
  • 网络first aid technique
  1. 扩大卫生员急救技术范围研究

    Study on Extending the First Aid Technic Scope of Corpsman

  2. 质量管理小组在急救技术培训中的作用

    The role of Quality Management Group in emergency care training

  3. 综合护理急救技术分层模拟训练

    Level by Level Simulated Training of Synthetic Nursing First-aid Technique

  4. 高校普及急救技术的可行性研究

    A Research on the Feasibility of the Prevalence of the First-aid Technique

  5. 是的,我受过一点急救技术方面的训练。

    Yes , I 've received some education in first aid techniques .

  6. 社区医生急救技术培训模式与效果评价研究

    To Explore the Effect of the General Physicians First Aid Training Mode

  7. 创伤性心搏骤停复苏中辅以特殊急救技术的应用

    Application of special techniques to the traumatic cardiac arrest resuscitation

  8. 结果死亡病例讨论中的主要问题是组织协调不够,急救技术欠佳及临终关怀方面存在不足。

    Results The major problems existed in poor coordination , lack of emergency skills and lack of dying care .

  9. 像红十字会或红新月会这样的组织会到世界的许多地方去教授急救技术。

    First aid skills are taught in many parts of the world by groups such as the red cross or red crescent .

  10. 不仅对于普通公民,在医学院校,急救技术也是临床医学教育的重点和难点。

    Not only for ordinary citizens , in medical schools , clinical education in first aid technology is also important and difficult .

  11. 结果在急救技术娴熟的情况下,白金时段可完成患者的生命支持;

    Results Under the condition of well-trained emergency technique , the sufferer 's life support could be completed in " the platinum time " .

  12. 毫无疑问,是约翰灵敏的思维和在学校学到的急救技术,使得斯莱德女士的生命得救了。

    There is no doubt that John 's quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slade 's life .

  13. 包括迅速准确的术前准备、周密协调的术中配合、严密的病情监护、并发症的预防及护理、娴熟的护理急救技术以及有效的心理护理。

    The perioperative nursing strategy included smooth and precise preparation before PCI , careful and concerted cooperation during the operation , monitor of post-operation complications and psychological comfort .

  14. 很多学生对红十字会的活动表现出了极大的兴趣,他们赞同红会人道、慈善的宗旨,认为学习一些急救技术在紧急危难时刻能够帮助别人是件非常有意义的事。

    Some students have showed great enthusiasm because they are in favour of humanity and charity and think it is very meaningful to learn some skills to help others .

  15. 将实尺模拟装置引入创伤急救技术培训和教学过程中对提高急救培训水平,帮助学员掌握创伤救治操作技能,增强现场急救自信心取得了明显效果。

    The adoption of a teaching module employing a human analogue significantly improves first aid training level , which can help the students master trauma management skills and gain self-confidences .

  16. 结论:经皮扩张气管切开术是一种微创的、快捷的急救技术,适合于急诊抢救危重患者,在急诊人工气道建立中有较大的应用价值。

    Conclusion : The PDT technique is easy to operate , safety and more expeditious , less bleeding , less complications , which can be widely applied to the critical patients in emergency room .

  17. 结论开展死亡病例护理讨论可以培养护士应急能力及组织协调能力,有效提高了护士观察病情的能力、急救技术水平,促进了临终关怀护理的发展。

    Conclusion Performance of nursing discussion on dead cases helps train the nurse 's ability in treating emergency and coordination , which is effective in providing their ability to observe the diseased conditions , treat emergency and promote the advance of dying care .

  18. 急救护理技术课程设置及教学研究

    Study on courses setup of emergency nursing technique and its teaching

  19. 急救护理技术多媒体课件的制作与开发

    The Making and Application of Multimedia Coursewares on Acute Nursing Techn

  20. 护士野战急救基本技术训练存在的问题及对策

    The problems and countermeasures in the training of basic filed rescue skills for nurses

  21. 可以在宝贵的几分钟内归结出生与死的区别,或者在你的情况下,急救医疗技术员所需要的时间终于停止大笑了。

    The difference between life and death can come down to a few precious minutes , or in your case , the time it takes for the EMTs to finally stop laughing .

  22. 急救医务和技术援助服务计划

    Emergency Medical Services Technical Support Services Program

  23. 急救医疗助理技术指导员训练课程

    Emergency Medical Assistant Preceptor Training Course

  24. 他呼吁将医生人数“增至2倍或甚至3倍”,特别是在急救和基本外科技术方面有经验的全科医生。

    He called for " a doubling or even tripling " of doctors , particularly general practitioners with experience in emergencies and basic surgical skills .

  25. 院前院内急救不断引进新技术与新项目,教学科研也呈现新的面貌,培养出急诊医学新型人才。

    We have introduced up-to-date technologies and programs into emergency department of our hospital , presented fresh image in teaching and research and cultivated new pattern abilities of emergency medicine .