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  • emergency department
  1. 试论完善急诊科功能的必要性与方法

    On necessity and methodology to improve function of hospital emergency department

  2. 气管插管在急诊科严重创伤患者中的应用

    The endotracheal intubation was used for serious trauma patient at emergency department

  3. 据医院骨科医生李莉介绍,医院对病患进行了优先处理,组织了输血科、骨科、急诊科、麻醉科等20多名医护人员。

    The hospital prioritized his case and organized more than 20 doctors and nurses from departments including blood transfusion , orthopedics , emergency and anesthesiology , according to Li Li , an orthopedist at the hospital .

  4. 缺血性脑卒中和TIA的急诊科评估:BASIC计划

    Emergency department evaluation of ischemic stroke and TIA : The BASIC project

  5. 急诊科在SARS流行期间的感染控制

    Control of Hospital Infection in Emergency Department During SARS Epidemic Period

  6. ABC时间管理法在急诊科轮转护士带教中的应用

    Application of ABC Time Management on Teaching for Rotating Nurses in Emergency Department

  7. 结果驻军某医院急诊科3月18日接诊1名发热患者,并留观治疗3d。

    Results In March 18 , a fever case was examined in emergency department of this hospita then cured for 3 days .

  8. 急诊科结构和救治程序对非ST段抬高型急性冠状动脉综合征救治的影响

    The impact of emergency department structure and care processes in delivering care for non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes

  9. 肌钙蛋白I定性检测在急诊科诊断AMI的应用价值

    Application Value of the Qualitative Test of Serum Cardiac Troponin I in the Diagnosis of Myocardial Infarction in Emergency Department

  10. 急诊科护士SCL-90测试结果与应付方式选择的分析

    The analysis of the outcomes of SCL - 90 and their coping mode among emergency room nurses

  11. 近年因燃气热水器引发的CO中毒也常有发生。1994年中国医科大学第一临床医院急诊科调查显示,急性CO中毒为第二位常见中毒,而死亡人数居第一位。

    According to a investigation in First Hospital of China Medical University , CO poisoning ranked the second position among poisoning diseases while its mortality ranked first position .

  12. 因此,“预计的艾滋病新发病率为0.6%,与疾病控制中心的指南相符,应该在急诊科继续进行艾滋病筛查。”Dr。

    Thus ," the estimated prevalence of newly identified HIV infection was0.6 % , which supports continued screening in the emergency department in compliance with the CDC guidelines ," Dr.

  13. A组患者诊断为AMI后,在急诊科立即给予尿激酶(UK)静脉点滴,B组患者按常规办完入院手续后再按上述方法溶栓治疗。

    The patients in group A were immediately given urokinase ( UK ) by intravenous drip in emergency department . The patients in group B were given UK by intravenous drip after admission to the hospital .

  14. 目的:探讨急诊科救治急性冠脉综合征(acutecoronarysyndrome,ACS)患者的护理经验。

    Objective : The purpose of this study was to gain insight into how nurses work well in emergency department ( ED ) in rescuing and nursing care of patient with Acute Coronary Syndrome ( ACS ) .

  15. 急诊科是急危重症病人救治的主要窗口,因此,采取积极有效的应对策略,降低HIV等造成的职业性感染,对护患双方具有保护意义。

    Emergency department is the main window to treat emergency severe patients , therefore , it has great value to take effective countermeasures to reduce the risk of occupational infection of HIV both for the medical staff and patients .

  16. 结果急诊科护士SCL-90量表中的躯体化、强迫、抑郁、焦虑因子分显著高于普通病房护士(P<0.05)。

    Results The nurses ' grade of somatization , enforcement , depression , anxiety of emergency department was higher than that of the common department , ( P < 0.05 ) .

  17. 【目的】评价肌钙蛋白I(cTnI)定性检测在急诊科诊断急性心肌梗死(AMI)的应用价值。

    【 Objective 】 To evaluate the application value of the qualitative test of serum cardiac troponin I ( cTnI ) in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction ( MI ) in emergency department .

  18. 最近8个月,本院急诊科,共收治多发伤76例,损伤部位221处,平均每例损伤2.91±0.87处,均在急诊ICU行一期手术处理。

    It was reported that 76 multiple trauma cases had been treated for eight months . 221 regions were injured and the average injured regions were 2 . 91 ± 0 . 87 in a case .

  19. 不同科室护理人员的焦虑水平排列为:ICU儿科急诊科内科外科妇产科手术室,其中内科、外科、妇产科之间无显著性差异(P0.05);

    The anxiety level of nurses in different sections varied as follows : ICU pediatric department emergency department medicine surgery gynecologic department operation room , and there were no significant difference among medicine , surgery and gynecologic department ( P0.05 ) .

  20. 急诊科心力衰竭患者中的灰色带BNP水平:来自多中心研究REDHOT(快速的急诊科心力衰竭门诊患者试验)的结果

    Gray zone BNP levels in heart failure patients in the emergency department : Results from the Rapid Emergency Department Heart Failure Outpatient Trial ( REDHOT ) multicenter study

  21. LSD方法t检验显示:急诊科和特需病房护士应激得分平均值均明显高于内外科系护士。

    LSD t test showed that the mean stress score of the nurses in the emergency department and the special need ward was significantly higher than that of the nurses of the medical department .

  22. 今年早些时候,安大略省医院协会(OHA)的举办了为期一天的教育论坛,急诊科的患者体验:从测量结果。

    Earlier this year , the Ontario Hospital Association ( OHA ) hosted a one-day educational forum , The Emergency Department Patient Experience : From Measurement to Outcomes .

  23. 方法分析我院ICU和急诊科143例HTS患者损伤严重度评分(ISS)与死亡率、感染、器官功能障碍发生率的关系及与此有关的预测指标。

    ? Methods We analyzed the relation between the injury severity score ( ISS ) and the rates and predictors of death , MOF and infection in HTS patients in the intensive care unite ( ICU ) or the emergency department ( ED ) .

  24. 方法应用临床症状自评量表(SCL90),对5所综合性医院的急诊科74名护士和普通病房72名护士进行了问卷调查,并进行对比分析。

    Methods With SCL 90 , 74 nurses in emergency wards and 72 nurses in normal wards of 5 hospitals were investigated , then the results were comparing analysed .

  25. 方法应用FCM三色荧光标记即PAC-1-FITC、CD62P-PE、CD61-PerCP检测本院神经内科、急诊科72例脑梗死患者及15例对照者活化血小板情况,并对其结果进行比较。

    Methods The level of platelet activation in 72 patients with cerebral infarction and 15 normal controls were measured by flow cytometry three-color fluorescent labe - ling PAC-1-FITC , CE 62P-PE , CD 61-PerCP and then compare the result .

  26. 在UMMC住院大夫阅片,主治医师要么肯定,要么否定住院医师报告,然后将最后结果发送到急诊科。

    At UMMC , residents may read the study , the attending radiologist will either agree or disagree with the findings , and get the results to the ED physician , Toland said .

  27. 结论:急诊科所遇垂危病人,多数需气管插管者是由内科医师首诊实施。

    Conclusions : Most ED intubations were performed by emergency physicians .

  28. 对急诊科护士进行专业英语培训的探讨

    Study on the professional English training for nurses in emergency department

  29. 急诊科护士角色自我认知的调查分析

    A survey of self-cognition on role of nurses in emergency department

  30. 急诊科急救药品管理登记簿的临床应用

    Clinical application of managing register of first-aid medicine in emergency department