
  • 网络seventeen-year literature
  1. 本文主要研究十七年文学电影改编策略。

    This paper studies the film adaptation strategies of Seventeen-year literature .

  2. 十七年文学宏大叙事与作家主体的关系

    The Relationship between the Grand Narrative of Seventeen-year Literature and Author Subject

  3. 对十七年文学教学的再思考

    Deeply Ponder Over the " 17 Years " Literature Teaching

  4. 十七年文学批评的社会政治话语系统

    The Social and Political Discourse System of Seventeen Years ' Literary Criticism

  5. “十七年文学”研究与“历史叙述”的重构

    " Seventeen-year literature " studies and the reconstruction of " historical narration "

  6. 偏离与错位&对苏联文学与中国十七年文学关系的反思

    Deflection and Dislocation & Reflection on the Relations between Soviet and 1949-1966 Chinese Literature

  7. 论十七年文学的忧患意识

    Sense of Urgency among Seventeen Years ' Literature

  8. 《十七年文学的时代性思考》是一部富有开拓性的文学研究专著。

    Epochal Reflections on the 17 - year Literature is a most exploiting belletristic monograph .

  9. 近年来,十七年文学逐渐成为学术界研究的热点。

    The seventeen-year literature has gradually become a focus point in academic research these years .

  10. 十七年文学在中国当代文学的教学过程中是无法回避的。

    " 17 years " literature is unable to avoid in the Chinese literature teaching process .

  11. 十七年文学性别神话批判

    A Critique of the Gender Myth in Literature of the " 17 - year Period "

  12. 语境·模式·规则&十七年文学中爱情叙事的话语分析

    Background , Pattern and Routine & A discourse analysis of the 17 year literature 's love narration

  13. 十七年文学中知识分子的自我想象

    The Self-image of Chinese Intellectuals in the Literature of the 17-year Period Prior to the Cultural Revolution

  14. 现代民族共同体的想象与认同&论“十七年文学”的现代性品格

    Imagination and identification of modern national community & on the modernity of the " seventeen-year literature "

  15. 通过案例阐述、历史重构,还原十七年文学的复杂性和丰富性。

    By case studies and historical reconstruction , this paper restores the complexity and variety of seventeen-year literature .

  16. 十七年文学呈现出明显的民间化走向,主要是对十七年时期客观民间社会的描绘。

    The seventeen years'literature appears obvious folk tendency , which is the description of the subjective folk world .

  17. 十七年文学中,作家们大都突出与强化了爱情这一私人生活空间与工作、革命、战争等公共社会政治空间的矛盾冲突。

    In " 17 year literature ", love , the private capacity , contradicted the social public political capacity .

  18. 从审美主体选择看十七年文学的公式化和概念化成因

    The Formative Causes of Formulation and Conceptualization of Literature of the 17 Years : Viewed from the Selection of Aesthetical Subject

  19. 理想主义、英雄主义精神的烛照与偏离&对十七年文学中的母爱主题和儿童教育的思考

    Illuminated and Deviated by the Spirit of Idealism and Heroism - The Theme of Maternal Love and Children Education in 17 Years Literature

  20. 而在文学作品中,男性知识分子必须摧毁自己在十七年文学中的卑微形象,重建他们的主体地位。

    And in literary works , male intellectuals must destroy their humbled image in the seventeen years literature , rebuild their subject position .

  21. 对十七年文学而言,英雄人物是时代与文学的共同选择。

    As far as the literary works at the 17 Years are concerned , hero is the common selection of the times and literature .

  22. 十七年文学的经典正处于动态、流动的情形,对它们的考验仍在进行之中。

    The canons of " 17 Years Literature " are dynamic and fluidic , and the test on them is still being carried on .

  23. 十七年文学批评发展进程中,《文艺报》上的“检讨书”参与了作家自我批评空间的建构。

    In the development of17 years'literary criticism , Self-criticism Text in the Wenyi Bao was involved in the construction of the writer 's self-criticism space .

  24. 十七年文学是20世纪中国文学的一个重要发展阶段。这段文学历史蕴含着中国社会历史丰富的文化密码和文化基因。

    The Seventeen Years literature was an important developing stage in the 20th century of Chinese literature , which contained abundant cultural secret codes and cultural genes .

  25. 浩然是一位创作生命力十分顽强的作家,被学者雷达称为十七年文学的最后一个歌手。

    Hao Ran was a strong creative vitality writer that named the Last Singer of " the Literature in the Seventeen Years " by scholar Lei Da .

  26. 十七年文学英雄叙事的审美范式主要是以一元独尊、凸现政治性为特点,这强化了主流意识形态的主导性。

    Unitary and political attribute is the central characteristic of heroic narrative in literature of the Seventeen Years , which emphasized the leading function of the mainstream ideology .

  27. 文学经典的批评与文学批评的经典化&以建国后十七年文学经典的批评为中心苏联跟美国建交,是在十月革命之后十七年。

    Criticisms on Literary Classics and Tendency to Classical Literary Criticism ; The Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with the United States seventeen years after the October Revolution .

  28. 通过这四个部分的研究,我们将可以清楚地发现十七年文学发展的脉络,明晰十七年文学与国家文艺政策、与文学传媒间的内在联系并为当代文学期刊研究提供必要的经验与借鉴。

    Understand the inner link between literature and National literary policy , literature media . And this research would provide experience and reference for contemporary literature periodical study .

  29. 在80年代的文学研究中,有关十七年文学的研究著作,大多是从社会政治学角度去对之进行肯定或者否定。

    In the 1980s , the research works which refer to the literature of " seventeen years " mostly used social-political critical methods to admit it or deny it .

  30. 《红旗谱》是十七年文学的代表,而《红高粱家族》则被认为是新历史小说滥觞的直接引发点之一。

    Red Flag Pedigree is the representative of the Seventeen Years ' Literature , and Red Sorghum is considered as one of the direct originations of the New Historical Novels .