
  • 网络A Touch Of Sin;it's written
  1. 有些事是天注定,比如一见钟情。

    Some things are meant to be like love at first sight .

  2. 贾樟柯执导的《天注定》(ATouchofSin),这部电影反映了中国普通人的挣扎现状,贾樟柯曾在戛纳凭借这部影片获得最佳剧本奖;

    A Touch of Sin ' about the struggles of ordinary people in China from director Jia Zhang-ke , who won best screenplay for the film at Cannes ;

  3. 去年5月份,中国最具挑性的导演之一贾樟柯就凭借电影《天注定》(ATouchofSin)在戛纳国际电影节(CannesInternationalFilmFestival)获得了最佳剧本奖。

    Jia Zhangke , one of China 's most provocative directors , won the award for best screenplay at the Cannes International Film Festival last May with his film ' A Touch of Sin . '

  4. 不要担心,姻缘天注定<人各有偶>。

    Don 't worry , every jack has his jill .

  5. 性痴迷的人们,你们是天注定派来。

    Sex addicts , you are the chosen people .

  6. 当命运有了幽默感,它就变成了缘分天注定。

    When destiny has a sense of humor , it is called serendipity .

  7. 《缘分天注定》我喜欢那个电影

    We have Serendipity ? I love that movie !

  8. 《天注定》是贾樟柯参加戛纳电影节的第四部影片,也是他参加该电影节竞赛单元角逐的第三部影片。

    This is his fourth film at Cannes and the third in competition .

  9. 如果是天注定,不会这么难。

    If it was meant to be , it wouidn 't be this hard .

  10. 不过,没什么事情是天注定的。

    Nothing , though , is pre-ordained .

  11. 在中国有一种说法,叫做姻缘天注定。

    There is a saying in Chinese that marriages are made in heaven and prepared on the moon .

  12. 这是纽约市又一个普通的日子,但是这一天注定会与众不同。

    It 's another day in New York but this day was to be different . ( ordinary )

  13. 结果发现,看了《缘分天注定》的学生更信奉命运和宿命。

    Viewers of the romantic comedy were found to be more likely to believe in fate and destiny .

  14. 凡事天注定,虽然现在你不知道原�

    But everything happens for a reason , even if you don 't know what it is yet .

  15. 他俩都对体育运动很感兴趣,真是姻缘天注定。

    Both of them are interested in sports , so it 's really a marriage made in heaven .

  16. 那你打算怎么办做些随意又好玩的事情比如去“缘分天注定”餐厅吃冰淇淋

    So what are you gonna do ? Something casual but cool , like go for ice cream at Serendipity .

  17. 但是哪吒相信他的命运并非天注定,他可以自己选择成为恶魔或者英雄。

    But Nezha believes his fate is not predetermined and that he can choose to be a demon or a god .

  18. 劳伦斯被告知,任何营救行为都是没用的,卡西姆的死亡是“天注定”的了。

    Lawrence is told that any idea of rescue is futile and , in any event , Gasim 's death is " written " .

  19. 众多名人明星齐现身支持中国电影并特别为贾樟柯电影《天注定》捧场。

    The stars were on hand to lend their support to the industry and particularly to Jia Zhangke 's movie " A Touch of Sin . "

  20. 由中国导演贾樟柯执导的电影《天注定》荣获最佳编剧奖。

    The film " Tian Zhu Ding , " or " A Touch of Sin , " by Chinese director Jia Zhangke , has won Best Screenplay .

  21. 以后的调查问卷表现,看了《缘分天注定》的门生对于运气和宿命的信仰水平大大超越看现实主义片子的人。

    In a questionnaire after the film ended , students watching the rom-com were far more likely to believe in fate and destiny than those who had watched the'straight'film .

  22. 缘是天注定,份在人为;上天只是安排你们相识而已,结果如何,全靠自己的修行与努力。

    Yuan a day in the man-made doomed , copy , God just arrange you know each other just , the outcome , all by ourselves with hard practice .

  23. 没有必要着急,该来的总归会来。缘分天注定,在对的时间遇到对的人。

    Theres no need to rush . If something is meant to be , it will happen in the right time , with the right person , and for the best reason .

  24. 其中多数影片都讲述了男女主角一见钟情的故事,宣扬了“缘份天注定”的爱情观,即你注定和某一个人有缘。

    Most of those comedies depicted couples falling instantly in love and promoted the idea of fate - the notion that there is just one perfect mate out there , they found .

  25. 之后的调查问卷显示,看了《缘分天注定》的学生对于命运和宿命的信奉程度大大超过看现实主义电影的人。

    In a questionnaire after the film ended , students watching the rom-com were far more likely to believe in fate and destiny than those who had watched the ' straight " film .

  26. 1994年拍下这张照片时,两人的住处相距了几百英里,然而缘分天注定,11年后他们在高中相遇相恋。

    The pair lived hundreds of miles apart when the picture was taken in 1994 , yet fate determined that they would meet and fall in love at sixth form college , 11 years later .

  27. 在第二次研究中,赫尔姆斯博士让约100名学生志愿者观看2001年由凯特·贝金塞尔和约翰·库萨克主演的影片《缘份天注定》,同时让另外100人观看大卫·林奇导演的一部影片。

    In a second study , Dr Holmes asked around 100 student volunteers to watch Serendipity - the 2001 romantic comedy starring Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack , while 100 watched a David Lynch drama .

  28. 而今年亮相戛纳电影节的,除了贾樟柯和电影《天注定》一班人马外,还有众多中国名人与明星,他们一起为蓬勃发展的中国电影业加油打气。

    And this year , besides Jia Zhangke and his cast from " A touch of Sin , " a host of Chinese celebrities mingled with hundreds of stars to promote the country 's burgeoning film industry .

  29. 包括《站台》(2000)、《世界》(2004)和《天注定》(2013)在内,他的电影作品既饱含人道主义的同情,又敏锐地捕捉到社会变化对人际关系的影响。

    His movies , including " Platform " ( 2000 ) , " The World " ( 2004 ) and " A Touch of Sin " ( 2013 ) , combine humanist empathy with a sharp eye for how societal change affects personal relationships .

  30. 也许天注定我们无法成为朋友我相信小鸟和猪猪们是天生的好朋友可是如果我们跨越了不应该跨越的界线的话

    Ixnay on the ongsay . That was Pig Latin . But perhaps it wasn 't meant to be . I believe that birds and pigs are meant to be friends . But if we crossed boundaries that were not meant to be crossed ...