应用中的范围经济性效应和差异经济性效应构成了信息技术对企业的战术层次作用机制,而它所引发的企业组织变革、管理变革则构成了对企业的战略层次作用机制。

    The effects of economy of scope and economy of scale of IT make up of the tactical level 's action mechanism , organization transform and management transform in enterprise brought by IT make up of the strategical level 's action mechanism .

  27. 担保集团的产生是基于对规模经济、范围经济和协同效应的追求。

    Security group is based on the pursuit of scale economies , scope economies and synergies .

  28. 这种集聚效应是产业集群外部经济的具体表现,具体可以分为外部规模经济、外部范围经济、乘数效应三方面。

    This effect can be broken into three parts , that is , outside scale economy , outside scope economy and multiplier effect .

  29. 摘要作为金融混业经营的重要组织形式,金融控股公司具有规模经济、范围经济和协同效应。

    As an important type of mixed operation of finance industry , the financial holding company has scale and scope economy and synergy effect .

  30. 欧盟金融集团监管与借鉴接着本章分析了金融集团存在的经济理论基础:规模经济、范围经济、协同效应和分散风险四个方面。

    Then , this chapter analyses economic theoretical foundations in the existence of the financial conglomerates : large-scale production , range economy , coordination effect and risk dispersion .