
jí jiù xiānɡ
  • first-aid kit
  1. 跟前要常备急救箱。

    Always keep a first-aid kit handy .

  2. 第三,带上急救箱,并且清楚使用它的方法。

    Third , bring a first-aid kit and know how to use it .

  3. 船员们既没找到VC也没有发现走私品,就用船上的急救箱尽他们所能治疗她生病的孩子,然后继续前行。

    Finding neither VC nor contraband , the sailors helped her sick child as much as they could from the vessel 's first-aid kit and moved on . "

  4. 救火队员们用氧气和急救箱治疗了Oreo、Madonna和它们的三只仓鼠宝宝,并控制住火势。

    They used oxygen and first aid to treat Oreo , Madonna and her three unnamed hamster babies , having brought the fire under control .

  5. 每个人都应该制备好自己的个人急救箱。

    Every person needs to create their own first aid kit .

  6. 带上你的急救箱,万一有人受伤。

    Take your first-aid kit with you in case someone gets hurt .

  7. 安全:确保拥有足够的灭火设备及紧急急救箱。

    Safety : To ensure sufficient fire extinguishing equipment and first-aid materials .

  8. 感谢收看“野外活动怎样整理急救箱”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video First Aid Items To Take To The Wilds

  9. 厂、站设医疗急救箱。

    First-aid medical box shall be prepared in the plant and station .

  10. 我总是在车子的后备箱里准备一个急救箱。

    I keep a first-aid kit in the trunk of my car .

  11. 工厂的每一层车间是否都有配备急救箱及有足够的急救用品?

    Is there a first aid kit on every floor of the factory ?

  12. 现场是否有急救箱?

    Are there the first aid boxes on site ?

  13. 我校准备有小型的急救箱,零食等。

    Small first-aid kit and limited confectioneries to be provided by the school .

  14. 詹尼弗建议科林在旅行中带一个急救箱。

    Jennifer suggested that Colin should take a first aid on his trip .

  15. 带上一个急救箱吧,以防万一。

    Bring a first aid kit just in case .

  16. 我能买那两个急救箱吗?

    Can I buy those two first-aid kits ?

  17. 你要是受伤的话,急救箱就在影印机边上。

    If you 're hurt , the first aid box is by the photocopier .

  18. 手边要经常有个急救箱。

    Eg. Always keep a first-aid kit handy .

  19. 或许还需要一些急救箱。

    Maybe a couple of first aid kits .

  20. A:急救箱在哪里?

    A : Where is the first-aid kit ?

  21. 因为我们在那儿留了一个急救箱

    because we left an emergency case there .

  22. 便携式急救箱的制作及应用

    Making and application of mobile emergency case

  23. 他们是否具有必须的相关知识及装备(包括急救箱)?

    Do they have the knowledge and gear necessary , including a first aid kit ?

  24. 一个好急救箱能帮你对普通损伤和紧急情况作出有效反应。

    A well-stocked first-aid kit can help you respond effectively to common injuries and emergencies .

  25. 至少在你家里和车上各准备一个急救箱。

    Keep at least one first-aid kit in your home and one in your car .

  26. 宿舍也要设急救箱。

    There are also first aid kits .

  27. 把急救箱放在容易拿到的地方,但要注意不在儿童接触范围之内。

    Store your kits in easy-to-retrieve locations that are out of the reach of young children .

  28. 急救箱之类的东西!

    First aid kit , anything !

  29. 给我拿个急救箱来好吗?我想它将会有用。

    Bring me a first-aid box , will you ? I think it 'll be useful .

  30. ZH&1型便携式综合急救箱

    ZH-1 portable first aid kit