
  • 网络Acute liver necrosis;acute hepatic necrosis;ahn;ALF;acute severe necrosis;acute necrosis of liver
  1. IL-18、TNFα在脂多糖介导的急性肝坏死发生中的作用研究

    Study on the role of IL-18 and TNF - α in lipopolysaccharide-mediated acute hepatic necrosis

  2. 本文首次报道了应用鸭乙型肝炎病毒(DHBV)加大肠杆菌内毒素诱导方法,建立了鸭急性肝坏死动物模型。

    Using duck hepatitis B virus ( DHBV ) in association with endotoxin , we have established a duck model of acute hepatic necrosis .

  3. TNF对小鼠急性肝坏死的双重作用

    Double effect of tumor necrosis factor on acute liver necrosis in mice

  4. 方法:用脂多糖(LPS)诱发DHBV感染雏鸭急性肝坏死,建立实验模型。

    Methods : An acute hepatic failure model was established in ducklings infected DHBV with lipopolysaccharides ( LPS ) .

  5. DHBV诱发鸭急性肝坏死动物模型的建立

    DHBV induced Acute Hepatic Cell Necrosis in Ducks & An Experimental Model of Fulminant Hepatitis

  6. 草河车对DHBV感染雏鸭急性肝坏死的保护作用

    Protective Effect of Paris Polyphylla Smith on Acute Hepatic Failure of Ducklings Infected Duck Hepatitis B Virus

  7. 目的:评价草河车对鸭乙型肝炎病毒(DHBV)感染雏鸭急性肝坏死的作用。

    Objective : To evaluate the effect of Paris polyphylla , Smith ( PPS ) on acute hepatic failure of ducklings infected duck hepatitis B virus ( DHBV ) .

  8. 目的评估急性肝坏死兔甘氨酸结合对氨基苯甲酸(PABA)转变成马尿酸的代谢能力。

    Objective To evaluate liver function by the assessment of the capacity of glycine combining para-aminobenzoic acid ( PABA ) to form hippuric acid in rabbits with acute liver injury .

  9. 为了评估肿瘤坏死因子单抗(mAb-TNF)及肝细胞生长多肽(HPN)的抗肝坏死效果,我们使用大肠杆菌内毒素和鸭乙型肝炎病毒(DHBV)联合诱导建立了鸭急性肝坏死模型。

    This study is designed to evaluate the efficacy of monoclonal antibody to TNF ( mAb-TNF ) and hepatopoietin ( HPN ) in preventing experimental liver necrosis induced by duck hepatitis B virus ( DHBV ) combined with lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) .

  10. 本文应用促肝细胞生长素治疗在大肠杆菌内毒素诱导下,由DHBV诱发的鸭急性肝坏死。

    Using duck hepatitis B virus ( DHBV ) in association with endotoxin , a model of acute liver necrosis in ducks was established , The effects of hepatic growth factor ( HGF ) on the model was studied .

  11. 急性肝坏死小鼠血脑屏障通透性的改变

    Blood brain barrier permeability in acute liver necrosis of mice

  12. 重组人生长激素对急性肝坏死小鼠肝脏的组织学影响

    Histologic Effect of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone on Acute Hepatic Necrosis in Mice

  13. 银杏叶片对化学诱导急性肝坏死大鼠的作用

    Effect of Ginkgo Biloba Extract on Rats with Acute Liver Necrosis by Chemical Induction

  14. 从亚急性肝坏死的病理分期探讨亚急性重型肝炎的早期诊断

    Evaluation of Early Diagnosis of Subacute Severe Hepatitis with Pathologic Staging of Liver Necrosis

  15. 用美罗华治疗恶性淋巴瘤发现亚急性肝坏死1例报告

    Subacute hepatonecrosis found in treatment of malignant lymphoma with Mabthera & A case report

  16. 结合临床诊断为:酮康唑引起的药物性肝炎,亚急性肝坏死。

    According to the history of taking ketoconazole , drug-induced hepatitis and subacute hepatic necros .

  17. 清开颗粒对急性肝坏死大鼠肝脏的组织学影响

    Influence of " Qing Kai Granules " on Morphology of Rat Liver with Acute Liver Necrosis

  18. 肿瘤坏死因子α对急性肝坏死小鼠血脑屏障通透性的影响

    Effect of tumor necrosis factor - α on blood-brain barrier permeability in mice with acute liver necrosis

  19. 8例急性肝坏死中1例存活,42例亚急性肝坏死中有23例存活。

    Only one out of 8 cases of acute liver necrosis and 23 out of 42 cases subacute liver necrosis survived .

  20. 血氧分压明显下降、凝血酶原活动度低下时,应警惕亚急性肝坏死。

    When fall of blood oxygen pressure and the degree of prothrombin activity appeared , one should watch out for subacute liver necrosis .

  21. 行肝移植的原因分别为乙肝肝硬化、慢性重肝(3例),乙肝活动期、亚急性肝坏死(1例)。

    The indications included terminal liver cirrhosis ( 2 cases ), subacute hepatic failure ( 1 case ), small hepatocellular carcinomas with cirrhosis ( 1 case ) .

  22. IL-18抗体对急性免疫性肝坏死动物模型的影响

    The effect of IL-18 on the establishment of acute immunized hepatonecrosis animal model

  23. 目的探讨白细胞介素(IL)18抗体干预,了解IL18抗体对急性免疫性肝坏死动物模型的影响。

    Objective To explore the effect of interleukin-18 ( IL-18 ) interference on the acute immunized hepatonecrosis animal model .

  24. 结论IL-18、INF-γ、TNF-α在急性免疫性肝坏死动物模型的形成中发挥了重要作用;中药清热方及IL-18抗体可以干预急性免疫性肝坏死动物模型的形成。

    Conclusion The IL-18 , INF - γ and TNF - α play an important pole in acute immunized hepatonecrosis animal model , the traditional Chinese medicine and anti-IL-18 can step in the formation of acute immunized hepatonecrosis .

  25. 50例急性及亚急性肝坏死组织病理学分析

    Histopathological analysis of 50 cases of acute and sub acute liver necrosis

  26. 巯基氧化剂对急性肝损伤时肿瘤坏死因子α水平的影响

    Effect of thiol oxidant on tumor necrosis factor α in acute liver injury

  27. [翻译]上了年纪的肝炎患者往往并发急性与亚急性肝坏死。

    Acute and subacute hepatic necrosis more than complicates hepatitis in the elderly .

  28. 在临床急性重症及亚急性重症肝炎中,有50例经肝穿活检证实为急性及亚急性肝坏死。

    Fifty liver biopsies with fulminant hepatitis showing features cf acute and subacute liver necrosis were studied .