
  1. 周日,中国女子赛艇队在顺义水上公园举行的四人双桨比赛中大获全胜,击败了三次夺得这一项目冠军的英国队,取得了中国的第一块赛艇金牌。

    China stormed to victory in the women 's Olympic quad on Lake Shunyi on Sunday , holding off the three-time world champions Britain to take China 's first Olympic rowing gold medal .

  2. 方法:于2004-01备战奥运会冬训期间,调查中国国家女子赛艇队43名运动员,平均年龄(23±4)岁。

    METHODS : Forty-three woman athletes with mean age of ( 23 ± 4 ) years were selected in January 2004 , winter training for the Olympics .