
  1. 这部电影根据中国著名作家范小青的同名小说改编。

    The film renowned Chinese writer Fan Xiaoqing 's novel of the same name .

  2. 评论界对范小青创作的评论和解读比较深刻,角度也相当广泛。

    Critics ' comments and interpretation is rather profound , and the point of view is also quite extensive .

  3. 范小青是当代文学史上一位重要而独具特色的作家,凭借其独特视野、自身体验和对苏州文化的阐释,创作出大量优秀的作品,字数达上千万。

    Xiao-Qing Fan is an important and unique contemporary literature writers , by virtue of his unique vision , her own experience and interpretation of the Suzhou culture , create a large number of excellent works , up to tens of millions of words .