
  • 网络environmental damage
  1. 偶合环境侵害作为环境侵害的一种表现形式,有其自身的特点。

    As one term of environmental damage , incidental environmental damage has its own characteristics .

  2. 从归责原则的取舍、证责任的分配以及民事责任的承担等方面,对我国偶合环境侵害的民事责任法律制度作了初步的探讨。

    This article trys to explore the system of civil responsibility of incidental environmental damage by discussing the principle of responsible cause , the burden of proof and civil responsibility .

  3. 矿业环境侵害特征、行为及控制

    Characteristics , Behavior and Control of Environment Infringement in Mining Industry

  4. 环境侵害赔偿标准的具体化研究

    Study on the Compensation Standard of Environmental Infringement

  5. 论环境侵害诉讼的特点

    Characteristics of Lawsuit about Infringement on Environment

  6. 环境侵害及其民事救济

    Environmental Infraction and Its Civil Relief

  7. 论环境侵害排除与利益衡量

    Environmental injunction based on interest weighing

  8. 矿业环境侵害行为分析

    Mining Environment Infringement & an Analysis

  9. 这种乳霜含有视黄醇,可增加细胞更替速度,据说还可以防止环境侵害皮肤。

    This cream contains retinol for increased cellular turnover , and supposedly protects from environmental aggressors .

  10. 皮肤保护层受损还会使人更容易感染,遭到污染之类的环境侵害。

    A compromised skin barrier also makes a person more susceptible to infection and environmental harms , such as pollution .

  11. 向日葵多酚,随时随地保护皮肤免受环境侵害,让肌肤细嫩柔滑,水润温软。

    Sunflower polyphenol protects your skin from environmental hazards at any moment , making it tender , smooth and moistening soft .

  12. 中国传统的环境侵害赔偿机制不足以满足现今众多环境公害受害者群体救济的需要。

    Chinese traditional mechanisms of environmental damages are insufficient to meet the needs of the relief of current victims of environmental hazards .

  13. 文章对环境侵害诉讼中诉讼主体的确定、诉讼请求的根据与范围、证明规则以及诉讼时效等问题进行了探讨。

    This thesis will discuss the subject , ground and scope of requirement , proving regulation and time limit in such kind of action .

  14. 随着环境侵害案件的不断增多,正确分配举证责任,将有利于法院正确解决纠纷,切实保护当事人的权利。

    With the increasing of environmental infringement cases , assigning evidence burden correctively , will be helpful for judges to settle dispute and to protect party 's rights .

  15. 基于环境侵害具有潜伏性和不可逆转性的特点,以损害实际发生为归责前提的过错责任和无过错责任原则在环境侵权中的适用无法体现环境保护预防为主的思想。

    Because the damage to environment is latent and irreversible , the principles of erring duty and unerring duty cannot embody the idea of " prophylaxis first " .

  16. 在环境侵害排除责任中建立利益衡量机制的必然性;利用法经济学的理论分析利益衡量的标准及方法;

    Utilize theory , law of economics analyse interests standards of measurement and method already and is it get rid of responsibility set up interests weigh the mechanism to encroach on in environment .

  17. 我国的代表人制度在解决环境侵害纠纷方面起到了积极的作用,然而由于其自身的缺陷,仍无法很好的保护受害人的环境权益。

    The Representative action plays an important role in settling the environmental disputes , however , due to its defective ; it can 't meet the need to protect the victim 's environmental right .

  18. 真菌细胞保护藻类细胞免受极端恶劣环境的侵害。

    The fungal cells protect the algal cells from environmental extremes .

  19. 环境污染侵害之物权排除请求权是物权请求权在环境法领域的具体实现。

    Right of the real elimination claim is the character of real right .

  20. 研究者认为胎儿产生乙二腈是为了保护自己不受有害环境的侵害。

    The researchers believe that the fetus produces adiponectin to protect itself from an adverse environment .

  21. 环境污染侵害排除民事责任的实体法内容主要包括环境污染侵害排除的理由、排除对象和排除方式。

    Substantive law about Injunction comprises its reason , object and ways of elimination and so on .

  22. 环境法侵害排除和排除危害制度&从美、日、德相关诉讼制度的视角

    On Environmental Injunction Systems with the Perspective of Relevant Environmental Litigations Systems in the US , Japan and Germany

  23. 第三章先是罗列了环境犯罪侵害客体的几种不同界定,分析他们各自的局限性。

    The third chapter lists the several different definition of the infringed object of environmental crimes , and analyses the limitations in first .

  24. 环境污染侵害排除的理由是环境权益及与环境权益有关的物权、人格权受到污染侵害或有受侵害之虞;

    The reason of Injunction is the real or possible infringement to environmental rights and interests and related real right , personality right ;

  25. 在妊娠早期过程中,为了保护胚胎免受母体不利环境的侵害,子宫内膜细胞在胚胎的周围形成了一个短暂的渗透屏障。

    During early pregnancy , the endometrial cells can form atemporal permeability barrier around the embryo to protect it from the maternal harmfulenvironment .

  26. 抑制细菌衍生,增加肌肤抗衰老能力,保护肌肤减少外部不良环境的侵害。

    Restrain the production of bacteria , improve the anti aging ability of the skin , protect the skin from damages from external environment .

  27. 值得注意的是,由于环境污染侵害了人们的多重利益,因此学者们在多重意义上使用环境侵权这一概念。

    It should be noted that scholars employ the concepts of environmental infringement on multiple senses because the environmental pollution infringes upon multiple benefits of the people .

  28. 有必要对网络环境下侵害商业秘密的行为作一探讨,修改我国有关商业秘密保护的法律,适应网络传输给商业秘密保护带来的新课题,促进我国商业秘密法律保护制度的完善。

    So it is necessary to analyze the characteristics of infringing on trade secret rights under network environment in order to help protect and perfect our trade secret law .

  29. 环境污染侵害是指污染环境,并进而侵害其他法律主体的合法环境权益及与环境权益相关的财产权和人格权的行为或现象。

    Environmental pollution infringement is a kind of behavior or phenomenon , in which the polluter pollutes the environment , then infringes environmental rights and interests , and related property and personality rights .

  30. 为了保证我们的景观温室能够战胜各种地球环境的侵害,我们原材料的选用非常认真而严格,并只有通过质量测试的原材料才能入库和使用。

    In order to guarantee our garden center resist the forces of the earth , French Richel Group has always choose carefully and reserved the quality of the material after test and used .