
  • 网络Between Heaven and Earth;Between Earth and Sky
  1. 悬挂在天地之间,枯枝并没有给我们带来更多的希望!

    What 's hanging between heaven and earth did not give us hope !

  2. 人身有皮肤层层迭迭地包裹着,可是人心却经常遨游于天地之间。

    Though skin wrapped body layer upon layer , people 's heart often roams between heaven and earth .

  3. 天地之间,物我两忘。

    Between sky and earth , forgot myself and any else .

  4. 你应该倒挂在天地之间。此人有经天纬地之才。

    You can hang upside down between the sky and the earth .

  5. 你会感到天地之间存在的真正自由。

    You feel a true freedom that exidtd between earth and dky .

  6. 尽管在天地之间,我们处处能见青春的魅力。

    We behold it everywhere , On the earth , and in the air .

  7. 地平线观察者所见之天地之间的明显交界线。

    The apparent intersection of the earth and sky as seen by an observer .

  8. 这样的误会,常充斥于天地之间。

    This kind of misunderstanding is universally common .

  9. 祂被悬挂在天地之间,祂是神的儿子,却不在天上。

    In his suspension , he was the Son of God , yet not in heaven .

  10. 在第二天早上日出之前。你应该倒挂在天地之间。

    Before sunrise the next morning . you can hang upside down between the sky and the earth .

  11. 当你驰骋在天地之间的那一刻,才会发现自己的渺小和脆弱。

    When you gallop about between the world of that a moment , would discover own infinitesimal and weak .

  12. 一个鼎立于天地之间而无愧于中华民族的单身未婚男人:祝福你!

    A separation between heaven and earth worthy of the Chinese nation and a single unmarried man : Bless you !

  13. 生死之间与天地之间,难道怀念仅仅属于生者吗?

    Among the life and death , the heaven and the earth , does it only belong to those with breathes ?

  14. 生物大分子是在粒子、原子和分子的基础上,又叠加有核苷酸、氨基酸和蛋白质的更多层次的物质信息系统,其生存发展状况取决于天地之间诸多复杂因素的长期协调作用。

    The biological molecules are the matter information systems with more layers through interaction of many factors between heavens and earth .

  15. 是什么让它矗立于天地之间?2716英尺的哈利法塔是地球上有史以来最高的建筑。

    What keeps it standing ? At 2716 feet , the Burj Khalifa is the tallest structure ever built on earth .

  16. 建筑产生在天地之间,而本课程的设计者必须要考虑到这一点。

    Architecture happens in the space between the sky and land and the designs for the studio will always take this into account .

  17. 衷诚地渴盼着诗文的神髓,高尚圣洁,云蒸霞蔚,永存于天地之间。

    I sincerely long for the core of verses be noble , holy , pure and magnificent , always stands on the earth .

  18. 在北方和她逃离的南方这两个天地之间,毕竟没有明显的差别。

    There was not , after all , a great difference between the world of the North and that of the South which she had fled .

  19. 人类好象是介于天地之间,介于理想主义和现实主义之间,介于崇高的思想和卑劣的情欲之间。

    Man is , as it were , sandwiched between heaven and earth , between idealism and realism , between lofty thoughts and the baser passions .

  20. 人生是短暂的,正如庄子所说:“人生天地之间,若白驹之过隙,忽然而已。”

    Life is short , as Chuang Tzu says : " Life is between heaven and earth if it 's too Baiju gap , suddenly nothing . "

  21. 今天我们要看,当主耶稣被悬挂在天地之间,那残酷的十字架上时。

    For we are going to see today that when our Lord was suspended between heaven and earth , on that instrument of torture , the cross .

  22. 天使作为天地之间无形力量的象征,天使是最完美的幸运守护者和带来者。

    Angel As a symbol of the invisible forces between heaven and earth , an angel is the most perfect of protectors and bringers of good luck .

  23. 他身前身后――上上下下,左边右边,仿佛天地之间布满闪闪发光的眼睛,将他整个包围起来。

    Before him and behind : above , below , on the right and on the left : he seemed to stand surrounded by a firmament , all bright with gleaming eyes .

  24. 美好的东西已经消失,我们枉自为此叹息;虽然在天地之间,我们到处能看见青春的魅力,可是它永不再返回!

    Something beautiful is vanished , And we sigh for it in vain ; We behold it everywhere , On the earth , and in the air , But it never comes again !

  25. 这个事实说明,我们只要让百姓维持他们与生俱来的纯真天性,他们的生活行为,自然而然地就能符合其生存在天地之间的最佳条件。

    The fact tells us that we just conserve the people 's original nature that is inherent and pure , their life and deed will naturally go under the best conditions of living in this world .

  26. 在音乐思想上,嵇康认为音声之作,其犹臭味在于天地之间。音乐产生于自然之间,是客观存在。

    In the thought of music , he was sure that music came from the nature and it existed objectively , which was manifested in " The voice for its smell is still between heaven and earth " .

  27. 也许,火与水的较量还没有停息,或者说天地之间达成了某种默契,火的力量蕴含在水里,这里是温泉的故乡。

    Probably , the fire-water struggle has never ended , or some tacit agreement has been reached between heaven and earth , the power of fire is hidden in water , where is the birthplace of hot spring .

  28. 这种规则性联系既宏观地展现了天地之间阴阳二气的消长变化之道,又为构建八宫象数易学体系提供了必要的理论支撑。

    This connection displays not only the way of changing of Yin yang er qi of the world , but also provides a necessary theoretical foundation for the establishment of the system of the image-number philosophical school of the eight-fundamental Hexagrams .

  29. 如果圣哲对你发出疑问,为何在天地之间枉费你的娇艳,亲爱的,那你就直言相告,美丽存在只因眼睛天生为了观看。为何来到世上,你这玫瑰的劲敌!

    if the sages ask thee why This charm is wasted on the earth and sky , Tell them , dear , that if eyes were made for seeing , Then Beauty is its own excuse for being : Why thou wert there , O rival of the rose !

  30. 这种教义使上帝与希腊人特别重视的天地万物之间保持明显的差异。

    This teaching kept the distinction between God and creation which Greeks especially thought was important .