
  • 网络Acute Schizophrenia
  1. 结论:急性精神分裂症病人出院后一年的总体结局良好者约占2/3。

    Conclusion : The outcomes of acute schizophrenia are good .

  2. 急性精神分裂症中枢5-HT功能状态的研究

    Study on the Function State of Central 5 - HT in Acute Schizophrenia

  3. 目的应用d-芬氟拉明(d-FF)激发试验探讨急性精神分裂症的5-HT功能。

    Object : To explore 5-HT function in acute schizophrenics with d-fenfluramine ( d-FF ) test .

  4. 急性精神分裂症神经内分泌激发试验研究

    Significance of Neuroendocrine Provocative Test in Management of Acute Schizophrenia Episode

  5. 结果:急性精神分裂症一年随访时总体结局良好者为63.7%,不良者占36.3%。

    Results : 63.7 % of patients had a good global outcome at the end of one year follow-up .

  6. 结论:急性精神分裂症患者中枢五羟色胺的功能可能更加亢进,但与精神症状之间元明显相关性。

    Conclusions : The central 5-HT might be more hyperfunctional in acute schizophrenia episode , but it was not significantly correlated with mental symptoms .

  7. 应用入院时易于测量的某些指标制定了13个条目的定量化结局预测量表,预测急性精神分裂症病人出院后一年的结局,总的准确性为73.3%。

    Based on the sociodemographic and clinical variables assessed during admission , a 13-item prognostic scale was developed . It might correctly predict global outcome in 73.3 % of the patients at the end of one year after discharge .

  8. 奥氮平快速镇静疗法对急性期精神分裂症的疗效研究

    The efficacy and safety of the rapid tranquilization strategy of olanzapine for acute schizophrenic patients

  9. 氯普噻吨注射液与氟哌啶醇注射液治疗急性期精神分裂症的对照研究

    A controlled study of chlorprothixene injection and haloperidol injection in the treatment of acute schizophrenia

  10. 奥氮平快速加量治疗急性期精神分裂症临床观察

    A clinical study on the efficacy of the fast-loading strategy of olanzapine for acute schizophrenic patients

  11. 帕利哌酮缓释片治疗急性期精神分裂症的疗效观察及对血清催乳素的影响

    Clinical efficacy of paliperidone controlled release tablets and its influence on serum prolactin level in patients with acute schizophrenia

  12. 利用线索-靶子模式研究急性期精神分裂症返回抑制的时间进程。

    The present study explored the time course of inhibition of return ( IOR ) in acute schizophrenia with a cue-target paradigm .

  13. 目的了解全开放管理的急性期精神分裂症患者的抑郁状况,为急性期开放管理提供参考信息。

    Objective To find out the depressive situation of patients with schizophrenia in the acute phase under a whole open management , and to provide a scientific basis for the open management .

  14. 所有参与临床实验的病人均被诊断为急性发作性精神分裂症。

    All patients were experiencing an acute episode of schizophrenia at the time of enrollment .

  15. 适用于急性和慢性精神分裂症以及其它各种精神病性状态明显的阳性症状和阴性症状的治疗。

    It is indicated for acute and chronic schizophrenic psychoses and other psychotic conditions with positive and negative symptoms .

  16. 目的了解急性期住院精神分裂症患者伴发抑郁症状的发生率、临床特征及其相关因素。

    Objective : To investigate the prevalence , characteristics and correlates of depressive symptoms in acute episode schizophrenic patients .

  17. 根据文献报道,伊潘立酮治疗精神分裂症效果好,毒副作用低.且其对治疗急性激越症状的精神分裂症患者有效。

    Iloperidone used for treatment of schizophrenia with lesser adverse effect and it also effectively used to treat acute schizophrenia had been report .