
  1. 他们回来的时候,天已黑了。

    By the time they returned , it was dark .

  2. 他到家时,天已黑了。

    When he got home , it was already dark .

  3. 一个夏天的夜晚,我回到了家,天已黑了。

    One summer evening , I went back home , it was dark .

  4. 因为天已黑了,他不得不在朋友家中过夜。

    As it was already dark , he had to hold in at his friend 's house .

  5. 这是一场艰苦的持久战,但此刻天已黑了,这对我们很有利。

    It was a long hard fight , but by now it was dark and this helped us very much .

  6. 有人敲办公室的门,艾玛特林纳吃了一惊,抬起头来,才发现外面天已黑了。

    When a knock sounded on her office door , Alma triner looked up , startled & and noticed that it was dark outside .

  7. 他们到达武人街时天已完全黑了。

    They had arrived in the Rue del'Homme Arme after night had fully fallen .

  8. 天已很黑了,而且愈来愈黑了。

    It 's gey dark and getting darker .

  9. 虽然天已快黑了,可他还是能看得出,她衣着破旧。

    Although it was almost dark , they could see that she was poorly dressed .

  10. 当我开车回家时,肯定九点左右了,因为天已全黑了。

    It must have been around nine o'clock when I drove back home because it was already dark .

  11. 旅馆位于三河汇流处以北的岔路口,他们抵达时天已快黑。

    It was near dark when they reached it , at the crossroads north of the great confluence of the Trident .

  12. 她的请求令他稍感意外,因为此刻天已渐黑,而此处又是一座偏僻寂静的山上,离开住所尚有一段距离。

    He was a little surprised by her request , as it was getting dark , and they were on a lonely hill some way from her house .