
  1. 也许在小巷深处莫斯科人还可以买到真正的冰淇淋&那里没人注意,也不必担心别人说他反动。

    Perhaps there are dark alleyways where a Muscovite can buy the real thing & unseen , without fear of being labeled reactionary .

  2. 查克要他弟弟坐下来开始教他怎么摆脱警察他们会肩并肩坐在他们房后的走廊望着公共小巷的深处查克会叫提姆怎样辩认出伪装的警车怎样和深夜巡逻的警察交涉,还有哪里能躲避

    Chuck sat his little brother down and began teaching him how to run from the police . They would sit side by side on their back porch looking out into the shared alleyway and Chuck would coach Tim how to spot undercover cars , how to negotiate a late-night police raid , how and where to hide .