
  1. 浅谈小学劳动课的实践与探究

    The practice and research in labor course in the elementary school

  2. 浅谈劳动课在我校的发展及其在教育活动中的意义

    On the Significance of Labor Course in the Development and Educational Activities

  3. 劳动课也应是多种教学方法的集中反映。

    The work class should also be the many kinds of teaching method concentrated reflection .

  4. 新中国成立后,劳动课、劳技课被正式列入我国中小学的课程。

    After the foundation of New China , labor courses and craft courses were formally chosen in the curriculum of primary and secondary schools in China .

  5. 学生抽样调查显示:学生在学校中最容易发生安全问题的时间依次为体育课、课外活动、晚自习后、全校集体活动、上实验课或劳动课等。

    The sample survey of students indicates that students at school are most likely to have safety problems in PE Class , in extracurricular activities , after evening study , in collective activities of the whole school , in experiment class or labor class orderly ;

  6. 谈在大学生中开设劳动实践课的必要性

    On the Necessity of Developing Laboring practicing Course for College Students

  7. 大学生劳动教育课实践与探讨

    Practice and Exploration of College Students ' Labour Education Class

  8. 生物学技能在农村中学劳动技术课中的地位

    The Importance of Biological Skill in the Labour Technology Course of Rural Middle Schools

  9. 劳动技术课的教学设计

    Teaching Design Concerning A Lesson in Labour Skills

  10. 在大学生中开设劳动实践课,是高校思想政治工作的一个有益探索和尝试。

    It is beneficial exploration and attempt in political and ideological work to develop laboring practicing course .

  11. 有的教师采用常规的照本宣科的教学方法,也有的教师采用劳动技术课的小手工制作的模式来实施教学。

    Some teachers adopt the conventional teaching method which is to repeat what the book says , and others implement teaching with a handwork pattern which is often adopted in the work-technic training .

  12. 为全面实施素质教育,深化教学改革,劳动技术课应在更新教学观念、明确教学目标、优化课堂教学等方面创新,以培养有创新素质的合格人才。

    In order to actualize quality education roundly and to deepen teaching reforms , labor and technology lessons should innovate in renovating teaching concepts , clear-cutting teaching methods , optimizing teaching lessons , and so on , to cultivate qualified and able people with innovation qualities .