
  1. 投影物镜的设计采用了两种材料和四片透镜,MTF接近衍射限,畸变量小,满足像质要求。

    Projection lens is designed with two materials and four lenses ; MTF closes to the diffraction limit , a small amount of distortion to satisfy the image quality requirement .

  2. X1和X2无生物毒性,化学毒性小(满足有关国家标准要求),较易生物降解,而X3和X4生物毒性大,化学毒性较大且难生物降解。

    X1 and X2 are nontoxic biologically , slightly toxic chemically in the sense of requirements in the state standards and fairly biodegradable ; X3 and X4 are toxic biologically , rather toxic chemically and difficult to biodegrade .

  3. MPA-99具有较强的抗温、抗钙镁污染能力,钻井液性能稳定,既使在钻穿盐层时,钻井液性能变化也很小,满足了钻井施工的需求。

    For MPA-99 's strong resistance to heat and calcium and magnesium ions contamination , fluid with it remain stable and properties changes little even in salt layers .

  4. 小作家满足于市场反响只要市场大就行。

    The small writer is content with a market if only it be large ;

  5. 由于系统采用定时器计时,所以误差很小,满足测试要求。

    The system uses timer to time , so the result is very accurate and can meet the testing requirement .

  6. 宗旨是帮助英国小企业满足亚洲供应商较高的预付款要求。

    The intention is to help small British businesses that struggle to meet the heavy upfront payments demanded by Asian suppliers .

  7. 从结论中可以看出其回归误差很小,满足一般工程的使用要求。

    It concluded that the regression error is very little , and it satisfies the demand of the common engineering analysis .

  8. 试验与测量结果表明:改进后的适配器负载动态响应速度快、输出电压变化量小,满足适配器的设计标准。

    The experiment and test results show that the adapter has fast load dynamic response and low output voltage variety and fits the specification of design .

  9. 宽带、大容量、高传输率光通信网络对光电器件提出了更高的要求。集成光学平面波导器件性能稳定、功耗低、集成化高和体积小,满足了光通信发展的需要。

    While Broadband , high-capacity , high-transmission optical communication network has a higher demand about optoelectronic devices , the integrated optical waveguide devices meet the needs .

  10. 每次我去用厨房用”特别“抽屉“(按我失败地成法),我就获得一小许满足感。

    Each time I go into kitchen to use my " special drawer ," as I undescriptively call it , I get a little jolt of satisfaction .

  11. 同时由于其密度小,满足各领域节能、环保的要求,是未来可持续发展最具前景的材料之一。

    At the same time , because of its low density , excellent energy conservation and environmental protection , it becomes one of the most excellent materials .

  12. 目前,只有一小部分满足一定收入和财富标准的投资者才能投资于初创企业,获得这些公司的股权。

    Today , only a small percentage of investors , those who meet certain income and wealth requirements , are effectively able to invest in startups in exchange for equity .

  13. 根据并联逆变器的控制设计制作了实验样机,通过单台逆变器和两台逆变器并联的实验结果,表明逆变器输出电压稳定,动态性能良好,并联系统均流度高,环流很小,满足设计要求。

    Thirdly , a prototype of two inverters in parallel operation is made according to the design , and the experiment results are given to prove the correctness of analysis .

  14. 反分析结果与理论值的误差很小,满足精度要求,表明该反分析方法的可行性和精确性。

    The error between the backward analysis results and the theoretical ones is much little and meets the demand of precision , which indicates that this backward analysis method is feasible and accurate .

  15. 在内源融资规模小难以满足企业发展,权益融资门槛又太高的情况下,中小企业可以依赖的就只剩下商业银行的信贷融资了。

    Given that internal financing sources are too limited to meet the demand and the threshold of equity financing is too high , SMEs can only rely on credit financing from commercial banks .

  16. 导热系数是影响换热器换热量的主要因素,这就要求热管轴向的热阻要很小才能满足在比较小的温差压力下传递比较大的热量的要求。

    Thermal conductivity of heat exchanger is the main factor for the heat , which requires the axial thermal resistance of heat pipe to small to meet the relatively small temperature difference in the pressure of relatively large heat transfer requirements .

  17. 你在跟收件箱较劲可能有一个原因(我的众多客户其实也是这样):对收件箱发出叮的一声作出回应,会让你的大脑充满多巴胺,一丝快感涌现让你小有满足。

    Theres a reason that you probably struggle with this one ( and many of my clients do , too ): Responding to the constant ding fills your brain with dopamine , a little squirt of happy juice that gives you satisfaction .

  18. 利用神经网络设计润滑油品质识别模型,通过验证,此模型可靠、误差小,满足润滑油在线分析系统的要求。

    The thesis designed a recognition model for judging quality of lubricating oil by using neural network , and it is conformed that the model is reliable and with low error , and can meet the demands of online analysis system for lubricating oil .

  19. 实际试验结果表明,可变滤波增益的滤波器滤波精度高、滞后小,可以满足计算ABS其它控制量的要求。

    It is shown by tests that the gain-variable filter is precise and less lag , and meets the requirements to calculate other control variables of ABS .

  20. 最后,我们按照NDIS的规范要求,在Windows平台上实现了切换方案,实验结果表明,本文的切换方案引入的切换时延小,能够满足诸如VoIP、视频流传输等实时应用。

    At last , we implement handoff scheme on Windows platform , according to the NDIS standard . Experiments result very low handoff latency which should satisfy the requirement of real-time applications such as VoIP and video streaming transmission .

  21. 结果表明,同轴双锥两级气固分离器的分离效率在98%以上,气固分离器的压力损失在100Pa以下,设备磨损小,能够满足下行循环流化床反应器的要求。

    The results indicate that the separating efficiency is more than 98 % , the pressure drop of the separator is less than 100 Pa , and the abrasion is very little .

  22. 这个小游戏可以满足你的愿望。

    This little game can satisfy your desire .

  23. 针对目前葡萄糖传感器响应电流线性范围小,不能满足糖尿病诊断、治疗的问题,采用扩散限制膜来扩大线性范围,主要研究了以聚氨酯为扩散限制膜的葡萄糖传感器。

    In this paper , polyurethane diffusion limited membranes of glucose sensors were produced .

  24. 该系统计算量小,可满足实时性分析的要求。

    The system has low computation cost and meets the demands of real time analysis .

  25. 她的小儿子也满足不了。

    And neither could her little boy .

  26. 有的盲目求全求大,出现了大量土地的闲置,造成了资源的浪费;而有的规模则太小,不能满足当地物流经济发展的需要。

    Some blindly pursuing big , emerged a large number of idle land , causing the waste of resources .

  27. 过滤精度高,阻力小,能满足进口及国产空压机入口空气过滤要求;

    High filter precision , low resistance , be adapt to both imported and domestic air compressor 's entry air filtering .

  28. 算法立足于目前的导引头跟踪体制,计算量小,能够满足导引头实时处理的需要。

    The method following the current track system has low computation , which is suitable for the real-time processing of seeker .

  29. 这种辐射器有相对均匀的加热图形,泄漏辐射较其它波导辐射器小,能满足临床治疗需要。

    It has relatively uniform heating pattern , less microwave leakage than similar waveguide applicator without chock and is suitable for clinic use .

  30. 还是那句话,为什么不直奔主题呢:为什么当一件完美的小礼服就能满足要求时,你要花钱买两件衣服呢?

    Again , why not just cut to the chase : why spend money on two different garments , when one perfect dress will do ?