
huán jìnɡ shì yàn shè bèi
  • environmental test equipment
  1. 本文主要介绍了环境试验设备的制冷原理及温度漂移问题,以Y6030Ⅱ-2型高低温低气压设备为例,深入分析了其温度漂移的解决方法。

    Reports the refrigeration principle and the temperature change problem of Environmental Test Equipment ; Y6030 ⅱ - 2 typeHigh ? low temperature and low air pressure test equipment is taken as an example , Analyzes its resolvent of the temperature change .

  2. 集散式控制系统在砂尘环境试验设备中的应用

    Application of Multilayer Control System in Sand and Dust Environmental Test Equipment

  3. 数字PID整定在环境试验设备控制过程中的应用研究

    Application research to the controlling in Environment Test Equipment trough the tuning of digital PID loop

  4. 环境试验设备的(PDM)与(ERP)数据转换软件的实现

    Realization of PDM and ERP Data Switch Software

  5. 本文介绍了环境试验设备的产品数据管理系统(PDM)与企业资源管理软件(ERP)间数据转换软件的实现方法。

    The paper introduced realization method switch data to software data software between products data plan system and enterprise resource plan .

  6. 本文介绍了一种基于变频器内置PID的恒压供水系统,包括基本原理、特点、应用、以及在水冷型环境试验设备循环冷却水应用的实际作用。

    In this paper , The basic priciple of the constant pressure water supply system controlled by Inverter 's Inside PID is introduced together with its characteristics , application and actually effect to the environment test equipment cycle cooling water system .

  7. KM6载人航天器空间环境试验设备

    Space Environment Test Facility for Manned Spacecraft

  8. 作为环境试验设备的(美国)振动台DMA-5B功率放大器,其正常工作是保证检验产品质量的前提和基础。

    DMA-5B amplifies of power is used as equipment of environment test , its normal operation is the premise and base for examining quality of products .

  9. 空气涡轮制冷车&低温环境试验设备

    Air turbine refrigerating machine & a low temperature environment testing equipment

  10. 环境试验设备湿度测量不确定度的分析

    The Analysis of Humidity Measurement Uncertainty in Environmental Testing Equipment

  11. 砂尘环境试验设备中颗粒浓度场的实验研究

    Experimental study on particle concentration in sand and dust equipment

  12. 国内环境试验设备技术状况概述

    Brief Description of Status in Technology of Environmental Test Equipment at Home

  13. 航天器环境试验设备计量测试系统中的电磁干扰及其抑制综述

    The Electromagnetic Interference and Antijamming in the Measure of Spacecraft Environment Testing Instrument

  14. 环境试验设备的状态空间法仿真设计

    Simulation design based on state-space for environment test equipment

  15. 一种柔性环境试验设备现场校准方案

    Flexible Field Calibration Solution of Environmental Test Equipment

  16. 浅议环境试验设备技术条件新标准

    A Look at the New Standard of " Environmental Testing Equipment Technical Conditions "

  17. 气候环境试验设备温度参数数据处理方法的分析与探讨

    Analysis and research on methods of data processing in temperature parameters of climatic environmental testing equipment

  18. 诚徵越南合作夥伴,共同开发越南环境试验设备市场与售后服务。

    Seeking Vietnam business partner to joint-develop the market of environmental testing chambers and post-sale service .

  19. GB/T5170.1-1995电工电子产品环境试验设备基本参数检定方法总则

    Inspection methods for basic parameters of environmental testing equipments for electric and electronic products & General

  20. 本文先对环境试验设备作了简介,对控制中存在的问题进行了说明;

    In this paper , the environmental test device is introduced briefly and the existing problems are showed .

  21. 经销产品主要包括各种模拟环境试验设备、线快速可靠性测试评估系统、导体老化筛选设备、晶热处理设备。

    Our main products are Environmental Chambers , On-line Reliability Evaluation System , Burn-in System and LCD processing Equipment .

  22. 大型空间环境试验设备中的低温技术飞船分离密封板及摆杆机构空间环境试验技术

    Cryonetics in large space simulators the space environmental test techniques for separation sealing device and swinging mechanism of manned spacecraft

  23. 环境试验设备正是模拟各种不同自然环境条件,使得在实验室检验产品应对不同环境的可靠性成为可能。

    The environmental test equipment simulates different environment and natural conditions in the laboratory test products to the reliability for different environment .

  24. 本文用四达公司生产的环境试验设备产品实测数据,讨论相对湿度风速修正与大气压力修正的必要性和计算方法。

    And article discussed the necessity and compute method of wind speed revise and air pressure revise for relative humidity measure data .

  25. 现已发展成为国内环境试验设备领域的龙头企业之一。

    At present , our company has developed into one of the leading companies in the environmental test equipment field around the country .

  26. 本文详细介绍了多变量预测控制算法及其在环境试验设备控制中的应用。

    In this paper , multivariable predictive control algorithm and its application to the control of the environmental test device are introduced particularly .

  27. 对砂尘环境试验设备顶部重力加砂气固两相流的颗粒速度场及浓度场进行了研究。

    The sand particle velocity and concentration of solid-gas two phase flow are studied in the environmental test equipment with gravity applied on top .

  28. 历经市场洗礼和多年的拼搏积淀,林频仪器现已发展成为环境试验设备领域的龙头企业之一。

    Through many years'market competitions and striving efforts , Linpin Instruments now has developed into one of the leading enterprises in the field of environmental test facility .

  29. 东莞市立一试验设备有限公司是一家以高科技为依托,专业从事研发、生产、销售各类环境试验设备的科技生产型企业。

    Dongguan Liyi Test Equipment Co. , Ltd is a high technology supported production-oriented enterprise who specializes in developing , manufacturing , marketing all kinds of environmental equipment .

  30. 通过比例、积分、微分三部分综合控制,以精确调试环境试验设备。本文简要介绍了湿度传感器的工作原理及特点、湿度传感器的校准及其在环境试验设备中使用的优点及局限性;

    It could adjust the environment equipment accurately trough the generate control of proportional integral differential . This paper simply explained the principle and characteristic of hygrometer , calibration of hygrometer .